$backupLocation = "D:\SPBACKUP\SiteCols"
$logFile = join-path $backupLocation "log.txt"
cd $backupLocation
function Write-Log($message)
$message = (get-date).ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss") + " - " + $message
$message >> $logFile
$source = @"
using System;
public class HistoryBackup
public DateTime CreatedDate;
public DayOfWeek WeekDay;
public int DaysOld;
public int WeeksOld;
public string FullFileName;
public HistoryBackup(string fileName)
FullFileName = fileName;
int idx = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Match(fileName, @"_\d{12}\.").Index; //xxx_201107272300.bak 3 4, 12
CreatedDate = DateTime.ParseExact(fileName.Substring(idx + 1, 8), "yyyyMMdd", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
WeekDay = CreatedDate.DayOfWeek;
DaysOld = (int) DateTime.Today.Subtract(CreatedDate).TotalDays;
WeeksOld = GetWeekDiff(DateTime.Today, CreatedDate);
private int GetWeekDiff(DateTime today, DateTime adate)
int todayWeekNum = (int) today.DayOfWeek;
DateTime firstDayofThisWeek = today.AddDays(todayWeekNum * -1);
int x = (int) firstDayofThisWeek.Subtract(adate).TotalDays;
if (x <= 0)
return 0;
if (x % 7 > 0)
return (x / 7) + 1;
return x / 7;
public bool Dispose()
if (WeeksOld == 1 && (WeekDay == DayOfWeek.Friday || WeekDay == DayOfWeek.Wednesday))
return false;
return true;
Add-Type -TypeDefinition $source
function BackupSiteCollection($siteCol)
$datePart = (get-date).tostring("yyyyMMddHHmm")
$namePart = $siteCol.Url.ToLower().replace("https://", "").replace("http://", "").replace(":", "-").replace("/", "-").replace(".", "-")
$fileName = $namePart + "_" + $datePart + ".bak"
$fullName = join-path $backupLocation $fileName
$url = $siteCol.Url
Write-Log "Start to backup $url to $fullName"
Backup-SPSite -identity $siteCol.Url -path $fullName -force
Write-Log "Finish backup of $url"
dir | ? { $_.Name -like "$namePart" + "_????????????.bak" -and $_.Name -ne $fileName} |
% {
$hisBackup = new-object HistoryBackup -ArgumentList $_.FullName
$deleted = $hisBackup.Dispose()
if ($deleted)
Write-Log "$_.Name is deleted."
$snapin = Get-PSSnapin | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq 'Microsoft.SharePoint.Powershell'}
if ($snapin -eq $null) {
Write-Host "Loading SharePoint Powershell Snapin"
Add-PSSnapin "Microsoft.SharePoint.Powershell"
get-spsite | % { BackupSiteCollection $_ }