• 资源获取即初始化RAII

    //class Resource {
    //    Resource(parms p): r(allocate(p)) { }
    //    ~Resource() { release(r); }
    //    // also need to define copy and assignment
    //    resource_type *r;           // resource managed by this type
    //    resource_type *allocate(parms p);     // allocate this resource
    //    void release(resource_type*);         // free this resource
    //void fcn()
    //    Resource res(args);   // allocates resource_type
    //    // code that might throw an exception
    //    // if exception occurs, destructor for res is run automatically
    //    // ...
    //}  // res goes out of scope and is destroyed automatically
    #include <exception>
    #include <iostream>
    #include <unistd.h>
    #include <stdexcept>
    class Resource {
        // 不用allocate这个函数时,可以使用这个构造函数也是一样的
        //Resource(int const & number) : r(new int [number]())
        //    std::cout << "allocate 4k bytes" << std::endl;
        Resource(int const & number) : r(allocate(number)) { }
        ~Resource() { release(r); }
        // I as a programmer, believe this function may throw exception
        int* allocate(const int & number) const
            std::cout << "allocate 4k bytes " << std::endl;
            return new int[number]();           // 小括号表示初始化为0,在linux下这句话也是编不过的,必须把小括号拿掉
        // I as a programmer, believe that this function will not throw exception
        void release(int* pRes) const throw()
            std::cout << "free 4k bytes " << std::endl;
            delete [] pRes;
            // delete pRes;
        int* r;
    void fcn() throw()
        Resource const res(1024);
    void fcn2() throw(std::logic_error) // 程序员认为这个函数可能抛出std::exception类型或者其派生类类型的异常
        Resource const res(1000);
        // throw std::exception("a! yi chang le!!!");
        throw std::logic_error("a! yi chang le!!!");
    int main()
        //while(true) // 用来验证我的RAII是不是好用,一是注释析构中的release,然后取消注释,通过任务管理器能看的很清楚
        //    fcn();
        // 把上面注释起来,下面用来看出异常时,能否有效
            catch(std::exception const & e)
                std::cout << e.what() << std::endl;
        return 0;

    6654fd3bd6b3e35f32c043a0e11bebff 7108f7fb-fc7f-4d33-ad99-b60f45dec038_size99_w640_h640 6e2ca2bf-95af-4c2d-8144-5d86db5cd0d7_size131_w640_h640 2471f1ec8f8544861a6cc4c3cec0871b 4138c2aaf6855a4b0a743619cce6dfed

    4238deb5-c86c-4edb-9dfd-abb91cb26d52_size102_w640_h640 6351a76a213923017297eac173357795

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/sunyongjie1984/p/4306061.html
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