• etcd使用



    tar -zxvf   etcd-v3.3.13-linux-amd64.tar.gz


     ./etcd --listen-client-urls '' --advertise-client-urls ''

    [root@localhost etcd-v3.3.13-linux-amd64]# ./etcd --listen-client-urls '' --advertise-client-urls 'htt p://'
    2019-08-03 16:27:40.261923 I | etcdmain: etcd Version: 3.3.13
    2019-08-03 16:27:40.262093 I | etcdmain: Git SHA: 98d3084
    2019-08-03 16:27:40.262107 I | etcdmain: Go Version: go1.10.8
    2019-08-03 16:27:40.262128 I | etcdmain: Go OS/Arch: linux/amd64
    2019-08-03 16:27:40.262144 I | etcdmain: setting maximum number of CPUs to 1, total number of available CPUs is 1
    2019-08-03 16:27:40.262176 W | etcdmain: no data-dir provided, using default data-dir ./default.etcd
    2019-08-03 16:27:40.263503 I | embed: listening for peers on http://localhost:2380
    2019-08-03 16:27:40.264070 I | embed: listening for client requests on
    2019-08-03 16:27:40.273565 I | etcdserver: name = default
    2019-08-03 16:27:40.273598 I | etcdserver: data dir = default.etcd
    2019-08-03 16:27:40.273607 I | etcdserver: member dir = default.etcd/member
    2019-08-03 16:27:40.273613 I | etcdserver: heartbeat = 100ms
    2019-08-03 16:27:40.273618 I | etcdserver: election = 1000ms
    2019-08-03 16:27:40.273624 I | etcdserver: snapshot count = 100000
    2019-08-03 16:27:40.273638 I | etcdserver: advertise client URLs =
    2019-08-03 16:27:40.273646 I | etcdserver: initial advertise peer URLs = http://localhost:2380
    2019-08-03 16:27:40.273657 I | etcdserver: initial cluster = default=http://localhost:2380
    2019-08-03 16:27:40.276843 I | etcdserver: starting member 8e9e05c52164694d in cluster cdf818194e3a8c32
    2019-08-03 16:27:40.276890 I | raft: 8e9e05c52164694d became follower at term 0
    2019-08-03 16:27:40.276911 I | raft: newRaft 8e9e05c52164694d [peers: [], term: 0, commit: 0, applied: 0, lastindex: 0, lastterm: 0]
    2019-08-03 16:27:40.276919 I | raft: 8e9e05c52164694d became follower at term 1
    2019-08-03 16:27:40.281968 W | auth: simple token is not cryptographically signed
    2019-08-03 16:27:40.287898 I | etcdserver: starting server... [version: 3.3.13, cluster version: to_be_decided]
    2019-08-03 16:27:40.292469 I | etcdserver: 8e9e05c52164694d as single-node; fast-forwarding 9 ticks (election ticks 10)
    2019-08-03 16:27:40.293629 I | etcdserver/membership: added member 8e9e05c52164694d [http://localhost:2380] to cluster cdf818194e3a8c32
    2019-08-03 16:27:40.378709 I | raft: 8e9e05c52164694d is starting a new election at term 1
    2019-08-03 16:27:40.378779 I | raft: 8e9e05c52164694d became candidate at term 2
    2019-08-03 16:27:40.378823 I | raft: 8e9e05c52164694d received MsgVoteResp from 8e9e05c52164694d at term 2
    2019-08-03 16:27:40.378855 I | raft: 8e9e05c52164694d became leader at term 2
    2019-08-03 16:27:40.378876 I | raft: raft.node: 8e9e05c52164694d elected leader 8e9e05c52164694d at term 2
    2019-08-03 16:27:40.399670 I | etcdserver: published {Name:default ClientURLs:[]} to cluster cdf818194e3a8c32
    2019-08-03 16:27:40.401716 E | etcdmain: forgot to set Type=notify in systemd service file?
    2019-08-03 16:27:40.401893 I | etcdserver: setting up the initial cluster version to 3.3
    2019-08-03 16:27:40.403708 N | etcdserver/membership: set the initial cluster version to 3.3
    2019-08-03 16:27:40.403871 I | etcdserver/api: enabled capabilities for version 3.3
    2019-08-03 16:27:40.403922 I | embed: ready to serve client requests
    2019-08-03 16:27:40.406114 N | embed: serving insecure client requests on [::]:2379, this is strongly discouraged!

