• 博客主题







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    // now use

      1 /* Minification failed. Returning unminified contents.
      2 (670,38): run-time error CSS1062: Expected semicolon or closing curly-brace, found ')'
      3  */
      4 #EntryTag {
      5     margin-top: 20px;
      6     font-size: 9pt;
      7     color: gray;
      8 }
      9 .topicListFooter {
     10     text-align: right;
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     12     margin-top: 10px;
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     14 #divRefreshComments{
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     17     margin-bottom: 5px;
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     21 * {
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     25 html {
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     28 body {
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     35 table {
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     39 fieldset, img {
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     42 ul {
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     48 h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 {
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     52 a:link {
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     56 a:visited {
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     60 a:hover {
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     64 a:active {
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     68 .clear {
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     74 #header {
     76 }
     77 #blogTitle {
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     81 #blogTitle h1 {
     82     font-size: 150%;
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     86     margin-top: 10px;
     87      50%;
     88     float: left;
     89 }
     90 #blogTitle h2 {
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     92     line-height: 1.5;
     93      50%;
     94     float: left;
     95 }
     96 #blogLogo {
     97     float: right;
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     99 #navigator {
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    128 .blogStats {
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    133 /*****home和头部结束**************************/
    135 /*****主页文章列表开始**************************/
    136 #main{
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    213 .postDesc a:hover {
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    217 .postSeparator {
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    226 /*****主页文章列表开始**************************/
    228 /*****侧边栏开始********************************/
    229 #sideBar {
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    246 #calendar {
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    275 .CalDayHeader{
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    283 }
    284 /**日历控件样式结束**/
    285 .catListTitle {
    286 background: #000;border-bottom: 1px solid #006600;border-top-left-radius: 7px; border-top-right-radius: 7px; color: #FFFFFF;font-size: 1.2em;
    287 height:1.8em;
    288 line-height:1.8em;
    289 padding: 5px;
    290 text-indent:0.5em;text-shadow: 1px 1px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3);
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    292 .catListComment {
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    295 .divRecentComment {
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    299 #sideBarMain ul {
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    302 /* 最新评论等 开始 */
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    304 #AjaxHolder_PostComment_divCommnentArea,
    305 #profile,
    306 .entrylist,
    307 .gallery
    308 {
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    315 /*padding:0 15px;*/
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    317 word-break: break-all;
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    320 #profile,
    321 .entrylist,
    322 .gallery
    323 {/*padding: 10px;*/}
    324 .catListEssay,.catListLink,.catListNoteBook,
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    326 .catListPostCategory,
    327 .catListPostArchive,
    328 .catListImageCategory,
    329 .catListArticleArchive,
    330 .catListView,
    331 .catListFeedback,
    332 .mySearch,
    333 .catListComment,
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    335 .catList,
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    340 .catListPostCategory ul li,
    341 .catListPostArchive ul li,
    342 .catListImageCategory ul li,
    343 .catListArticleArchive ul li,
    344 .catListView ul li,
    345 .catListFeedback ul li,
    346 .catListComment ul li,
    347 .catListBlogRank ul li,
    348 .catList ul li,
    349 .catListArticleCategory ul li
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    353 .catListPostCategory ul li a,
    354 .catListPostArchive ul li a,
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    356 .catListArticleArchive ul li a,
    357 .catListView ul li a,
    358 .catListFeedback ul li a,
    359 .catListComment ul li a,
    360 .catListBlogRank ul li a,
    361 .catList ul li a
    362 .catListArticleCategory ul li a
    363 {text-indent: 1em;font-size: 12px;}
    364 .catListEssay ul li a:hover,.catListLink ul li a:hover,.catListNoteBook ul li a:hover,
    365 .catListTag ul li a:hover,
    366 .catListPostCategory ul li a:hover,
    367 .catListPostArchive ul li a:hover,
    368 .catListImageCategory ul li a:hover,
    369 .catListView ul li a:hover,
    370 .catListFeedback ul li a:hover,
    371 .catListArticleArchive ul li a:hover,
    372 .catListComment ul li a:hover
    373 {text-decoration: none;}
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    376 #AjaxHolder_PostComment_divCommnentArea td{padding: 5px 0;}
    377 /* 最新评论等 结束 */
    379 /*****侧边栏结束********************************/
    382 /****查看文章页面开始*************************/
    383 #topics {
    384     min-height: 200px;margin-bottom: 15px;
    385     /*padding:15px;*/
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    387     text-overflow: ellipsis;
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    390 box-shadow: 1px 1px 2px #A7A8AD;
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    407 #EntryTag {
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    416 #EntryTag a:hover {
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    424     color: #666;
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    427 .feedback_area_title {
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    429     border-bottom: 1px solid #ccc;
    430     padding-left: 8px;
    431 }
    432 .louzhu {
    433 background:transparent url('images/icoLouZhu.gif') no-repeat scroll right top;
    434 padding-right:16px;
