• suanec-rotatelogs

    • 一个简单的日志滚动器
    • 业界已有大量优秀的日志滚动工具来限制日志大小
    • 本工具只是仿制了Apache httpd中的rotatelogs
    • 不同的是,工作模式参考了yarn namenode日志的管理模式
    • 按照参数配置,工具会限制日志文件的数量及每个文件的体积,同时保证后缀最大的日志文件中为较老旧日志,用户配置的 $USER_LOG_FILE 总是会被刷新,保持日志最新内容在当前文件中
    • 日志滚动
    • 支持Linux管道操作
    • 支持文件体积限制
    • 支持文件数量限制
    • 保证所有日志按文件有序,日志按由新到旧分别组织在后缀递增的文件中,当前 $USER_LOG_FILE保持最新日志
    • 相比Apache rotatelogs,有些许速度优势
    • 内存开销可忽略
    • 简单的使用方式
    • 干净的环境依赖,只需要python 2.7.x即可
    • 轻量级的日志滚动管理工具
    source code
    # -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
    __author__ = 'enzhao'
    # Created by enzhao on 2019/8/14.
    # git: https://github.com/Suanec
    # repo: https://github.com/Suanec/suanec_rotatelogs.git
    # ===========================================================================
    # ===========================================================================
    #                                  Apache License
    #                            Version 2.0, January 2004
    #                         http://www.apache.org/licenses/
    #    1. Definitions.
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    #    Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
    #    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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    #    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    #    limitations under the License.
    import argparse,sys
    import os
    # target cmd : ./rotatelogs -n 5 ./weiflow-from-weiclient.log 100M
    # target_support : Usage: ../rotatelogs [-v] [-l] [-L linkname] [-p prog] [-f] [-t] [-e] [-c] [-n number] <logfile> {<rotation time in seconds>|<rotation size>(B|K|M|G)} [offset minutes from UTC]
    OPEN_ERROR = 211
    WRITE_ERROR = 212
    ACCESS_ERROR = 215
    class SizeMetric(object):
        def __init__(self, _rotate_size):
            self._rotate_size_str = _rotate_size
            self.ROTATION_SIZE_UNIT = {
                "B" : 1,
                "K" : 1024,
                "M" : 1024 ** 2,
                "G" : 1024 ** 3
            self.ROTATION_SIZE_METRIC = self.ROTATION_SIZE_UNIT.keys()
        def size_metric_convert(self):
            self.rotation_metric = self._rotate_size_str[-1].upper()
            self.rotation_size = int(self._rotate_size_str) if(self.rotation_metric.isdigit()) else int(self._rotate_size_str[:-1])
            if(self.rotation_metric in self.ROTATION_SIZE_METRIC):
                self.rotation_size = int(self._rotate_size_str[:-1]) * self.ROTATION_SIZE_UNIT[self.rotation_metric]
            return self.rotation_size
        def rotate_size(self):
            return self.rotation_size
    class RotateLogFileManager(SizeMetric):
        def __init__(self, _rotate_size, _log_file):
            super(RotateLogFileManager, self).__init__(_rotate_size= _rotate_size)
            self.log_file = _log_file
                self.file_abs_dir = os.path.realpath(os.path.dirname(self.log_file))
            except Exception,e:
        def file_name_generator(self, _suffix):
            if(not _suffix):
                return self.log_file
                return self.log_file + "." + str(_suffix)
    class FileNumberLimit(RotateLogFileManager):
        def __init__(self, _num_file, _rotate_size, _log_file):
            super(FileNumberLimit, self).__init__(_rotate_size=_rotate_size, _log_file=_log_file)
            self.num_file = int(_num_file)
            self.max_fsuffix = self.num_file -1
            self.file_list = [self.file_name_generator(i) for i in xrange(1,self.num_file)]
            self.fsuffix_need_to_write = None
        def fsuffix_detected(self):
            fsuffix_not_exist = [_fsuffix for _fsuffix in xrange(1,self.num_file) if not os.path.exists(self.file_name_generator(_fsuffix))]
            if(len(fsuffix_not_exist) == self.max_fsuffix):
