執行CHGUSRPRF命令需要*SECADM 權限,但通常Security部門不允許Grant這個這麼大的權限,爲了達到目的,改用下面的方法
1. Create CL program
注意裏面一定要用MONMSG命令擋住所有錯誤,不然PC端連到AS400的QZRCSRVS job一旦沒有權限或者profile不對會無限產生MSGW的job
3. CHGOBJOWN this program to a profile(比如 QCRTUSR) with
*SECADM authority
4. EDTOBJAUT this program to allow only user profile to use it
cwbx.StringConverter sc = new cwbx.StringConverter(); AS400System s = new AS400System(); s.Define("AS400HostName"); // s.IPAddress = ipStr; s.UserID = Constants.ISERIES_USER_NAME; s.Password = Constants.ISERIES_PASSWORD; s.PromptMode = cwbcoPromptModeEnum.cwbcoPromptNever; cwbx.Program p = new cwbx.Program(); cwbx.Command c = new Command(); p.system = s; p.LibraryName = Constants.ISERIES_InfiniumCustomLibName; p.ProgramName = Constants.ISERIES_ChangeUserProfileProgramName; ProgramParameters paras = new ProgramParameters(); paras.Append("@USRPRF", cwbrcParameterTypeEnum.cwbrcInout, 10); paras.Append("@PWD", cwbrcParameterTypeEnum.cwbrcInout, 10); paras.Append("@ERRMSG", cwbrcParameterTypeEnum.cwbrcOutput, 500); userProfileName = userProfileName.Trim(); string userProfile = string.Format("{0}{1}", userProfileName, new string(' ', (10 - userProfileName.Length))); paras["@USRPRF"].Value = sc.ToBytes(userProfile); paras["@PWD"].Value = sc.ToBytes(newPassword); p.Call(paras); msg = sc.FromBytes(paras["@ERRMSG"].Value).ToString();
如果是IIS7,每個web application pool都可以設置Enable 32-bit Applications為true,但悲催的IIS6這個參數是全局性的,會影響到其他web application
To enable IIS 6.0 to run 32-bit applications on 64-bit Windows
1. |
Open a command prompt and navigate to the %systemdrive%InetpubAdminScripts directory. |
2. |
Type the following command: cscript.exe adsutil.vbs set W3SVC/AppPools/Enable32BitAppOnWin64 “true” |
3. |
Press ENTER. |
按上面的命令可以設置該參數為true,但導致的後果就是IIS不再會使用64bit的.Net FrameWork,那些web application直接不能用了。
終結方法是另起一個web service,該web srevice放在允許32bit的IIS上,這樣就行了。
Create CL program called CHANGEUSR
Log on as QSECOFR
Change CHANGEUSER *PGM object owner to QSECOFR using CHGOBJOWN command.
Change program to run under *OWNER authority using CHGPGM command.
EDTOBJAUT on the program and restrict *USE rights to all users that you want to be able to use the program (not *PUBLIC!).