• openstack Rocky系列之Cinder:(二)Cinder 创建一个卷







     1     def create(self, req, body):
     2         ........
     3         ........
     4         new_volume = self.volume_api.create(context,
     5                                             size,
     6                                             volume.get('display_name'),
     7                                             volume.get('display_description'),
     8                                             **kwargs)
    10         retval = self._view_builder.detail(req, new_volume)
    12         return retval    

      此处调用了self.volume_api.create()去创建卷,self.volume_api 这个变量是VolumeController从V2的api继承过来来的,在初始话的时候被初始化为cinder.volume.api.API(),所以其create方法为cinder/volume/api.py中API类下的create方法

     1     def create(self, context, size, name, description, snapshot=None,
     2                image_id=None, volume_type=None, metadata=None,
     3                availability_zone=None, source_volume=None,
     4                scheduler_hints=None,
     5                source_replica=None, consistencygroup=None,
     6                cgsnapshot=None, multiattach=False, source_cg=None,
     7                group=None, group_snapshot=None, source_group=None,
     8                backup=None):
     9          .........   
    10          .........
    11         create_what = {
    12             'context': context,
    13             'raw_size': size,
    14             'name': name,
    15             'description': description,
    16             'snapshot': snapshot,
    17             'image_id': image_id,
    18             'raw_volume_type': volume_type,
    19             'metadata': metadata or {},
    20             'raw_availability_zone': availability_zone,
    21             'source_volume': source_volume,
    22             'scheduler_hints': scheduler_hints,
    23             'key_manager': self.key_manager,
    24             'optional_args': {'is_quota_committed': False},
    25             'consistencygroup': consistencygroup,
    26             'cgsnapshot': cgsnapshot,
    27             'raw_multiattach': multiattach,
    28             'group': group,
    29             'group_snapshot': group_snapshot,
    30             'source_group': source_group,
    31             'backup': backup,
    32         }
    33         try:
    34             sched_rpcapi = (self.scheduler_rpcapi if (
    35                             not cgsnapshot and not source_cg and
    36                             not group_snapshot and not source_group)
    37                             else None)
    38             volume_rpcapi = (self.volume_rpcapi if (
    39                              not cgsnapshot and not source_cg and
    40                              not group_snapshot and not source_group)
    41                              else None)
    42             flow_engine = create_volume.get_flow(self.db,
    43                                                  self.image_service,
    44                                                  availability_zones,
    45                                                  create_what,
    46                                                  sched_rpcapi,
    47                                                  volume_rpcapi)
    48         except Exception:
    49             msg = _('Failed to create api volume flow.')
    50             LOG.exception(msg)
    51             raise exception.CinderException(msg)    

         此处调用了create_flow中的get_flow方法,进行传参和并创建,get_flow采用了taskflow,使用了taskflow中的线性流程,依次添加了ExtractVolumeRequestTesk(), QuotaReserveTask(), EntryCreateTask(), QuotaCommitTask() 以及VolumeCastTask()五个步骤

     1 def get_flow(db_api, image_service_api, availability_zones, create_what,
     2              scheduler_rpcapi=None, volume_rpcapi=None):
     3     """Constructs and returns the api entrypoint flow.
     5     This flow will do the following:
     7     1. Inject keys & values for dependent tasks.
     8     2. Extracts and validates the input keys & values.
     9     3. Reserves the quota (reverts quota on any failures).
    10     4. Creates the database entry.
    11     5. Commits the quota.
    12     6. Casts to volume manager or scheduler for further processing.
    13     """
    15     flow_name = ACTION.replace(":", "_") + "_api"
    16     api_flow = linear_flow.Flow(flow_name)
    18     api_flow.add(ExtractVolumeRequestTask(
    19         image_service_api,
    20         availability_zones,
    21         rebind={'size': 'raw_size',
    22                 'availability_zone': 'raw_availability_zone',
    23                 'volume_type': 'raw_volume_type',
    24                 'multiattach': 'raw_multiattach'}))
    25     api_flow.add(QuotaReserveTask(),
    26                  EntryCreateTask(),
    27                  QuotaCommitTask())
    29     if scheduler_rpcapi and volume_rpcapi:
    30         # This will cast it out to either the scheduler or volume manager via
    31         # the rpc apis provided.
    32         api_flow.add(VolumeCastTask(scheduler_rpcapi, volume_rpcapi, db_api))
    34     # Now load (but do not run) the flow using the provided initial data.
    35     return taskflow.engines.load(api_flow, store=create_what)