      nohup ./etcd --listen-client-urls '' --advertise-client-urls '' &

    [root@localhost etcd-v3.3.13-linux-amd64]# ./etcdctl

    [root@localhost etcd-v3.3.13-linux-amd64]# ./etcdctl
       etcdctl - A simple command line client for etcd.
       Environment variable ETCDCTL_API is not set; defaults to etcdctl v2.
       Set environment variable ETCDCTL_API=3 to use v3 API or ETCDCTL_API=2 to use v2 API.
       etcdctl [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]
         backup          backup an etcd directory
         cluster-health  check the health of the etcd cluster
         mk              make a new key with a given value
         mkdir           make a new directory
         rm              remove a key or a directory
         rmdir           removes the key if it is an empty directory or a key-value pair
         get             retrieve the value of a key
         ls              retrieve a directory
         set             set the value of a key
         setdir          create a new directory or update an existing directory TTL
         update          update an existing key with a given value
         updatedir       update an existing directory
         watch           watch a key for changes
         exec-watch      watch a key for changes and exec an executable
         member          member add, remove and list subcommands
         user            user add, grant and revoke subcommands
         role            role add, grant and revoke subcommands
         auth            overall auth controls
         help, h         Shows a list of commands or help for one command
       --debug                          output cURL commands which can be used to reproduce the request
       --no-sync                        don't synchronize cluster information before sending request
       --output simple, -o simple       output response in the given format (simple, `extended` or `json`) (default: "simple")
       --discovery-srv value, -D value  domain name to query for SRV records describing cluster endpoints
       --insecure-discovery             accept insecure SRV records describing cluster endpoints
       --peers value, -C value          DEPRECATED - "--endpoints" should be used instead
       --endpoint value                 DEPRECATED - "--endpoints" should be used instead
       --endpoints value                a comma-delimited list of machine addresses in the cluster (default: 

    ",") --cert-file value identify HTTPS client using this SSL certificate file --key-file value identify HTTPS client using this SSL key file --ca-file value verify certificates of HTTPS-enabled servers using this CA bundle --username value, -u value provide username[:password] and prompt if password is not supplied. --timeout value connection timeout per request (default: 2s) --total-timeout value timeout for the command execution (except watch) (default: 5s) --help, -h show help --version, -v print the version

    [root@localhost etcd-v3.3.13-linux-amd64]# ETCDCTL_API=3 ./etcdctl
            etcdctl - A simple command line client for etcd3.
            get                     Gets the key or a range of keys
            put                     Puts the given key into the store
            del                     Removes the specified key or range of keys [key, range_end)
            txn                     Txn processes all the requests in one transaction
            compaction              Compacts the event history in etcd
            alarm disarm            Disarms all alarms
            alarm list              Lists all alarms
            defrag                  Defragments the storage of the etcd members with given endpoints
            endpoint health         Checks the healthiness of endpoints specified in `--endpoints` flag
            endpoint status         Prints out the status of endpoints specified in `--endpoints` flag
            endpoint hashkv         Prints the KV history hash for each endpoint in --endpoints
            move-leader             Transfers leadership to another etcd cluster member.
            watch                   Watches events stream on keys or prefixes
            version                 Prints the version of etcdctl
            lease grant             Creates leases
            lease revoke            Revokes leases
            lease timetolive        Get lease information
            lease list              List all active leases
            lease keep-alive        Keeps leases alive (renew)
            member add              Adds a member into the cluster
            member remove           Removes a member from the cluster
            member update           Updates a member in the cluster
            member list             Lists all members in the cluster
            snapshot save           Stores an etcd node backend snapshot to a given file
            snapshot restore        Restores an etcd member snapshot to an etcd directory
            snapshot status         Gets backend snapshot status of a given file
            make-mirror             Makes a mirror at the destination etcd cluster
            migrate                 Migrates keys in a v2 store to a mvcc store
            lock                    Acquires a named lock
            elect                   Observes and participates in leader election
            auth enable             Enables authentication
            auth disable            Disables authentication
            user add                Adds a new user
            user delete             Deletes a user
            user get                Gets detailed information of a user
            user list               Lists all users
            user passwd             Changes password of user
            user grant-role         Grants a role to a user
            user revoke-role        Revokes a role from a user
            role add                Adds a new role
            role delete             Deletes a role
            role get                Gets detailed information of a role
            role list               Lists all roles
            role grant-permission   Grants a key to a role
            role revoke-permission  Revokes a key from a role
            check perf              Check the performance of the etcd cluster
            help                    Help about any command
          --cacert=""                               verify certificates of TLS-enabled secure servers using this CA bundle
          --cert=""                                 identify secure client using this TLS certificate file
          --command-timeout=5s                      timeout for short running command (excluding dial timeout)
          --debug[=false]                           enable client-side debug logging
          --dial-timeout=2s                         dial timeout for client connections
      -d, --discovery-srv=""                        domain name to query for SRV records describing cluster endpoints
          --endpoints=[]              gRPC endpoints
      -h, --help[=false]                            help for etcdctl
          --hex[=false]                             print byte strings as hex encoded strings
          --insecure-discovery[=true]               accept insecure SRV records describing cluster endpoints
          --insecure-skip-tls-verify[=false]        skip server certificate verification
          --insecure-transport[=true]               disable transport security for client connections
          --keepalive-time=2s                       keepalive time for client connections
          --keepalive-timeout=6s                    keepalive timeout for client connections
          --key=""                                  identify secure client using this TLS key file
          --user=""                                 username[:password] for authentication (prompt if password is not supplied)
      -w, --write-out="simple"                      set the output format (fields, json, protobuf, simple, table)

