• [Swift]LeetCode1223. 掷骰子模拟 | Dice Roll Simulation


    A die simulator generates a random number from 1 to 6 for each roll. You introduced a constraint to the generator such that it cannot roll the number i more than rollMax[i] (1-indexed) consecutive times. 

    Given an array of integers rollMax and an integer n, return the number of distinct sequences that can be obtained with exact n rolls.

    Two sequences are considered different if at least one element differs from each other. Since the answer may be too large, return it modulo 10^9 + 7.

    Example 1:

    Input: n = 2, rollMax = [1,1,2,2,2,3]
    Output: 34
    Explanation: There will be 2 rolls of die, if there are no constraints on the die, there are 6 * 6 = 36 possible combinations. In this case, looking at rollMax array, the numbers 1 and 2 appear at most once consecutively, therefore sequences (1,1) and (2,2) cannot occur, so the final answer is 36-2 = 34.
    Example 2:

    Input: n = 2, rollMax = [1,1,1,1,1,1]
    Output: 30
    Example 3:

    Input: n = 3, rollMax = [1,1,1,2,2,3]
    Output: 181


    1 <= n <= 5000
    rollMax.length == 6
    1 <= rollMax[i] <= 15

    有一个骰子模拟器会每次投掷的时候生成一个 1 到 6 的随机数。

    不过我们在使用它时有个约束,就是使得投掷骰子时,连续 掷出数字 i 的次数不能超过 rollMax[i](i 从 1 开始编号)。

    现在,给你一个整数数组 rollMax 和一个整数 n,请你来计算掷 n 次骰子可得到的不同点数序列的数量。

    假如两个序列中至少存在一个元素不同,就认为这两个序列是不同的。由于答案可能很大,所以请返回 模 10^9 + 7 之后的结果。 

    示例 1:

    输入:n = 2, rollMax = [1,1,2,2,2,3]
    解释:我们掷 2 次骰子,如果没有约束的话,共有 6 * 6 = 36 种可能的组合。但是根据 rollMax 数组,数字 1 和 2 最多连续出现一次,所以不会出现序列 (1,1) 和 (2,2)。因此,最终答案是 36-2 = 34。
    示例 2:

    输入:n = 2, rollMax = [1,1,1,1,1,1]
    示例 3:

    输入:n = 3, rollMax = [1,1,1,2,2,3]


    1 <= n <= 5000
    rollMax.length == 6
    1 <= rollMax[i] <= 15

    Runtime: 20 ms
    Memory Usage: 21.6 MB
     1 class Solution {
     2     func dieSimulator(_ n: Int, _ rollMax: [Int]) -> Int {
     3         let divisor:Int = 1000000007
     4         var dp:[[Int]] = [[Int]](repeating:[Int](repeating:0,count:7),count:n)
     5         for i in 0..<6
     6         {
     7             dp[0][i] = 1
     8         }
     9         dp[0][6] = 6
    10         for i in 1..<n
    11         {
    12             var sum:Int = 0
    13             for j in 0..<6
    14             {
    15                 dp[i][j] = dp[i - 1][6]
    16                 if i - rollMax[j] < 0
    17                 {
    18                     sum = (sum + dp[i][j]) % divisor
    19                 }
    20                 else
    21                 {
    22                     if i - rollMax[j] - 1 >= 0
    23                     {
    24                         dp[i][j] = (dp[i][j] - (dp[i - rollMax[j] - 1][6] - dp[i - rollMax[j] - 1][j])) % divisor + divisor
    25                     }
    26                     else
    27                     {
    28                         dp[i][j] = (dp[i][j] - 1) % divisor
    29                     }
    30                     sum = (sum + dp[i][j]) % divisor
    31                 }
    32             }
    33             dp[i][6] = sum
    34         }
    35         return dp[n - 1][6]
    36     }
    37 }


     1 class Solution {
     2     func dieSimulator(_ n: Int, _ rollMax: [Int]) -> Int {
     4         let MOD = 1000_000_007
     5         let SIDES = 6
     6         let MAX_ROLLS = 15
     7         let STATES = SIDES * MAX_ROLLS
     9         var dp = [Int](repeating: 0, count: STATES)
    11         for side in 0..<6 {
    12             dp[side] = 1
    13         }
    15         for i in 0..<n-1 {
    16             var next_dp = [Int](repeating: 0, count: STATES)
    17             for state in 0..<STATES {
    18                 let rolls = state / SIDES + 1
    19                 let side = state % SIDES
    20                 for die in 0..<6 {
    21                     let new_rolls = side == die ? rolls + 1 : 1
    22                     if new_rolls > rollMax[die] {
    23                         continue
    24                     }
    25                     next_dp[(new_rolls - 1) * SIDES + die] += dp[state]
    26                 }
    27             }
    28             for s in 0..<STATES {
    29                 next_dp[s] %= MOD
    30             }
    31             dp = next_dp
    32         }
    33         return dp.reduce(0, +)%MOD
    34     }
    35 }


     1 class Solution {
     2     func dieSimulator(_ n1: Int, _ rollMax: [Int]) -> Int {
     3         let MOD = 1000_000_007
     5         var memo = [[[Int]]](repeating: [[Int]](repeating: [Int](repeating: 0, count: 6), count: 16), count: 5001)
     7         func dfs(_ n: Int, _ k: Int, _ idx: Int) -> Int {
     8             if n == 0 {
     9                 return 1
    10             }
    12             if memo[n][k][idx] != 0 {
    13                 return memo[n][k][idx]
    14             }
    16             var v = 0
    17             for i in 0..<6 {
    18                 if i != idx {
    19                     v += dfs(n-1, 1, i)%MOD
    20                 } else {
    21                     if k < rollMax[i] {
    22                         v += dfs(n-1, k+1, i)%MOD
    23                     }
    24                 }
    25             }
    26             memo[n][k][idx] = v%MOD
    27             return v
    28         }
    30         var ans = 0
    31         for i in 0..<6 {
    32             ans += dfs(n1-1, 1, i)%MOD
    33         }
    34         return ans%MOD
    35     }
    36 }
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/strengthen/p/11627003.html
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