• 俄罗斯方块


    修改处:添加了 开始 和 设置 选项(但那里面没有加任何其它东西)


      1 # _*_ coding:utf-8 _*_
      2 '''
      3 Created on 2017年7月30日上午11:16:44
      5 @author: xiaolin
      7 relief=RAISED
      8 sticky=N+E+S+W
      9 '''
     10 from tkinter import *
     11 import random
     12 import time
     13 # from tkMessageBox import *
     15 # 俄罗斯方块界面的高度
     16 HEIGHT = 20
     18 # 俄罗斯方块界面的宽度
     19 WIDTH = 10
     21 ACTIVE = 1
     22 PASSIVE = 0
     23 TRUE = 1
     24 FALSE = 0
     26 style = [
     27     [[(0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 1), (2, 1)], [(1, 0), (1, 1), (1, 2), (0, 2)], [(0, 1), (1, 1), (2, 1), (2, 2)],
     28      [(1, 0), (2, 0), (1, 1), (1, 2)]],  # j
     29     [[(1, 0), (1, 1), (1, 2), (2, 1)], [(1, 0), (0, 1), (1, 1), (2, 1)], [(1, 0), (1, 1), (1, 2), (0, 1)],
     30      [(0, 1), (1, 1), (2, 1), (1, 2)]],  # T
     31     [[(0, 1), (1, 1), (2, 1), (2, 0)], [(0, 0), (1, 0), (1, 1), (1, 2)], [(0, 1), (1, 1), (2, 1), (0, 2)],
     32      [(1, 0), (1, 1), (1, 2), (2, 2)]],  # 反L
     33     [[(0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 1), (1, 2)], [(2, 1), (1, 1), (1, 2), (0, 2)], [(0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 1), (1, 2)],
     34      [(2, 1), (1, 1), (1, 2), (0, 2)]],  # Z
     35     [[(1, 0), (1, 1), (0, 1), (0, 2)], [(0, 1), (1, 1), (1, 2), (2, 2)], [(1, 0), (1, 1), (0, 1), (0, 2)],
     36      [(0, 1), (1, 1), (1, 2), (2, 2)]],  # 反Z
     37     [[(0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 1), (1, 0)], [(0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 1), (1, 0)], [(0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 1), (1, 0)],
     38      [(0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 1), (1, 0)]],  #
     39     [[(1, 0), (1, 1), (1, 2), (1, 3)], [(0, 1), (1, 1), (2, 1), (3, 1)], [(1, 0), (1, 1), (1, 2), (1, 3)],
     40      [(0, 1), (1, 1), (2, 1), (3, 1)]]  # 长条
     41 ]
     43 root = Tk();
     44 root.title('俄罗斯方块')
     47 class App(Frame):
     48     def __init__(self, master):
     49         Frame.__init__(self)
     50         master.bind('<Up>', self.Up)
     51         master.bind('<Left>', self.Left)
     52         master.bind('<Right>', self.Right)
     53         master.bind('<Down>', self.Down)
     55         master.bind('<space>', self.Space)
     56         master.bind('<Control-Shift-Key-F12>', self.Play)
     57         master.bind('<Key-P>', self.Pause)
     58         master.bind('<Key-S>', self.StartByS)
     60         # rgb颜色值
     61         self.backg = "#%02x%02x%02x" % (120, 150, 30)  # 大背景
     62         self.frontg = "#%02x%02x%02x" % (40, 120, 150)  # 下一个形状颜色
     63         self.nextg = "#%02x%02x%02x" % (150, 100, 100)  # 小背景
     64         self.flashg = "#%02x%02x%02x" % (210, 130, 100)  # 炸的颜色
     66         self.LineDisplay = Label(master, text='Lines: ', bg='black', fg='red')
     67         self.Line = Label(master, text='0', bg='black', fg='red')
     68         self.ScoreDisplay = Label(master, text='Score: ', bg='black', fg='red')
     69         self.Score = Label(master, text='0', bg='black', fg='red')
     70         self.SpendTimeDisplay = Label(master, text='Time: ', bg='black', fg='red')
     71         self.SpendTime = Label(master, text='0.0', bg='black', fg='red')
     73         self.LineDisplay.grid(row=HEIGHT - 2, column=WIDTH, columnspan=2)
     74         self.Line.grid(row=HEIGHT - 2, column=WIDTH + 2, columnspan=3)
     75         self.ScoreDisplay.grid(row=HEIGHT - 1, column=WIDTH, columnspan=2)
     76         self.Score.grid(row=HEIGHT - 1, column=WIDTH + 2, columnspan=3)
     77         self.SpendTimeDisplay.grid(row=HEIGHT - 4, column=WIDTH, columnspan=2)