           ExcuactVolumeRequestTask类主要对传过来的参数进行校验,提取各类参数,并根据参数进行zone、镜像等选取的操作,并为QuotaReserveTask 类传递参数






        此时cinder-scheduler接收到cinder-api传过来的请求,发送请求的代码部分为 cinder/scheduler/rpcapi.py

     1     def create_volume(self, ctxt, volume, snapshot_id=None, image_id=None,
     2                       request_spec=None, filter_properties=None,
     3                       backup_id=None):
     4         volume.create_worker()
     5         cctxt = self._get_cctxt()
     6         msg_args = {'snapshot_id': snapshot_id, 'image_id': image_id,
     7                     'request_spec': request_spec,
     8                     'filter_properties': filter_properties,
     9                     'volume': volume, 'backup_id': backup_id}
    10         if not self.client.can_send_version('3.10'):
    11             msg_args.pop('backup_id')
    12         return cctxt.cast(ctxt, 'create_volume', **msg_args)


     1     @objects.Volume.set_workers
     2     @append_operation_type()
     3     def create_volume(self, context, volume, snapshot_id=None, image_id=None,
     4                       request_spec=None, filter_properties=None,
     5                       backup_id=None):
     6         self._wait_for_scheduler()
     8         try:
     9             flow_engine = create_volume.get_flow(context,
    10                                                  self.driver,
    11                                                  request_spec,
    12                                                  filter_properties,
    13                                                  volume,
    14                                                  snapshot_id,
    15                                                  image_id,
    16                                                  backup_id)
    17         except Exception:
    18             msg = _("Failed to create scheduler manager volume flow")
    19             LOG.exception(msg)
    20             raise exception.CinderException(msg)
    22         with flow_utils.DynamicLogListener(flow_engine, logger=LOG):
    23             flow_engine.run()


     1 def get_flow(context, driver_api, request_spec=None,
     2              filter_properties=None,
     3              volume=None, snapshot_id=None, image_id=None, backup_id=None):
     5     create_what = {
     6         'context': context,
     7         'raw_request_spec': request_spec,
     8         'filter_properties': filter_properties,
     9         'volume': volume,
    10         'snapshot_id': snapshot_id,
    11         'image_id': image_id,
    12         'backup_id': backup_id,
    13     }
    15     flow_name = ACTION.replace(":", "_") + "_scheduler"
    16     scheduler_flow = linear_flow.Flow(flow_name)
    18     # This will extract and clean the spec from the starting values.
    19     scheduler_flow.add(ExtractSchedulerSpecTask(
    20         rebind={'request_spec': 'raw_request_spec'}))
    22     # This will activate the desired scheduler driver (and handle any
    23     # driver related failures appropriately).
    24     scheduler_flow.add(ScheduleCreateVolumeTask(driver_api))
    26     # Now load (but do not run) the flow using the provided initial data.
    27     return taskflow.engines.load(scheduler_flow, store=create_what)

      ExtractSchedulerSpecTask 同样为对请求参数进行提取加工以供后续调用


     1     def execute(self, context, request_spec, filter_properties, volume):
     2         try:
     3             self.driver_api.schedule_create_volume(context, request_spec,
     4                                                    filter_properties)
     5         except Exception as e:
     6             self.message_api.create(
     7                 context,
     8                 message_field.Action.SCHEDULE_ALLOCATE_VOLUME,
     9                 resource_uuid=request_spec['volume_id'],
    10                 exception=e)
    11             with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception(
    12                     reraise=not isinstance(e, exception.NoValidBackend)):
    13                 try:
    14                     self._handle_failure(context, request_spec, e)
    15                 finally:
    16                     common.error_out(volume, reason=e)



