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    阅读的所有论文摘要皆出自于 计算机研究与发展 网站

    Abstract: A major open problem is / to protect leveled homomorphic encryption from adaptive attacks / that allow an adversary to learn the private key.

    英[ˈædvəsəri] 美[ˈædvərseri]
    n. (辩论、战斗中的) 敌手,对手;

    摘要: 由于攻击者可以通过自适应攻击的方式获得私钥,因此目前一个重要的公开问题是如何保护层级全同态加密(fully homomorphic encryption, FHE)免受自适应攻击.

    In order to achieve the goal of preventing key recovery attacks / on fully homomorphic encryption (FHE), Li Zengpeng et al (PROVSEC’16) proposed / an multiple secret keys fully homomorphic encryption scheme under the learning with errors (LWE) assumption to prevent key recovery attacks on FHE, which did not use the notion of “valid ciphertexts” of Loftus et al (SAC’11).

    adj. 异质同晶的,同态(形)的;

    在该问题的研究中,为实现抵抗自适应密钥恢复攻击的目标,近来,李增鹏等人(PROVSEC’16)在容错学习(learning with errors, LWE)假设下,提出了一个多私钥的全同态加密方案,该方案并不依赖于Loftus等人(SAC’11)利用的“有效密文”概念.

    However, utilizing the information of noise, the attacks can still recover the information of the secret key.


    Li Zengpeng et al.’s scheme / cannot provide an efficient method to protect the secret key. In this paper, Inspired by the work of Li Zengpeng et al (EPRINT’16), we first give a new method of key recovery attacks to Li Zengpeng et al.’s scheme; then, we propose a new FHE scheme with multiple secret keys which differs from EPRINT’16, and prove our new scheme against key recovery attacks.


    Our main idea is to adopt the dual version of encryption algorithm and generate a “one-time” secret key every time, so that even if an attacker can learn some bits of the one-time private key from each decryption query and cannot obtain some bits of noise, the scheme still does not allow them to compute a valid private key.


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/tanghm/p/12863228.html
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