• [Swift]LeetCode387. 字符串中的第一个唯一字符 | First Unique Character in a String


    Given a string, find the first non-repeating character in it and return it's index. If it doesn't exist, return -1.


    s = "leetcode"
    return 0.
    s = "loveleetcode",
    return 2.

    Note: You may assume the string contain only lowercase letters.

    给定一个字符串,找到它的第一个不重复的字符,并返回它的索引。如果不存在,则返回 -1。


    s = "leetcode"
    返回 0.
    s = "loveleetcode",
    返回 2.


     1 class Solution {
     2     func firstUniqChar(_ s: String) -> Int {
     3        //把英文字符都存入数组中
     4         var arr = Array<Int>(repeating: 0, count: 26)
     5         for asc in s.unicodeScalars
     6         {
     7             let num:Int = Int(asc.value - 97)
     8             //记录字符出现的次数
     9             arr[num] += 1
    10         }
    11         //再次循环字符串,使用enumerated()获取到字符串的索引
    12         for (index, asc) in s.unicodeScalars.enumerated()
    13         {
    14             let count = arr[Int(asc.value - 97)]
    15             if count == 1 {
    16                 return index
    17             }
    18         }
    19         return -1
    20     }
    21 }


     1 class Solution {
     2     func firstUniqChar(_ s: String) -> Int {
     3         var list:[Int] = [Int](repeating: 0, count: 26)
     4         for charCode in s.unicodeScalars {
     5             let tempIndex:Int = Int(charCode.value) - 97
     6             list[tempIndex] += 1
     7         }
     9         var index = 0
    10         for charCode in s.unicodeScalars {
    11             let tempIndex:Int = Int(charCode.value) - 97
    12             if list[tempIndex] == 1 {
    13                 return index
    14             }
    15             index += 1
    16         }
    17         return -1
    18     }
    19 }


     1 class Solution {
     2   func firstUniqChar(_ s: String) -> Int {
     3       var countFor = Array(repeating:0, count:26)
     4       let offset = 97
     5       for charCode in s.utf8 {
     6           let adjustedCharCode = Int(charCode) - offset
     7           countFor[adjustedCharCode] += 1
     8       }
     9       for (i, charCode) in s.utf8.enumerated() {
    10           let adjustedCharCode = Int(charCode) - offset
    11           if countFor[adjustedCharCode] == 1 {
    12               return i
    13           }
    14       }
    15       return -1
    16   }
    17 }
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/strengthen/p/9776962.html
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