• SCI写作的20例常见错误集锦



    错误解析:当缩写词的首字母的发音为五个元音字母“a, e, i ,o ,u”当中的任何一个时,应该插入不定冠词“an”。

    例1:Direct measurements of each tissue were obtained using a MRI image.

    正确写法:Direct measurements of each tissue were obtained using an MRI image.

    例2:Should we use gloves while examining a HIV patient?

    正确写法:Should we use gloves while examining an HIV patient?



    例1:The region of interest was set such that it included aorta.

    正确写法:The region of interest was set such that it included the aorta.

    例2:In this study, we performed MRIs for investigating the congenital deformities ofuterus.

    正确写法:In this study, we performed MRIs for investigating the congenital deformities of the uterus.

    需要注意的是,如果句子中连续有多个描述人身体部位和结构的名词,那么只需要在第一个名词前加the即可。如:We performed MRIs for investigating the congenital deformities ofthe uterus, ovaries, and fallopian tubes.


     错误解析:在包含字母的名词“drug A”以及包含数字的名词“Group I”和“Group II”前不能加定冠词“the”。同时,在包含数字的名词“day 3”前也不能加定冠词“the”

    例1:Left ventricular function after receiving the drug A was significantly greater inthe Group I than in the Group II.

    正确写法:Left ventricular function after receiving drug A was significantly greater inGroup I than in Group II.

    例2:Liquid diet was started from the day 3 after surgery.

    正确写法:Liquid diet was started from day 3 after surgery.



    例1:The baseline characteristics of all the subjects were summarized in Table 1.

    正确写法:The baseline characteristics of all the subjects are summarized in Table 1.

    例2:Figure 4-a showed the relationship between age and incidence of dementia.

    正确写法:Figure 4-a shows the relationship between age and incidence of dementia.




    例1:Fifty milligrams of the pulverized crude drug were mixed with 100 mL of the solvent.

    正确写法:Fifty milligrams of the pulverized crude drug was mixed with 100 mL of the solvent.

    例2:Twenty milliliters of blood were drawn from the affected and unaffected (control) individuals.

    正确写法:Twenty milliliters of blood was drawn from the affected and unaffected (control) individuals.



    例1:Dear Dr. Thomson,

    正确写法:Dear Dr.Thomson:

    例2:Dear Editor,

    正确写法:Dear Editor:

    常见错误7:使用not only…but also时在but also前插入“,”。

    错误解析:在关联连词(如not only…but also,either…or,neither…nor和both…and)成对出现在一个句子中时,不能插入“,”。

    例:We observed that poor drug efficiency was due to not only lack of absorption, but also increased clearance.

    正确写法:We observed that poor drug efficiency was due to not only lack of absorption but also increased clearance.

    常见错误8:当被比较的两个事物没有被比较级形容词分开时使用短语“than that”。

     错误解析:例句中被比较的“males”和“females”中间没有被比较级形容词“greater”隔开,因此不能使用“than that”,直接用“than”即可

    例1:The mean hemoglobin concentration was greater in males than that in females.

    正确写法:The mean hemoglobin concentration was greater in males than in females. 或者The mean hemoglobin concentration in males was greater than that in females.

    例2:The survival rates were significantly higher in the treated group than those in the untreated group.

    正确写法:The survival rates were significantly higher in the treated group than in the untreated group. 或者 The survival rates in the treated group were significantlyhigher than those in the untreated group.

    常见错误9:在句子中使用“patient was diagnosed as”。


    例1:The patient was diagnosed as malignant hypertension and diabetes after a battery of tests.

    正确写法:The patient was diagnosed with malignant hypertension and diabetes after a battery of tests. 或者 Malignant hypertension and diabetes were diagnosed in the patient after a battery of tests.

    例2:The surgical repair for patients diagnosed as inguinal hernia was scheduled irrespective of their age or body weight.

    正确写法:The surgical repair for patients diagnosed with inguinal hernia was scheduled irrespective of their age or body weight.



    例1:We attempted to clarify the impact of the discussion and explanation by analyzing the attitude of each of the 25 cases with depression.

    正确写法:We attempted to clarify the impact of the discussion and explanation by analyzing the attitude of each of the 25 patients with depression.

    例2:We report a patient of cervical cancer.

    正确写法:We report a case of cervical cancer that.



    例1:Standard heparin was administrated daily by continuous intravenous infusion to maintain a stable clotting time.