    get put简单操作

    [root@localhost etcd-v3.3.13-linux-amd64]# ETCDCTL_API=3 ./etcdctl  put "name" "sunlong"
    [root@localhost etcd-v3.3.13-linux-amd64]# ETCDCTL_API=3 ./etcdctl  delete "name" "sunlong"
    Error: unknown command "delete" for "etcdctl"
    Run 'etcdctl --help' for usage.
    Error: unknown command "delete" for "etcdctl"
    [root@localhost etcd-v3.3.13-linux-amd64]# ETCDCTL_API=3 ./etcdctl  del "name" "sunlong"
    [root@localhost etcd-v3.3.13-linux-amd64]#
    [root@localhost etcd-v3.3.13-linux-amd64]# ETCDCTL_API=3 ./etcdctl  get "name"
    [root@localhost etcd-v3.3.13-linux-amd64]# ETCDCTL_API=3 ./etcdctl  get "name"
    [root@localhost etcd-v3.3.13-linux-amd64]# ETCDCTL_API=3 ./etcdctl  get "name"

    [root@localhost etcd-v3.3.13-linux-amd64]# ETCDCTL_API=3 ./etcdctl  get -h

            get - Gets the key or a range of keys
            etcdctl get [options] <key> [range_end]
          --consistency="l"                 Linearizable(l) or Serializable(s)
          --from-key[=false]                Get keys that are greater than or equal to the given key using byte compare
          --keys-only[=false]               Get only the keys
          --limit=0                         Maximum number of results
          --order=""                        Order of results; ASCEND or DESCEND (ASCEND by default)
          --prefix[=false]                  Get keys with matching prefix
          --print-value-only[=false]        Only write values when using the "simple" output format
          --rev=0                           Specify the kv revision
          --sort-by=""                      Sort target; CREATE, KEY, MODIFY, VALUE, or VERSION
          --cacert=""                               verify certificates of TLS-enabled secure servers using this CA bundle
          --cert=""                                 identify secure client using this TLS certificate file
          --command-timeout=5s                      timeout for short running command (excluding dial timeout)
          --debug[=false]                           enable client-side debug logging
          --dial-timeout=2s                         dial timeout for client connections
      -d, --discovery-srv=""                        domain name to query for SRV records describing cluster endpoints
          --endpoints=[]              gRPC endpoints
          --hex[=false]                             print byte strings as hex encoded strings
          --insecure-discovery[=true]               accept insecure SRV records describing cluster endpoints
          --insecure-skip-tls-verify[=false]        skip server certificate verification
          --insecure-transport[=true]               disable transport security for client connections
          --keepalive-time=2s                       keepalive time for client connections
          --keepalive-timeout=6s                    keepalive timeout for client connections
          --key=""                                  identify secure client using this TLS key file
          --user=""                                 username[:password] for authentication (prompt if password is not supplied)
      -w, --write-out="simple"                      set the output format (fields, json, protobuf, simple, table)
    [root@localhost etcd-v3.3.13-linux-amd64]#
    [root@localhost etcd-v3.3.13-linux-amd64]# ETCDCTL_API=3 ./etcdctl  put "/cron/jobs/job1"  "{...job1}"
    [root@localhost etcd-v3.3.13-linux-amd64]# ETCDCTL_API=3 ./etcdctl  put "/cron/jobs/job2"  "{...job2}"
    [root@localhost etcd-v3.3.13-linux-amd64]# ETCDCTL_API=3 ./etcdctl  get "/cron/jobs/" --prefix
      ETCDCTL_API=3 ./etcdctl  watch "/cron/jobs/" --prefix

    [root@localhost etcd-v3.3.13-linux-amd64]# ETCDCTL_API=3 ./etcdctl  put "/cron/jobs/job2"  "{...job2...111}"
    [root@localhost etcd-v3.3.13-linux-amd64]# ETCDCTL_API=3 ./etcdctl  del "/cron/jobs/job2"
    [root@localhost etcd-v3.3.13-linux-amd64]# ETCDCTL_API=3 ./etcdctl  watch "/cron/jobs/" --prefix
  • 相关阅读:
    Python heapq 模块的实现
    Study note for Continuous Probability Distributions
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/sunlong88/p/11295281.html
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