     78         self.SpendTime.grid(row=HEIGHT - 4, column=WIDTH + 2, columnspan=3)
     80         self.TotalTime = 0.0
     81         self.TotalLine = 0
     82         self.TotalScore = 0
     84         # 游戏结束
     85         self.isgameover = FALSE
     86         # 暂停
     87         self.isPause = FALSE
     88         # 开始
     89         self.isStart = FALSE
     90         self.NextList = []  # 整个小背景
     91         self.NextRowList = []  # 一行小背景
     93         self.px = 0
     94         self.py = 0  # 记录方块参考点
     96         # 渲染小背景
     97         r = 0;
     98         c = 0
     99         for k in range(4 * 4):
    100             LN = Label(master, text='    ', bg=str(self.nextg), fg='white', relief=FLAT, bd=3)
    101             LN.grid(row=r, column=WIDTH + c, sticky=N + E + S + W)
    102             self.NextRowList.append(LN)
    103             c = c + 1
    104             if c >= 4:
    105                 r = r + 1;
    106                 c = 0
    107                 self.NextList.append(self.NextRowList)
    108                 self.NextRowList = []
    110         # 渲染大背景
    111         self.BlockList = []
    112         self.BlockRowList = []
    113         self.LabelList = []
    114         self.LabelRowList = []
    115         row = 0;
    116         col = 0
    117         for i in range(HEIGHT * WIDTH):
    118             L = Label(master, text='    ', bg=str(self.backg), fg='white', relief=FLAT, bd=4)
    119             L.grid(row=row, column=col, sticky=N + E + S + W)
    120             L.row = row;
    121             L.col = col;
    122             L.isactive = PASSIVE
    123             self.BlockRowList.append(0);  # 大背景每个格子初始化为0值
    124             self.LabelRowList.append(L)
    125             col = col + 1
    126             if col >= WIDTH:
    127                 row = row + 1;
    128                 col = 0
    129                 self.BlockList.append(self.BlockRowList)
    130                 self.LabelList.append(self.LabelRowList)
    131                 self.BlockRowList = []
    132                 self.LabelRowList = []
    134         # file
    135         fw = open('text.txt', 'a')
    136         fw.close()
    137         hasHead = FALSE
    138         f = open('text.txt', 'r')
    139         if f.read(5) == 'score':
    140             hasHead = TRUE
    141         f.close()
    142         self.file = open('text.txt', 'a')
    143         if hasHead == FALSE:
    144             self.file.write('score    line    time    scorePtime    linePtime    scorePline    date/n')
    145             self.file.flush()
    147         self.time = 1000
    148         self.OnTimer()
    150     def __del__(self):
    151         # self.file.close()
    152         pass
    154     def Pause(self, event):
    155         self.isPause = 1 - self.isPause
    157     def Up(self, event):
    158         BL = self.BlockList  # 格子的值
    159         LL = self.LabelList  # 格子Label
    161         Moveable = TRUE  # 是否可旋转
    163         # 代码编写开始
    164         nowStyle = style[self.xnow][(self.ynow)]
    165         newStyle = style[self.xnow][(self.ynow + 1) % 4]  # 算出下一俄罗斯方块
    166         self.ynow = (self.ynow + 1) % 4  # 此行代码非常重要,否则响应UP时,只能变第一次
    168         print("nowStyle:" + str(nowStyle) + "=====>>newStyle:" + str(newStyle))
    170         # 根据现有形状中每个label的坐标计算出旋转后目标坐标(x,y)
    171         SourceList = [];
    172         DestList = []
    174         for i in range(4):
    175             SourceList.append([nowStyle[i][0] + self.px, nowStyle[i][1] + self.py])
    176             x = newStyle[i][0] + self.px
    177             y = newStyle[i][1] + self.py
    178             DestList.append([x, y])