    正确写法:Standard heparin was administered daily by continuous intravenous infusion to maintain a stable clotting time.

    例2:This drug is administrated intravenously at adosage of 5 mg/day for 4-5 consecutive days.

    正确写法:This drug is administered intravenously at a dosage of 5 mg/day for 4-5 consecutive days.



    例1:24 patients were assigned to receive radiotherapy and 30 to receive a combination of radio- and chemotherapy.

    正确写法:Twenty-four patients were assigned to receive radiotherapy and 30 to receive a combination of radio- and chemotherapy.或者 A total of 24 and 30 patients were assigned to receive radiotherapy and a combination of radio- and chemotherapy, respectively.

    例2:60% of the enrolled subjects continued their participation until the end of the study.

    正确写法:Sixty percent of the enrolled subjects continued their participation until the end of the study.



    例1:We classified sleep events into 26 sleep attacks, four sleep episodes, andtwenty-three sleep events not other wise classified.

    正确写法:We classified sleep events into 26 sleep attacks, 4 sleep episodes, and 23sleep events not other wise classified.

    例2:The sample group consisted of nine teenagers, six middle-aged members, and 8senior citizens.

    正确写法:The sample group consisted of 9 teenagers, 6 middle-aged members, and8 senior citizens.



    例1:The body weight of the Beagles ranged between 5kg and 10kg;their average body weight was 7.5kg.

    正确写法:The body weight of the Beagles ranged between 5 kg and 10 kg;their average body weight was 7.5 kg.

    例2:Of the 91 participants (average age 60±5 years),51 and 40 were divided into 2 groups based on their response to the drug.

    正确写法:Of the 91 participants (average age 60 ± 5 years), 51 and 40 were divided into 2 groups based on their response to the drug.



    例1:To exclude such a possibility, oxygen saturations were measured every 30 minover a period of 4 hours.

    正确写法:To exclude such a possibility, oxygen saturations were measured every 30 min over a period of 4 h.

    例2:Two mL of this solution was added to the mixture.

    正确写法:Two milliliters of this solution was added to themixture.



    例1:The patient was administered 70 mg/m2/h cisplatin.

    正确写法:The patient was administered 70 mg· m-2·h-1 cisplatin. 或者 The patient was administered 70 mg/(m2·h) cisplatin.

    例2:Constant air flow at 45 mL/min/L was provided from the bottom of the fermenter.

    正确写法:Constant air flow at 45mL·min-1·L-1was provided from the bottom of the fermenter. 或者Constant air flow at 45 mL/(min·L) was provided from the bottom of the fermenter.




    例1:The range of annual incidence rates of URTI was 0.4-1.9%.

    正确写法:The range of annual incidence rates of URTI was 0.4%-1.9%. 

    例2:Approximately 60.0, 14.3, and16.7% patients in Groups A, B, and C, respectively, showed significant improvement.

    正确写法:Approximately 60.0%, 14.3%,and 16.7% patients in Groups A, B, and C, respectively, showed significant improvement.


    例1:The equation for estimating this value is A = 3.56 x10-2 γ [a + b].

    正确写法:The equation for estimating this value is A = 3.56 × 10-2 γ [a + b].

    例2:The resected liver mass measured 1 x 1 x 0.15mm.

    正确写法:The resected liver mass measured 1 × 1 × 0.15 mm.


    例1:Between 1st January 2001 and December 31st 2003, 2176 patients underwent surgical operation and were pathologically proven to have breast cancer.


    Day/month/year(英式英语)模式:Between 1 January 2001 and 31 December 2003, 2176 patients underwent surgical operation and were pathologically proven to have breast cancer. 

    Month/day/year(美式英语)格式:Between January 1, 2001 and December 31, 2003, 2176 patients underwent surgical operation and were pathologically proven to have breast cancer. 注意在使用Month/day/year(美式英语)格式时,需要在day与year之间插入“,”。

    例2:All 37 patients were followed-up from January, 2000 to December, 2004.

    正确写法:All 37 patients were followed-up from January 2000 to December 2004.



    例1:Graft rejection was observed at days 215 and 265.

    正确写法:Graft rejection was observed on days 215 and 265.

    例2:Significant recovery was noticed at day 7, and the patient was discharged at day 12 of admission.

    正确写法:Significant recovery was noticed on day 7, and the patient was dischargedon day 12 of admission.

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