                self.fsuffix_need_to_write = None
                return self.fsuffix_need_to_write
            self.fsuffix_need_to_write = (self.max_fsuffix) if(len(fsuffix_not_exist) < 1) else min(fsuffix_not_exist)
            return self.fsuffix_need_to_write
        def file_rotate(self):
                if(self.fsuffix_need_to_write == self.max_fsuffix):
            except Exception,e:
                    for suffix in xrange(self.fsuffix_need_to_write, 1, -1):
                        os.rename(self.file_name_generator(suffix -1), self.file_name_generator(suffix))
                os.rename(self.log_file, self.file_name_generator(1))
            except Exception,e:
    class RotateLogWriter(FileNumberLimit):
        def __init__(self, _num_file, _rotate_size, _log_file):
            super(RotateLogWriter, self).__init__(_num_file=_num_file, _rotate_size=_rotate_size, _log_file=_log_file)
                    self.log_writer = open(self.log_file, "r")
                    self.writted_size = len(self.log_writer.read())
                    self.writted_size = 0
                self.log_writer = open(self.log_file, "ab+")
            except Exception,e:
        def write(self, _msg = ''):
            msg_size = len(_msg)
                self.writted_size += msg_size
                if(self.writted_size >= self.rotate_size):
                    self.log_writer = open(self.log_file, "ab+")
                    self.writted_size = 0
            except Exception,e:
                print e.message
    if __name__ == '__main__':
        parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
            description='Run a test HTTPS server. '
                        'By default, the current directory is served.')
        parser.add_argument('-n', '--number-of-files', dest='file_number', type=int, default=2,
                            help='Use a circular list of filenames without timestamps. With -n 3, the series of log files opened would be "logfile", "logfile.1", "logfile.2", then overwriting "logfile". (default: %(default)s)')
        parser.add_argument("log_file", type=str, default='weiflow-from-weiclient.log',
                            help="The path plus basename of the logfile. If logfile includes any '%' characters, it is treated as a format string for strftime(3). Otherwise, the suffix .nnnnnnnnnn is automatically added and is the time in seconds (unless the -t option is used). Both formats compute the start time from the beginning of the current period. For example, if a rotation time of 86400 is specified, the hour, minute, and second fields created from the strftime(3) format will all be zero, referring to the beginning of the current 24-hour period (midnight).")
        parser.add_argument("rotation_size", type=str, default='500M',
                            help="The path plus basename of the logfile. If logfile includes any '%' characters, it is treated as a format string for strftime(3). Otherwise, the suffix .nnnnnnnnnn is automatically added and is the time in seconds (unless the -t option is used). Both formats compute the start time from the beginning of the current period. For example, if a rotation time of 86400 is specified, the hour, minute, and second fields created from the strftime(3) format will all be zero, referring to the beginning of the current 24-hour period (midnight).")
        args = parser.parse_args()
        print args
        rotation_size = SizeMetric(args.rotation_size).rotate_size
        print rotation_size
        rotator = RotateLogWriter(args.file_number, args.rotation_size, args.log_file)
        for line in sys.stdin:
        # for line in xrange(1,100000):
        #     rotator.write('%s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s ' % (line, line, line, line, line, line, line, line, line, line, line))



