ADO.NET provides consistent access to data sources such as SQL Server and XML, and to data sources exposed through OLE DB and ODBC..
Data-sharing consumer applications can use ADO.NET to connect to these data sources and retrieve, handle, and update the data that they contain.
The ADO.NET classes are found in System.Data.dll, and are integrated with the XML classes found in System.Xml.dll.
ADO 是目前在Windows环境中比较流行的客户端数据库编程技术。ADO是建立在OLE DB底层技术之上的高级编程接口,因而它兼具有强大的数据处理功能(处理各种不同类型的数据源、分布式的数据处理等等)和极其简单、易用的编程接口,因而得到了广泛的应用。而且按微软公司的意图,OLE DB和ADO将逐步取代 ODBC和DAO。