• (转)Hive Cli

    = hive启动  =
    *$ hive –f script.q
    *$ hive -e 'SELECT * FROM dummy‘
    *$ hive -S -e 'SELECT * FROM dummy‘
    *$ hive -hiveconf hive.root.logger=DEBUG,console

    = set  =
    *hive> SET hive.enforce.bucketing=true;  //设置值
    *hive> SET hive.enforce.bucketing;  // 显示值
    *hive> set -v;  //显示所有的值,包括hadoop的。
    *hive> set; //显示跟基本的hadoop不同的配置,原理就是比对当前的所有选项与基本的配置是否不同,如修改过,已经不同了就打印该值。

    = dfs 命令 =
    dfs 命令可以执行 Shell 环境下的 hadoop fs 的所有命令
    列出 HDFS 上的文件:
    hive> dfs -ls /user/hive;

    = add  =
    *ADD { FILE[S] | JAR[S] | ARCHIVE[S] } <filepath1> [<filepath2>]* 
    *hive> add jar /tmp/a.jar; 
    *hive> add jar /tmp/a.jar /tmp/b.jar;

    = delete  =
    *DELETE { FILE[S] | JAR[S] | ARCHIVE[S] } [<filepath1> <filepath2> ..]

    = list  =
    *LIST { FILE[S] | JAR[S] | ARCHIVE[S] } [<filepath1> <filepath2> ..] 
    *hive> list jar;
    *hive> list jars;

    = show  =
    *hive> show functions;
    *hive> show tables;
    *hive> show tables '*tianzhao*';
    *hive> show partition tablename;
    *hive> show table extended like table_with_partitions partition(ds=101);

    = desc  =
    *hive> desc/describe function length;
    *hive> desc/describe tablename;
    *hive> desc/describe extended tablename;  //显示表的信息
    *hive> desc/describe extended tablename partition(ds=1); //显示partition的信息
    *hive> desc/describe formatted tablename;  //显示表的信息,跟extended相比,显示更友好

    = source  =
    *hive> source /home/username/sql/test.sql;

    = !  =
    *hive> !ls;  //ls当前目录

    = quit  =
    hive> quit; 或者  hive> exit;

    = hiveserver  =
    * $hive --service hiveserver
    * $hive --service help
    Usage ./hive <parameters> --service serviceName <service parameters>
    Service List: cli help hiveserver hwi jar lineage metastore rcfilecat start-hive stop-hive 
    Parameters parsed:
      --auxpath : Auxillary jars 
      --config : Hive configuration directory
      --service : Starts specific service/component. cli is default
    Parameters used:
      HADOOP_HOME : Hadoop install directory
      HIVE_OPT : Hive options
    For help on a particular service:
      ./hive --service serviceName --help

    *$hive --service start-hive
    Starting Hive Thrift Server in Daemon Mode
    starting jar, logging to /home/tianzhao/hive/hadoop-0.19.1/bin/../logs/hadoop-tianzhao-jar-ubuntu.out
    *$hive --service stop-hive
    Stopping Hive Thrift Server in Daemon Mode
    stopping jar

    [http://wiki.apache.org/hadoop/Hive/LanguageManual/Cli 官方的配置Wiki]

    alter table s_spu set TBLPROPERTIES ('EXTERNAL'='TRUE');  //内部表转外部表

    set hive.auto.convert.join=true;
    set hive.exec.mode.local.auto=true;
    set hive.mapred.local.mem = 200;
    set hive.groupby.skewindata=true;

    alter serde
    hive> create table delim(key string, value string);
    hive> load data local inpath '/home/tianzhao/Documents/delim' into table delim;
    hive> select * from delim;
    a,b NULL
    c,d NULL
    e,f NULL
    hive> ALTER TABLE delim SET SERDEPROPERTIES ('field.delim' = ',');
    a b
    c d
    e f

    ALTER TABLE page_view DROP PARTITION (dt='2008-08-08', country='us');
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/tangtianfly/p/2751815.html
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