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      /  /:/~/:/    /  /:/  :    /  /:/     /  /:/~/::    /  /:/     /  /:/ /:/_  /__/   /  /  /  /:/  :   /  /:/_/::   /  /:/ /::
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    /_/ |_|\____/ /_/ /_/  |_/_/ /_____/_____/\____/\____//____/
      ____   ___ _____  _  _____ _____ _     ___   ____ ____
     |  _  / _ \_   _|/ |_   _| ____| |   / _  / ___/ ___|
     | |_) | | | || | / _  | | |  _| | |  | | | | |  _\___ 
     |  _ <| |_| || |/ ___ | | | |___| |__| |_| | |_| |___) |
     |_| \_\___/ |_/_/   \_\_| |_____|_____\___/ \____|____/

    A simple rotatelog tool.
    there is a lots of log rotator tools for limit log file size.
    this is a simple implementations for Apache httpd rotatelogs.
    with a differences is work in yarn namenode log mode.
    that's means the oldest log was in the largest suffix file with $USER_LOG_FILE always fresh.

    • support Linux pipe operation.
    • support file size limitation.
    • support file number limitation.
    • maintain all log file in ordered with the latest log in $USER_LOG_FILE and oldest log in the largest suffix file.
    • a few faster than Apache rotatelogs. speed performance was not considered well.
    • few memory cost.
    • simple usage
    • clean dependencies by implementations in naive Python 2.7
    • light tools for log file maintaining.
    • easy code for redevelopment and bug location.
    • free use for anyone.

    python 2.7.x



      chmod +x ${CUSTOM_PATH}/rotatelogs.py
      $commandLine | ./rotatelogs.py -n 5 /data0/suanec/control_center/weibox/rotate_logs/weiflow-from-weiclient.log 100M
    test command
    set -efx
    START_DATE=`date +"%s"`
    rm -f ./weiflow-from-weiclient.log*
    for i in `seq 1 $IDX`
      echo $i
      # hive -e "select * from online_data_record_per_hour_new_tag where dt=20190801 and hour=18" 2> ./weiflow-from-weiclient.log | head -n 30000 >> /data0/suanec/control_center/weibox/rotate_logs/weiflow-from-weiclient.log
      # hive -e "select * from online_data_record_per_hour_new_tag where dt=20190801 and hour=18" 2> ./weiflow-from-weiclient.log 1> /data0/suanec/control_center/weibox/rotate_logs/weiflow-from-weiclient.log
      # hive -e "select * from online_data_record_per_hour_new_tag where dt=20190801 and hour=18" 2> ./weiflow-from-weiclient.log | tail -n 30000 >> /data0/suanec/control_center/weibox/rotate_logs/weiflow-from-weiclient.log
      # hive -e "select * from online_data_record_per_hour_new_tag where dt=20190801 and hour=18" 2> ./weiflow-from-weiclient.log | /data0/suanec/control_center/weibox/rotate_logs/../rotatelogs -n 3 /data0/suanec/control_center/weibox/rotate_logs/weiflow-from-weiclient.log 500M
      # hive -e "select * from online_data_record_per_hour_new_tag where dt=20190801 and hour=18" 2> ./weiflow-from-weiclient.log | python ./rotatelogs.py -n 5 /data0/suanec/control_center/weibox/rotate_logs/weiflow-from-weiclient.log 100M
      # hive -e "select * from online_data_record_per_hour_new_tag where dt=20190801 and hour=18" 2> ./weiflow-from-weiclient.log | python ./rotatelogs.py -n 3 /data0/suanec/control_center/weibox/rotate_logs/weiflow-from-weiclient.log 500M
      # hive -e "select * from online_data_record_per_hour_new_tag where dt=20190801 and hour=18" 2> ./weiflow-from-weiclient.log | ./rotatelogs.py -n 3 /data0/suanec/control_center/weibox/rotate_logs/weiflow-from-weiclient.log 500M
    END_DATE=`date +"%s"`
    RUN_TIME=$(echo "(${END_DATE}-${START_DATE})/${IDX}" | bc -l )
    echo "RUN_TIME : "
    echo ${RUN_TIME}
    result size
    simple result
    command time-cost
    head -3w 13s
    all 136s
    tail -3w 66s
    apache rotateLogs -n 3 500M 102s
    suanec rotateLogs -n 5 100M 60s
    suanec rotateLogs -n 3 500M 56s
    result size
    [root@header-1 rotate_logs]# ll
    总用量 1272308
    -rw-r--r--  1 root root     10970 8月  15 13:45 rotatelogs.py
    -rw-r--r--  1 root root       240 8月  15 16:25 test_rotatelog.sh
    -rw-r--r--  1 root root      3061 8月  15 16:12 user_custom_script.sh
    -rw-r--r--  1 root root 254170229 8月  15 16:13 weiflow-from-weiclient.log
    -rw-r--r--  1 root root 524304017 8月  15 16:13 weiflow-from-weiclient.log.1
    -rw-r--r--  1 root root 524290323 8月  15 16:13 weiflow-from-weiclient.log.2
    [root@header-1 rotate_logs]# ll -h
    总用量 1.3G
    -rw-r--r--  1 root root  11K 8月  15 13:45 rotatelogs.py
    -rw-r--r--  1 root root  240 8月  15 16:25 test_rotatelog.sh
    -rw-r--r--  1 root root 3.0K 8月  15 16:12 user_custom_script.sh
    -rw-r--r--  1 root root 243M 8月  15 16:13 weiflow-from-weiclient.log
    -rw-r--r--  1 root root 501M 8月  15 16:13 weiflow-from-weiclient.log.1
    -rw-r--r--  1 root root 501M 8月  15 16:13 weiflow-from-weiclient.log.2
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/suanec/p/11359349.html
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