     1     def schedule_create_volume(self, context, request_spec, filter_properties):
     2         backend = self._schedule(context, request_spec, filter_properties)
     4         if not backend:
     5             raise exception.NoValidBackend(reason=_("No weighed backends "
     6                                                     "available"))
     8         backend = backend.obj
     9         volume_id = request_spec['volume_id']
    11         updated_volume = driver.volume_update_db(
    12             context, volume_id,
    13             backend.host,
    14             backend.cluster_name,
    15             availability_zone=backend.service['availability_zone'])
    16         self._post_select_populate_filter_properties(filter_properties,
    17                                                      backend)
    19         # context is not serializable
    20         filter_properties.pop('context', None)
    22         self.volume_rpcapi.create_volume(context, updated_volume, request_spec,
    23                                          filter_properties,
    24                                          allow_reschedule=True)

      self._schedule 通过传入的参数对后端的进行选择(多个后端的情况下)



    1     def create_volume(self, ctxt, volume, request_spec, filter_properties,
    2                       allow_reschedule=True):
    3         cctxt = self._get_cctxt(volume.service_topic_queue)
    4         cctxt.cast(ctxt, 'create_volume',
    5                    request_spec=request_spec,
    6                    filter_properties=filter_properties,
    7                    allow_reschedule=allow_reschedule,
    8                    volume=volume)


      1     @objects.Volume.set_workers
      2     def create_volume(self, context, volume, request_spec=None,
      3                       filter_properties=None, allow_reschedule=True):
      4         """Creates the volume."""
      5         utils.log_unsupported_driver_warning(self.driver)
      7         self._set_resource_host(volume)
      9         self._update_allocated_capacity(volume)
     10         # We lose the host value if we reschedule, so keep it here
     11         original_host = volume.host
     13         context_elevated = context.elevated()
     14         if filter_properties is None:
     15             filter_properties = {}
     17         if request_spec is None:
     18             request_spec = objects.RequestSpec()
     20         try:
     21             # NOTE(flaper87): Driver initialization is
     22             # verified by the task itself.
     23             flow_engine = create_volume.get_flow(
     24                 context_elevated,
     25                 self,
     26                 self.db,
     27                 self.driver,
     28                 self.scheduler_rpcapi,
     29                 self.host,
     30                 volume,
     31                 allow_reschedule,
     32                 context,
     33                 request_spec,
     34                 filter_properties,
     35                 image_volume_cache=self.image_volume_cache,
     36             )
     37         except Exception:
     38             msg = _("Create manager volume flow failed.")
     39             LOG.exception(msg, resource={'type': 'volume', 'id': volume.id})
     40             raise exception.CinderException(msg)
     42         snapshot_id = request_spec.get('snapshot_id')
     43         source_volid = request_spec.get('source_volid')
     45         if snapshot_id is not None:
     46             # Make sure the snapshot is not deleted until we are done with it.
     47             locked_action = "%s-%s" % (snapshot_id, 'delete_snapshot')
     48         elif source_volid is not None:
     49             # Make sure the volume is not deleted until we are done with it.
     50             locked_action = "%s-%s" % (source_volid, 'delete_volume')
     51         else:
     52             locked_action = None
     54         def _run_flow():
     55             # This code executes create volume flow. If something goes wrong,
     56             # flow reverts all job that was done and reraises an exception.
     57             # Otherwise, all data that was generated by flow becomes available
     58             # in flow engine's storage.
     59             with flow_utils.DynamicLogListener(flow_engine, logger=LOG):
     60                 flow_engine.run()
     62         # NOTE(dulek): Flag to indicate if volume was rescheduled. Used to
     63         # decide if allocated_capacity should be incremented.
     64         rescheduled = False
     66         try:
     67             if locked_action is None:
     68                 _run_flow()
     69             else:
     70                 with coordination.COORDINATOR.get_lock(locked_action):
     71                     _run_flow()
     72         finally:
     73             try:
     74                 flow_engine.storage.fetch('refreshed')
     75             except tfe.NotFound:
     76                 # If there's no vol_ref, then flow is reverted. Lets check out
     77                 # if rescheduling occurred.
     78                 try:
     79                     rescheduled = flow_engine.storage.get_revert_result(
     80                         create_volume.OnFailureRescheduleTask.make_name(
     81                             [create_volume.ACTION]))
     82                 except tfe.NotFound:
     83                     pass
     85             if rescheduled:
     86                 # NOTE(geguileo): Volume was rescheduled so we need to update
     87                 # volume stats because the volume wasn't created here.
     88                 # Volume.host is None now, so we pass the original host value.
     89                 self._update_allocated_capacity(volume, decrement=True,
     90                                                 host=original_host)
     92         # Shared targets is only relevant for iSCSI connections.
     93         # We default to True to be on the safe side.
     94         volume.shared_targets = (
     95             self.driver.capabilities.get('storage_protocol') == 'iSCSI' and
     96             self.driver.capabilities.get('shared_targets', True))
     97         # TODO(geguileo): service_uuid won't be enough on Active/Active
     98         # deployments. There can be 2 services handling volumes from the same
     99         # backend.
    100         volume.service_uuid = self.service_uuid
    101         volume.save()
    103         LOG.info("Created volume successfully.", resource=volume)
    104         return volume.id




