• [Swift]LeetCode846. 一手顺子 | Hand of Straights

    ➤原文地址: https://www.cnblogs.com/strengthen/p/10593021.html 

    Alice has a hand of cards, given as an array of integers.

    Now she wants to rearrange the cards into groups so that each group is size W, and consists of W consecutive cards.

    Return true if and only if she can.

    Example 1:

    Input: hand = [1,2,3,6,2,3,4,7,8], W = 3
    Output: true
    Explanation: Alice's hand can be rearranged as [1,2,3],[2,3,4],[6,7,8].

    Example 2:

    Input: hand = [1,2,3,4,5], W = 4
    Output: false
    Explanation: Alice's hand can't be rearranged into groups of 4.


    1. 1 <= hand.length <= 10000
    2. 0 <= hand[i] <= 10^9
    3. 1 <= W <= hand.length


    现在她想把牌重新排列成组,使得每个组的大小都是 W,且由 W 张连续的牌组成。

    如果她可以完成分组就返回 true,否则返回 false

    示例 1:

    输入:hand = [1,2,3,6,2,3,4,7,8], W = 3
    解释:爱丽丝的手牌可以被重新排列为 [1,2,3],[2,3,4],[6,7,8]

    示例 2:

    输入:hand = [1,2,3,4,5], W = 4
    解释:爱丽丝的手牌无法被重新排列成几个大小为 4 的组。


    1. 1 <= hand.length <= 10000
    2. 0 <= hand[i] <= 10^9
    3. 1 <= W <= hand.length


     1 class Solution {
     2     func isNStraightHand(_ hand: [Int], _ W: Int) -> Bool {
     3         guard hand.count % W == 0 else { return false }
     4         var modulus = Array(repeating: 0, count: W)
     5         for i in 0..<hand.count {
     6             modulus[hand[i]%W] += 1
     7         }
     8         for i in 0..<modulus.count-1 {
     9             if modulus[i] != modulus[i+1] {
    10                 return false
    11             }
    12         }
    13         return true
    14     }
    15 }


     1 class Solution {
     2     func isNStraightHand(_ hand: [Int], _ W: Int) -> Bool {
     3         if W == 0 { return true }
     4         if hand.count % W != 0 { return false }
     6         var map = [Int: Int]()
     7         for h in hand { map[h, default: 0] += 1 }
     8         let sortedHand = Array(Set<Int>(hand)).sorted()
     9         if sortedHand.count < W { return false }
    11         for i in 0 ... sortedHand.count - W {
    12             let cti = map[sortedHand[i]]!
    13             if cti == 0 { continue }
    14             map[sortedHand[i]]! -= cti
    15             for j in (i+1)..<(W+i) {
    16                 if map[sortedHand[j]]! < cti { return false }
    17                 if sortedHand[j] !=  sortedHand[j-1] + 1 { return false }
    18                 map[sortedHand[j]]! -= cti
    19             }
    20         }
    22         return map.values.filter{ $0 > 0 }.count == 0
    23     }
    24 }


     1 class Solution {
     2     func isNStraightHand(_ hand: [Int], _ W: Int) -> Bool {
     3         guard hand.count % W == 0 else { return false }
     4         let hand = hand.sorted()
     5         var dict = hand.reduce(into: [Int: Int]()){ $0[$1, default: 0] += 1 }
     6         for n in hand {
     7             guard dict[n, default: 0] > 0 else { continue }
     8             for w in 0..<W {
     9                 dict[n+w, default: 0] -= 1
    10                 if dict[n+w, default: 0] < 0 { return false }
    11             }
    12         }
    13         return dict.filter{ $0.value > 0 }.isEmpty
    14     }
    15 }