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    443 .feedbackListSubtitle a:hover {
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    447 .feedbackManage {
    448      200px;
    449     text-align: right;
    450     float: right;
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    454     padding:20px 18px 10px 40px;
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    456     _height: 35px;
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    460 #divRefreshComments {
    461     text-align: right;
    462     margin-bottom: 10px;
    463 }
    464 .commenttb {
    465      320px;
    466 }
    467 /****查看文章页面开始*************************/
    469 /****列表页面开始******************************/
    470 .entrylistTitle,.PostListTitle,.thumbTitle{/**几个分类列表的标题样式**/
    471     /*font-size: 110%;
    472     font-weight: bold;*/
    473     border-bottom: 1px solid #ccc;
    474     /*padding-bottom: 3px;
    475     line-height: 2em;
    476     padding-right: 10px;*/
    477 }
    479 .entrylistDescription {
    480     color: #666;
    481     text-align: right;
    482     padding-top: 5px;
    483     padding-bottom: 5px;
    484     padding-right: 10px;
    485     margin-bottom: 10px;
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    487 .entrylistItem {
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    489     _height: 20px;
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    503 a.entrylistItemTitle:hover{color: #f60;}
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    506 }
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    510     margin-bottom: 5px;
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    547 .postTitl2 {
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    550 .postDesc2 {
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    556     color: #666;
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    558 .pfl_feedback_area_title {
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    564 .pfl_feedback_area_title a:hover,.pfl_feedbackManage a:hover{color: #f60;}
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    577 }
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    580 }
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    583 }
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    587 }
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    595 #Profile1_panelAdd td{padding: 10px 0;}
    596 /****列表页面结束******************************/
    598 /****相册页面开始******************************/
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    603 }
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    682 .input_my_zzk{  120px; }
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    686 }
    692 /*
    693 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    694 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    695 */
    696 /*博客标题*/
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    700     line-height:0px;
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      1 /* Minification failed. Returning unminified contents.
      2 (670,38): run-time error CSS1062: Expected semicolon or closing curly-brace, found ')'
      3  */
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      5     margin-top: 20px;
      6     font-size: 9pt;
      7     color: gray;
      8 }
      9 .topicListFooter {
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     56 a:visited {
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     64 a:active {
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     74 #header {
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     81 #blogTitle h1 {
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     90 #blogTitle h2 {
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     96 #blogLogo {
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     99 #navigator {
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    133 /*****home和头部结束**************************/
    135 /*****主页文章列表开始**************************/
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    226 /*****主页文章列表开始**************************/
    228 /*****侧边栏开始********************************/
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    284 /**日历控件样式结束**/
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    288 line-height:1.8em;
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    302 /* 最新评论等 开始 */
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    306 .entrylist,
    307 .gallery
    308 {
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    320 #profile,
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    322 .gallery
    323 {/*padding: 10px;*/}
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    333 .catListComment,
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    343 .catListArticleArchive ul li,
    344 .catListView ul li,
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    348 .catList ul li,
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    357 .catListView ul li a,
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    361 .catList ul li a
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    376 #AjaxHolder_PostComment_divCommnentArea td{padding: 5px 0;}
    377 /* 最新评论等 结束 */
    379 /*****侧边栏结束********************************/
    382 /****查看文章页面开始*************************/
    383 #topics {
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    390 box-shadow: 1px 1px 2px #A7A8AD;
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    432 .louzhu {
    433 background:transparent url('images/icoLouZhu.gif') no-repeat scroll right top;
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    460 #divRefreshComments {
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    462     margin-bottom: 10px;
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    464 .commenttb {
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    466 }
    467 /****查看文章页面开始*************************/
    469 /****列表页面开始******************************/
    470 .entrylistTitle,.PostListTitle,.thumbTitle{/**几个分类列表的标题样式**/
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    475     line-height: 2em;
    476     padding-right: 10px;*/
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    482     padding-top: 5px;
    483     padding-bottom: 5px;
    484     padding-right: 10px;
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    577 }
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    596 /****列表页面结束******************************/
    598 /****相册页面开始******************************/
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    692 /*
    693 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    694 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    695 */
    696 /*博客标题*/
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/sunyongjie1984/p/4276454.html
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