• TZOJ 4712 Double Shortest Paths(最小费用最大流)


    Alice and Bob are walking in an ancient maze with a lot of caves and one-way passages connecting them. They want to go from cave 1 to cave n. All the passages are difficult to pass. Passages are too small for two people to walk through simultaneously, and crossing a passage can make it even more difficult to pass for the next person. We define di as the difficulty of crossing passage i for the first time, and ai as the additional difficulty for the second time (e.g. the second person's difficulty is di+ai).
    Your task is to find two (possibly identical) routes for Alice and Bob, so that their total difficulty is minimized.

    For example, in figure 1, the best solution is 1->2->4 for both Alice and Bob, but in figure 2, it's better to use 1->2->4 for Alice and 1->3->4 for Bob.


    There will be at most 200 test cases. Each case begins with two integers n, m (1<=n<=500, 1<=m<=2000), the number of caves and passages. Each of the following m lines contains four integers u, v, di and ai (1<=u,v<=n, 1<=di<=1000, 0<=ai<=1000). Note that there can be multiple passages connecting the same pair of caves, and even passages connecting a cave and itself.


    For each test case, print the case number and the minimal total difficulty.


    4 4
    1 2 5 1
    2 4 6 0
    1 3 4 0
    3 4 9 1
    4 4
    1 2 5 10
    2 4 6 10
    1 3 4 10
    3 4 9 10


    Case 1: 23
    Case 2: 24









     1 #include<bits/stdc++.h>
     2 using namespace std;
     4 const int N=1e5+5;
     5 const int M=2e5+5;
     6 const int INF=0x3f3f3f3f;
     8 int FIR[N],FROM[M],TO[M],CAP[M],FLOW[M],COST[M],NEXT[M],tote;
     9 int pre[N],dist[N],q[400000];
    10 bool vis[N];
    11 int n,m,S,T;
    12 void init()
    13 {
    14     tote=0;
    15     memset(FIR,-1,sizeof(FIR));
    16 }
    17 void addEdge(int u,int v,int cap,int cost)
    18 {
    19     FROM[tote]=u;
    20     TO[tote]=v;
    21     CAP[tote]=cap;
    22     FLOW[tote]=0;
    23     COST[tote]=cost;
    24     NEXT[tote]=FIR[u];
    25     FIR[u]=tote++;
    27     FROM[tote]=v;
    28     TO[tote]=u;
    29     CAP[tote]=0;
    30     FLOW[tote]=0;
    31     COST[tote]=-cost;
    32     NEXT[tote]=FIR[v];
    33     FIR[v]=tote++;
    34 }
    35 bool SPFA(int s, int t)
    36 {
    37     memset(dist,INF,sizeof(dist));
    38     memset(vis,false,sizeof(vis));
    39     memset(pre,-1,sizeof(pre));
    40     dist[s] = 0;vis[s]=true;q[1]=s;
    41     int head=0,tail=1;
    42     while(head!=tail)
    43     {
    44         int u=q[++head];vis[u]=false;
    45         for(int v=FIR[u];v!=-1;v=NEXT[v])
    46         {
    47             if(dist[TO[v]]>dist[u]+COST[v]&&CAP[v]>FLOW[v])
    48             {
    49                 dist[TO[v]]=dist[u]+COST[v];
    50                 pre[TO[v]]=v;
    51                 if(!vis[TO[v]])
    52                 {
    53                     vis[TO[v]] = true;
    54                     q[++tail]=TO[v];
    55                 }
    56             }
    57         }
    58     }
    59     return pre[t]!=-1;
    60 }
    61 void MCMF(int s, int t, int &cost, int &flow)
    62 {
    63     flow=0;
    64     cost=0;
    65     while(SPFA(s,t))
    66     {
    67         int Min = INF;
    68         for(int v=pre[t];v!=-1;v=pre[TO[v^1]])
    69             Min = min(Min, CAP[v]-FLOW[v]);
    70         for(int v=pre[t];v!=-1;v=pre[TO[v^1]])
    71         {
    72             FLOW[v]+=Min;
    73             FLOW[v^1]-=Min;
    74             cost+=COST[v]*Min;
    75         }
    76         flow+=Min;
    77     }
    78 }
    79 int main()
    80 {
    81     int ca=0;
    82     while(scanf("%d%d",&n,&m)!= EOF)
    83     {
    84         init();
    85         for(int i=0,u,v,d,a;i<m;i++)
    86         {
    87             scanf("%d%d%d%d",&u,&v,&d,&a);
    88             addEdge(u,v,1,d);
    89             addEdge(u,v,1,d+a);
    90         }
    91         S=0,T=n+1;
    92         addEdge(S,1,2,0);
    93         addEdge(n,T,2,0);
    94         int cost,flow;
    95         MCMF(S,T,cost,flow);
    96         printf("Case %d: %d
    97     }
    98     return 0;
    99 }
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/taozi1115402474/p/9539034.html
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