pip install pymysql
import pymysql import time from hashlib import md5 class my_MySQL(object): __user = 'root' #__user 代表私有变量 __password = 'root' __host = '' __port = 3306 __chatset = 'utf8' __database='blog' __obj=None __cur = None def __init__(self): if not self.__obj: self.__obj = pymysql.connect( host=self.__host, port=self.__port, user=self.__user, password=self.__password, database=self.__database, charset=self.__chatset ) self.__cur = self.__obj.cursor() #print(self.__obj) def Insert(self,table,fileDict): """插入数据 table 表名 fileDict 字典 插入字段 """ #cur = self.__obj.cursor() try: keys='' values='' for key,value in fileDict.items(): #print(self.__changeValue(value)) #continue if keys: keys =keys+','+key values = values + ',' + self.__changeValue(value) else: keys = key values = self.__changeValue(value) sql_str = 'insert into {0} ({1}) values ({2}) '.format(table,keys,values) print(sql_str) self.__cur.execute(sql_str) self.__obj.commit() except: self.__obj.rollback() print('插入失败') def getRowsById(self,table,id,filedList='*'): """通过id获取数据 table 表名 id id主键 filedLis 字符段,要查询的字段 """ sql = "select {0} from {1} where id={2}".format(filedList,table,id) #cur = self.__obj.cursor() self.__cur.execute(sql) rows = self.__cur.fetchone() print(rows) resultDict={} i=0 for v in self.__cur.description: resultDict[v[0]] = rows[i] i = i+1 return resultDict def getRows(self,table,whereDict,filedList='*',group='',limit=''): """ 获取多行数据 table 表名 whereDict where条件 字典 filedList 字符串 获取字段 """ if whereDict: keys = '' for key, value in whereDict.items(): if keys: keys = keys + ' AND ' + key +'='+self.__changeValue(value) else: keys = key +'='+self.__changeValue(value) sql = 'select {0} from {1} where {2} {3} {4}'.format(filedList,table,keys,group,limit) self.__cur.execute(sql) rows = self.__cur.fetchall() print(rows) resultDict = [] j = len(rows) for j in range(0,j): i = 0 my_dict={} for v in self.__cur.description: my_dict[v[0]] = rows[j][i] i = i + 1 resultDict.append(my_dict) return resultDict else: return False def Update(self,table,whereDict,updataDict): """ 更新数据库 :param table: 表名 :param whereDict: 条件 字典 :param updataDict: 更新字段 :return: bool """ #cur = self.__obj.cursor() #获取游标 if whereDict: try: keys = '' for key, value in whereDict.items(): if keys: keys = keys + ' AND ' + key +'='+self.__changeValue(value) else: keys = key +'='+self.__changeValue(value) update='' for key, value in updataDict.items(): if update: update = update + ',' + key +'='+self.__changeValue(value) else: update = key +'='+self.__changeValue(value) sql='update {0} set {1} where {2}'.format(table,update,keys) self.__cur.execute(sql) self.__obj.commit() return True except: self.__obj.rollback() return False else: return False def __changeValue(self,v): if (type(v) == int or type(v)==float): return str(v) elif (type(v) == str): return '"'+v+'"' elif (v == None): return '' if __name__ == '__main__': a = my_MySQL() my_str = 'mypaassword'.encode(encoding='utf-8') md5Data = md5(my_str).hexdigest() #print(int(time.time())) #b={'username':'test','password':md5Data,'state':1,'add_time':int(time.time())} #a.Insert('user',b); #c = a.getRowsById('user','3,['id','state','password']) #c = a.getRows(table='user',whereDict={'state':1},filedList='id,username',limit='limit 0,2') c = a.Update('user',{'id':1,'state':2},{'username':1111,'state':3}) print(c)