• mysql: query

    USE fitbit_new;
    insert into product (product_id, code, name, color, class, msrp) values
    (5, 'np1', 'new product 1', 'PINK','EVERYDAY', 49),
    (6, 'np2', 'new product 2', 'PINK','EVERYDAY', 29),
    (7, 'np3', 'new product 3', 'RED','ACTIVE', 99);
    INSERT INTO sales
    (tran_id, date, product_id, client_id, price, quantity) 
    VALUES ('10', '2016-08-10', '1', '1', '500', '100');
    select * from product;
    select * from client;
     *       Query       *
    -- list all product name in the product table;
    select name
    from product;
    -- practice: list all color in the product table;
    -- show me all the distinct status in shipping table
    select distinct status
    from shipping;
    -- practice: show me all the distinct type in client table
     * conditional query *
    -- list all sales with product_id=2;
    select *
    from sales
    where product_id=2;
    -- what's the msrp of Flex and Blaze, respectively;
    select name, msrp
    from product
    where name='Flex' or  name = 'Blaze';
    -- practice: what's the client type of Amazon;
    -- find trans_id which occured after 06/08/2016
    select *
    from sales
    where date > '2016-06-08';
    -- find trans_id which occured between 06/01/2016 and 06/08/2016
    -- practice: find trans_id which occured before after 06/20/2016
    -- find product names which color is black and msrp is 99.95
    -- find product names which color is black or msrp is 99.95
    --  practice: find product names which color is Green or msrp is 249.95
    -- find product names which msrp is 99.95 or 199.95
    --  practice: find product names which color is Green or Black use in function
     *        like       *
    -- find product code start with E;
    -- /* % can substitue one or more characters */
    select * from product where code like 'E%';
    -- find product code end with Z;
    -- find product code contains B;
    -- practice: find product name start with F;
    -- practice: find all product name not containing "product";
    -- find product name with 4 characters;
    -- /* _ can substitue single character */
    select * from product where length(name) = 4;
     *        As         *
    -- Calculated columns
    select *, msrp*0.9 as adjusted_msrp from product;


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/tabCtrlShift/p/9234934.html
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