      ExtractVolumeSpecTask 提取spec信息

      NotifyVolumeActionTask 广播volume开始创建的消息

     1 def get_flow(context, manager, db, driver, scheduler_rpcapi, host, volume,
     2              allow_reschedule, reschedule_context, request_spec,
     3              filter_properties, image_volume_cache=None):
     5     flow_name = ACTION.replace(":", "_") + "_manager"
     6     volume_flow = linear_flow.Flow(flow_name)
     8     # This injects the initial starting flow values into the workflow so that
     9     # the dependency order of the tasks provides/requires can be correctly
    10     # determined.
    11     create_what = {
    12         'context': context,
    13         'filter_properties': filter_properties,
    14         'request_spec': request_spec,
    15         'volume': volume,
    16     }
    18     volume_flow.add(ExtractVolumeRefTask(db, host, set_error=False))
    20     retry = filter_properties.get('retry', None)
    22     # Always add OnFailureRescheduleTask and we handle the change of volume's
    23     # status when reverting the flow. Meanwhile, no need to revert process of
    24     # ExtractVolumeRefTask.
    25     do_reschedule = allow_reschedule and request_spec and retry
    26     volume_flow.add(OnFailureRescheduleTask(reschedule_context, db, driver,
    27                                             scheduler_rpcapi, do_reschedule))
    29     LOG.debug("Volume reschedule parameters: %(allow)s "
    30               "retry: %(retry)s", {'allow': allow_reschedule, 'retry': retry})
    32     volume_flow.add(ExtractVolumeSpecTask(db),
    33                     NotifyVolumeActionTask(db, "create.start"),
    34                     CreateVolumeFromSpecTask(manager,
    35                                              db,
    36                                              driver,
    37                                              image_volume_cache),
    38                     CreateVolumeOnFinishTask(db, "create.end"))
    40     # Now load (but do not run) the flow using the provided initial data.
    41     return taskflow.engines.load(volume_flow, store=create_what)