    Runtime: 372 ms
    Memory Usage: 19.5 MB
     1 class Solution {
     2     func isNStraightHand(_ hand: [Int], _ W: Int) -> Bool {
     3         var c:[Int:Int] = [Int:Int]()
     4         var hand = hand.sorted(by:<)
     5         for i in hand
     6         {
     7             c[i,default:0] += 1          
     8         }
     9         var start:[Int] = [Int]()
    10         var last_checked:Int = -1
    11         var opened:Int = 0
    12         var nums = Set(c.keys).sorted(by:<)
    13         for key in nums
    14         {
    15             if opened > 0 && key > last_checked + 1 || opened > c[key,default:0]
    16             {
    17                 return false
    18             }
    19             start.append(c[key,default:0] - opened)
    20             last_checked = key
    21             opened = c[key,default:0]
    22             if start.count == W
    23             {
    24                 opened -= start.removeFirst()                
    25             }
    26         }
    27         return opened == 0
    28     }
    29 }


     1 class Solution {
     2     func isNStraightHand(_ hand: [Int], _ W: Int) -> Bool {
     3         guard hand.count % W == 0 else { return false }
     4         let limit = 1_000_000_000
     5         var cache: [Int: Int] = [Int: Int]()
     6         for card in hand {
     7             cache[card, default: 0] += 1
     8         }
    10         var sortedKeys = cache.keys.sorted()
    11         while !cache.isEmpty {
    12             let first = sortedKeys.first!
    13             for i in first..<first+W {
    14                 guard let value = cache[i] else { return false }
    15                 cache[i] = value - 1
    16                 if cache[i] == 0 {
    17                     cache.removeValue(forKey: i)
    18                     if let index = sortedKeys.index(of: i) { 
    19                         sortedKeys.remove(at: index) 
    20                     }
    21                 }
    22             }
    23         }
    24         return true
    25     }
    26 }


     1 class Solution {
     2     func isNStraightHand(_ hand: [Int], _ W: Int) -> Bool {
     3         if hand.count % W != 0 { return false }
     4         let hand = hand.sorted()
     5         let list = DoublyLinkedList(hand)
     7         while !list.isEmpty {
     8             var count = W
     9             var node = list.head.next
    10             var prevVal = -1
    11             while count > 0 && !list.isEmpty && node !== list.tail {
    12                 let val = node!.val
    13                 if prevVal >= 0 {
    14                     if val == prevVal {
    15                         node = node!.next
    16                     } else if (val - 1) != prevVal {
    17                         return false
    18                     } else {
    19                         prevVal = val
    20                         node = node!.next
    21                         list.delete(node!.prev!)
    22                         count -= 1
    23                     }
    24                 } else {
    25                     prevVal = val
    26                     list.delete(node!)
    27                     count -= 1
    28                     node = list.head.next
    29                 }
    30             }
    31             if count > 0 { return false }
    32         }
    33         return true
    34     }
    35 }
    37 class DoublyLinkedList {
    38     var head = Node(0)
    39     var tail = Node(0)
    41     init() {
    42         head.next = tail
    43         tail.prev = head
    44     }
    46     init(_ arr: [Int]) {
    47         head.next = tail
    48         tail.prev = head
    49         for el in arr {
    50             append(el)
    51         }
    52     }
    54     func append(_ val: Int) {
    55         let node = Node(val)
    56         if isEmpty {
    57             head.next = node
    58             node.next = tail
    59             node.prev = head
    60             tail.prev = node
    61         } else {
    62             tail.prev?.next = node
    63             node.next = tail
    64             node.prev = tail.prev
    65             tail.prev = node
    66         }
    67     }
    69     func delete(_ node: Node) {
    70         node.prev?.next = node.next
    71         node.next?.prev = node.prev
    72     }
    74     var isEmpty: Bool {
    75         return head.next === tail
    76     }
    78     func printL() {
    79         var node = head.next
    80         while node !== tail {
    81             print("(node!.val)", terminator: "->")
    82             node = node!.next
    83         }
    84         print("")
    85     }
    86 }
    88 class Node {
    89     var val: Int
    90     var next: Node?
    91     weak var prev: Node?
    93     init(_ val: Int) {
    94         self.val = val
    95     }
    96 }
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/strengthen/p/10593021.html
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