    180             if x < 0 or x >= HEIGHT or y < 0 or y >= WIDTH:  # or BL[x][y]==1 or LL[x][y].isactive==PASSIVE
    181                 Moveable = FALSE
    183         if Moveable == TRUE:
    184             for i in range(len(SourceList)):
    185                 self.Empty(SourceList[i][0], SourceList[i][1])
    186             for i in range(len(DestList)):
    187                 self.Fill(DestList[i][0], DestList[i][1])
    189     def Left(self, event):
    190         BL = self.BlockList;
    191         LL = self.LabelList
    192         Moveable = TRUE
    193         for i in range(HEIGHT):
    194             for j in range(WIDTH):
    195                 if LL[i][j].isactive == ACTIVE and j - 1 < 0: Moveable = FALSE
    196                 if LL[i][j].isactive == ACTIVE and j - 1 >= 0 and BL[i][j - 1] == 1 and LL[i][
    197                     j - 1].isactive == PASSIVE: Moveable = FALSE
    198         if Moveable == TRUE:
    199             self.py -= 1
    200             for i in range(HEIGHT):
    201                 for j in range(WIDTH):
    202                     if j - 1 >= 0 and LL[i][j].isactive == ACTIVE and BL[i][j - 1] == 0:
    203                         self.Fill(i, j - 1);
    204                         self.Empty(i, j)
    206     def Right(self, event):
    207         BL = self.BlockList;
    208         LL = self.LabelList
    209         Moveable = TRUE
    210         for i in range(HEIGHT):
    211             for j in range(WIDTH):
    212                 if LL[i][j].isactive == ACTIVE and j + 1 >= WIDTH: Moveable = FALSE
    213                 if LL[i][j].isactive == ACTIVE and j + 1 < WIDTH and BL[i][j + 1] == 1 and LL[i][
    214                     j + 1].isactive == PASSIVE: Moveable = FALSE
    215         if Moveable == TRUE:
    216             self.py += 1
    217             for i in range(HEIGHT - 1, -1, -1):
    218                 for j in range(WIDTH - 1, -1, -1):
    219                     if j + 1 < WIDTH and LL[i][j].isactive == ACTIVE and BL[i][j + 1] == 0:
    220                         self.Fill(i, j + 1);
    221                         self.Empty(i, j)
    223     def Down(self, event):
    224         BL = self.BlockList;
    225         LL = self.LabelList
    226         Moveable = TRUE
    227         for i in range(HEIGHT):
    228             for j in range(WIDTH):
    229                 if LL[i][j].isactive == ACTIVE and i + 1 >= HEIGHT: Moveable = FALSE
    230                 if LL[i][j].isactive == ACTIVE and i + 1 < HEIGHT and BL[i + 1][j] == 1 and LL[i + 1][
    231                     j].isactive == PASSIVE: Moveable = FALSE
    232         if Moveable == TRUE and self.isStart:
    233             self.px += 1
    234             for i in range(HEIGHT - 1, -1, -1):
    235                 for j in range(WIDTH - 1, -1, -1):
    236                     if i + 1 < HEIGHT and LL[i][j].isactive == ACTIVE and BL[i + 1][j] == 0:
    237                         self.Fill(i + 1, j);
    238                         self.Empty(i, j);
    239         if Moveable == FALSE:
    240             for i in range(HEIGHT):
    241                 for j in range(WIDTH):
    242                     LL[i][j].isactive = PASSIVE
    243             self.JudgeLineFill()
    244             self.Start()
    245             if self.isgameover == TRUE: showinfo('T_T', 'The game is over!');self.Distroy();return FALSE
    246             for i in range(4):
    247                 for j in range(4):
    248                     self.NextEmpty(i, j)
    249             self.Rnd()
    250         return Moveable
    252     def Space(self, event):
    253         while 1:
    254             if self.Down(0) == FALSE: break
    256     def OnTimer(self):
    257         if self.isStart == TRUE and self.isPause == FALSE:
    258             self.TotalTime = self.TotalTime + float(self.time) / 1000
    259             self.SpendTime.config(text=str(self.TotalTime))
    261         if self.isPause == FALSE:
    262             self.Down(0)
    263         if self.TotalScore >= 1000: self.time = 900
    264         if self.TotalScore >= 2000: self.time = 750
    265         if self.TotalScore >= 3000: self.time = 600
    266         if self.TotalScore >= 4000: self.time = 400
    267         self.after(self.time, self.OnTimer)  # 随着分数增大,俄罗斯方块下降速度加快
    269     def JudgeLineFill(self):
    270         BL = self.BlockList;
    271         LL = self.LabelList
    272         count = 0;
    273         LineList = []
    274         for i in range(WIDTH): LineList.append(1)
    275         # display flash
    276         for i in range(HEIGHT):
    277             if BL[i] == LineList:
    278                 count = count + 1
    279                 for k in range(WIDTH):
    280                     LL[i][k].config(bg=str(self.flashg))
    281                     LL[i][k].update()
    282         if count != 0: self.after(100)
    283         # delete block
    284         for i in range(HEIGHT):
    285             if BL[i] == LineList:
    286                 # count=count+1
    287                 for j in range(i, 0, -1):
    288                     for k in range(WIDTH):
    289                         BL[j][k] = BL[j - 1][k]
    290                         LL[j][k]['relief'] = LL[j - 1][k].cget('relief')
    291                         LL[j][k]['bg'] = LL[j - 1][k].cget('bg')
    292                 for l in range(WIDTH):
    293                     BL[0][l] = 0
    294                     LL[0][l].config(relief=FLAT, bg=str(self.backg))
    295         self.TotalLine = self.TotalLine + count
    296         if count == 1: self.TotalScore = self.TotalScore + 1 * WIDTH
    297         if count == 2: self.TotalScore = self.TotalScore + 3 * WIDTH
    298         if count == 3: self.TotalScore = self.TotalScore + 6 * WIDTH
    299         if count == 4: self.TotalScore = self.TotalScore + 10 * WIDTH
    300         self.Line.config(text=str(self.TotalLine))
    301         self.Score.config(text=str(self.TotalScore))
    303     def Fill(self, i, j):
    304         if j < 0: return
    305         if self.BlockList[i][j] == 1: self.isgameover = TRUE
    306         self.BlockList[i][j] = 1
    307         self.LabelList[i][j].isactive = ACTIVE
    308         self.LabelList[i][j].config(relief=RAISED, bg=str(self.frontg))
    310     def Empty(self, i, j):
    311         self.BlockList[i][j] = 0
    312         self.LabelList[i][j].isactive = PASSIVE
    313         self.LabelList[i][j].config(relief=FLAT, bg=str(self.backg))
    315     def Play(self, event):
    316         showinfo('Made in China', '^_^')
    318     def NextFill(self, i, j):
    319         self.NextList[i][j].config(relief=RAISED, bg=str(self.frontg))
    321     def NextEmpty(self, i, j):
    322         self.NextList[i][j].config(relief=FLAT, bg=str(self.nextg))
    324     def Distroy(self):
    325         # save
    326         if self.TotalScore != 0:
    327             # cehkongfu
    328             savestr = '%-9u%-8u%-8.2f%-14.2f%-13.2f%-14.2f%s/n' % (
    329                 self.TotalScore, self.TotalLine, self.TotalTime
    330                 , self.TotalScore / self.TotalTime
    331                 , self.TotalLine / self.TotalTime
    332                 , float(self.TotalScore) / self.TotalLine