     1         if create_type == 'raw':
     2             model_update = self._create_raw_volume(volume, **volume_spec)
     3         elif create_type == 'snap':
     4             model_update = self._create_from_snapshot(context, volume,
     5                                                       **volume_spec)
     6         elif create_type == 'source_vol':
     7             model_update = self._create_from_source_volume(
     8                 context, volume, **volume_spec)
     9         elif create_type == 'image':
    10             model_update = self._create_from_image(context,
    11                                                    volume,
    12                                                    **volume_spec)
    13         elif create_type == 'backup':
    14             model_update, need_update_volume = self._create_from_backup(
    15                 context, volume, **volume_spec)
    16             volume_spec.update({'need_update_volume': need_update_volume})
    17         else:
    18             raise exception.VolumeTypeNotFound(volume_type_id=create_type)
    1     def _create_raw_volume(self, volume, **kwargs):
    2         try:
    3             ret = self.driver.create_volume(volume)
    4         finally:
    5             self._cleanup_cg_in_volume(volume)
    6         return ret


     1 self.configuration = config.Configuration(volume_backend_opts,
     2                                                   config_group=service_name)
     3         self._set_tpool_size(
     4             self.configuration.backend_native_threads_pool_size)
     5         self.stats = {}
     6         self.service_uuid = None
     8         if not volume_driver:
     9             # Get from configuration, which will get the default
    10             # if its not using the multi backend
    11             volume_driver = self.configuration.volume_driver
    12         if volume_driver in MAPPING:
    13             LOG.warning("Driver path %s is deprecated, update your "
    14                         "configuration to the new path.", volume_driver)
    15             volume_driver = MAPPING[volume_driver]



     1     def create_volume(self, volume):
     2         """Creates a logical volume."""
     3         mirror_count = 0
     4         if self.configuration.lvm_mirrors:
     5             mirror_count = self.configuration.lvm_mirrors
     7         self._create_volume(volume['name'],
     8                             self._sizestr(volume['size']),
     9                             self.configuration.lvm_type,
    10                             mirror_count)
        def _create_volume(self, name, size, lvm_type, mirror_count, vg=None):
            vg_ref = self.vg
            if vg is not None:
                vg_ref = vg
            vg_ref.create_volume(name, size, lvm_type, mirror_count)



     1     def create_volume(self, name, size_str, lv_type='default', mirror_count=0):
     2         """Creates a logical volume on the object's VG.
     4         :param name: Name to use when creating Logical Volume
     5         :param size_str: Size to use when creating Logical Volume
     6         :param lv_type: Type of Volume (default or thin)
     7         :param mirror_count: Use LVM mirroring with specified count
     9         """
    11         if lv_type == 'thin':
    12             pool_path = '%s/%s' % (self.vg_name, self.vg_thin_pool)
    13             cmd = LVM.LVM_CMD_PREFIX + ['lvcreate', '-T', '-V', size_str, '-n',
    14                                         name, pool_path]
    15         else:
    16             cmd = LVM.LVM_CMD_PREFIX + ['lvcreate', '-n', name, self.vg_name,
    17                                         '-L', size_str]
    19         if mirror_count > 0:
    20             cmd.extend(['--type=mirror', '-m', mirror_count, '--nosync',
    21                         '--mirrorlog', 'mirrored'])
    22             terras = int(size_str[:-1]) / 1024.0
    23             if terras >= 1.5:
    24                 rsize = int(2 ** math.ceil(math.log(terras) / math.log(2)))
    25                 # NOTE(vish): Next power of two for region size. See:
    26                 #             http://red.ht/U2BPOD
    27                 cmd.extend(['-R', str(rsize)])
    29         try:
    30             self._execute(*cmd,
    31                           root_helper=self._root_helper,
    32                           run_as_root=True)
    33         except putils.ProcessExecutionError as err:
    34             LOG.exception('Error creating Volume')
    35             LOG.error('Cmd     :%s', err.cmd)
    36             LOG.error('StdOut  :%s', err.stdout)
    37             LOG.error('StdErr  :%s', err.stderr)
    38             LOG.error('Current state: %s',
    39                       self.get_all_volume_groups(self._root_helper))
    40             raise


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/sumoning/p/12141622.html
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