Friday, August 06, 2010
Aptana Studio 2
The world's leading IDE for building open web applications
Why are Web developers world-wide choosing Aptana Studio? They've discovered that Aptana Studio offers unprecedented support for web app development combined with today's popular Web platforms. Download Studio as standalone tool or plug it into Eclipse to see for yourself. It's your choice.
Core Features
HTML, CSS, and JavaScript Code Assist
Code Assist helps you author HTML, CSS and JavaScript code more quickly. It supports all HTML elements and properties and generates suggestions and hints for CSS. Includes support for custom objects as you create them.
JavaScript Debugging
Debug! Studio integrates with Firebug for Firefox and Internet Explorer, offering multiple debugging options including breakpoints, stepping through code, DOM inspection, and more.
JavaScript Libraries
Support for popular JavaScript libraries and frameworks such as jQuery, prototype, scriptaculous, Ext JS and more. For each you get code assist, importable sample projects, and doc links at your fingertips.
DOM Outline View
View and navigate the DOM in this hierarchical outline of your HTML page. Select nodes to jump to that location in the editor. Filter nodes to see collections that match patterns.
刚刚下载安装下了,发现新建的文件在WIN 系统下保存不了,发现缺少GBK的格式。
Aptana作为一款新兴的,简单易用的JavaScript调试工具,目前尚有一些小问题。某日在学校用DW写好的html带回家,用Aptana打开,中文全部变成小格子- -!经过多方寻求,仍然没找到答案。网上的帖子,普遍是教你把Window->Preferences->ContentTypes->Text的DefaultEncoding改为UTF-8,然后UPDATE一下。这样做只是保证你新建的文件和编码没有问题,但不能解决打开文件时是乱码的问题。如果把DefaultEncoding改为GBK,GB2312等,按说可以正常打开文件了,可是偏偏此软件不支持此编码,报错
Character encoding GBK is not supported by this platform