    333                 , time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', time.localtime()))
    334             self.file.seek(0, 2)
    335             self.file.write(savestr)
    336             self.file.flush()
    338         for i in range(HEIGHT):
    339             for j in range(WIDTH):
    340                 self.Empty(i, j)
    341         self.TotalLine = 0;
    342         self.TotalScore = 0;
    343         self.TotalTime = 0.0
    344         self.Line.config(text=str(self.TotalLine))
    345         self.Score.config(text=str(self.TotalScore))
    346         self.SpendTime.config(text=str(self.TotalTime))
    347         self.isgameover = FALSE
    348         self.isStart = FALSE
    349         self.time = 1000
    350         for i in range(4):
    351             for j in range(4):
    352                 self.NextEmpty(i, j)
    354     # 游戏开始方块
    355     def Start(self):
    356         nextStyle = style[self.x][self.y]  # 下一形状
    357         self.xnow = self.x
    358         self.ynow = self.y  # 记录大背景中的方块
    359         self.py = random.randint(0, 6)
    360         print("给py赋任意值:" + str(self.py))
    361         self.px = 0
    362         for ii in range(4):
    363             self.Fill(int(nextStyle[ii][0]), int(nextStyle[ii][1]) + self.py)
    364         self.isStart = TRUE  # 游戏开始
    366     # 预处理方块
    367     def Rnd(self):
    368         self.x = random.randint(0, 6)
    369         self.y = random.randint(0, 3)
    370         nextStyle = style[self.x][self.y]  # 下一形状
    371         for ii in range(4):
    372             self.NextFill(int(nextStyle[ii][0]), int(nextStyle[ii][1]))
    374     # 游戏开始给出一次任意形状的方块
    375     def RndFirst(self):
    376         self.x = random.randint(0, 6)  # 选择第一个方块style
    377         self.y = random.randint(0, 3)
    379     def Show(self):
    380         self.file.seek(0)
    381         strHeadLine = self.file.readline()
    382         dictLine = {}
    383         strTotalLine = ''
    384         for OneLine in self.file.readlines():
    385             temp = int(OneLine[:5])
    386             dictLine[temp] = OneLine
    388         list = sorted(dictLine.items(), key=lambda d: d[0])
    389         ii = 0
    390         for onerecord in reversed(list):
    391             ii = ii + 1
    392             if ii < 11:
    393                 strTotalLine += onerecord[1]
    394         showinfo('Ranking', strHeadLine + strTotalLine)
    396     def StartByS(self, event):
    397         self.RndFirst()
    398         self.Start()
    399         self.Rnd()
    402 def Start():
    403     app.RndFirst()
    404     app.Start()
    405     app.Rnd()
    408 def End():
    409     app.Distroy()
    412 def Set():
    413     print("设置功能待完善...")
    416 def Show():
    417     app.Show()
    420 # 主菜单
    421 mainmenu = Menu(root)
    422 root['menu'] = mainmenu
    424 # 二级菜单:game
    425 gamemenu = Menu(mainmenu)
    426 mainmenu.add_cascade(label='游戏', menu=gamemenu)
    427 gamemenu.add_command(label='开始', command=Start)
    428 gamemenu.add_command(label='结束', command=End)
    429 gamemenu.add_separator()
    430 gamemenu.add_command(label='退出', command=root.quit)
    432 # 二级菜单:set
    433 setmenu = Menu(mainmenu)
    434 mainmenu.add_cascade(label='设置', menu=setmenu)
    435 setmenu.add_command(label='设置', command=Set)
    437 # 二级菜单:show
    438 showmenu = Menu(mainmenu)
    439 mainmenu.add_cascade(label='展示', menu=showmenu)
    440 showmenu.add_command(label='展示', command=Show)
    442 # 绑定功能
    444 app = App(root)
    445 # 程序入口
    446 root.mainloop()


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/sztsao/p/14032447.html
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