• leetcode — integer-to-roman

     * Source : https://oj.leetcode.com/problems/integer-to-roman/
     * Created by lverpeng on 2017/7/10.
     * Given an integer, convert it to a roman numeral.
     * Input is guaranteed to be within the range from 1 to 3999.
    public class IntegerToRoman {
        private static final int[] value = new int[] {1000,900,500,400, 100, 90,  50, 40,  10, 9,   5,  4,   1};
        private static final String[] symbol = new String[] {"M","CM","D","CD","C","XC","L","XL","X","IX","V","IV","I"};
         * 罗马数字只有1、5、10、50、100、500、1000,将integer从左到右循环,num大于当前的罗马符号的时候减1,直到小于当前罗马符号的时候进行下一次循环
         * 特殊情况,4、9、40、90、400、900也需要加入符号表考虑
         * @param num
         * @return
        public String integerToRoamn (int num) {
            if (num < 1 || num > 3999) {
                return null;
            String roman = "";
            for (int i = 0; num != 0; i++ ) {
                while (num >= value[i]) {
                    num = num - value[i];
                    roman += symbol[i];
            return roman;
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            IntegerToRoman integerToRoman = new IntegerToRoman();
            System.out.println(integerToRoman.integerToRoamn(1000) + "------M");
            System.out.println(integerToRoman.integerToRoamn(1038) + "------MXXXVIII");
            System.out.println(integerToRoman.integerToRoamn(1) + "------I");
            System.out.println(integerToRoman.integerToRoamn(2) + "------II");
            System.out.println(integerToRoman.integerToRoamn(3) + "------III");
            System.out.println(integerToRoman.integerToRoamn(4) + "------IV");
            System.out.println(integerToRoman.integerToRoamn(3094) + "------MMMXCIV");
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/sunshine-2015/p/7291837.html
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