• Spring Cloud(7.2):配置Producer Server




    <!-- Spring cloud: stream -->
    <!-- Spring cloud starter: kafka -->

    此外,它还是一个Eureka Client和Config Client,如何配置Eureka Client和Config Client请看前面章节。


    public interface ProductPriceSource {
        MessageChannel productPriceOutput();

    [注] 这里创建了一个叫“productPriceOutput”的自定义发射通道,如果不使用自定义,可以直接使用org.springframework.cloud.stream.messaging.Source接口及叫output的发射通道(下面的yml文件会讲如何配置)。

    public class ProductPriceMessageSender {
        private ProductPriceSource source;
        private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ProductPriceMessageSender.class);
         * The product is expired and need to send kafka message to consumer service to remove it from cache(redis).
         * @param productId
        public void sendMessage(Long productId) {
            logger.info(String.format(">>>>> Sending Kafka message: [productId = %s].", productId.toString()));

    [注] 这里配置了一个发射器bean,当有商品-价格信息被更新或删除,则调用该bean,把消息发布到消息队列。

    @EnableBinding({ ProductPriceSource.class })
    public class MyApplication {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            SpringApplication.run(MyApplication.class, args);

    [注] Application中加入@EnableBinding注解,并把定义好的发射通道(output)或接收通道(input)绑定到该服务中。可以绑定多个。


    ## Spring info
      # Stream/Kafka info
            # output -> productPriceOutput (自定义通道)
              # 要写入消息的消息队列的名称
              destination:  productPriceTopic
              # 发送和接收消息类型
              content-type: application/json
          # 使用kafka作为消息总线
              # 运行着kafka服务器的网络地址
              brokers: www.mytools.com


    public class ProductPriceController {
        private ProductPriceService productPriceService;
        @GetMapping(value = "find/all")
        public List<ProductPriceEntity> findAll() {
            return productPriceService.findAll();
        @GetMapping(value = "find/productId/{productId}")
        public ProductPriceEntity find(@PathVariable String productId) {
            return productPriceService.findById(Long.valueOf(productId));
        @GetMapping(value = "add/productId/{productId}/product/{product}/price/{price}")
        public String save(@PathVariable String productId, @PathVariable String product, @PathVariable String price) {
            return productPriceService.save(Long.valueOf(productId), product, new BigDecimal(price));
        @GetMapping(value = "update/productId/{productId}/product/{product}/price/{price}")
        public String update(@PathVariable String productId, @PathVariable String product, @PathVariable String price) {
            return productPriceService.update(Long.valueOf(productId), product, new BigDecimal(price));
        @GetMapping(value = "delete/productId/{productId}")
        public String delete(@PathVariable String productId) {
            return productPriceService.delete(Long.valueOf(productId));

    [注] 这里创建了几个常规的,包括增删改查的API。

    public class ProductPriceService {
        private static final Map<Long, ProductPriceEntity> db = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
        static {
            ProductPriceEntity row1 = new ProductPriceEntity(1L, "Apple", new BigDecimal("8.5"));
            ProductPriceEntity row2 = new ProductPriceEntity(2L, "Watermelon", new BigDecimal("2.2"));
            ProductPriceEntity row3 = new ProductPriceEntity(3L, "Grape", new BigDecimal("6.8"));
            db.put(1L, row1);
            db.put(2L, row2);
            db.put(3L, row3);
        private ProductPriceMessageSender sender;
        public List<ProductPriceEntity> findAll() {
            List<ProductPriceEntity> results = new ArrayList<>();
            return results;
        public ProductPriceEntity findById(Long productId) {
            return db.get(productId);
        public String save(Long productId, String product, BigDecimal price) {
            if (db.containsKey(productId)) {
                return String.format("[WARN] Product which productId = %s already exists in DB.", productId.toString());
            } else {
                ProductPriceEntity param = new ProductPriceEntity(productId, product, price);
                db.put(productId, param);
                return String.format("Save %s completed.", param);
        public String update(Long productId, String product, BigDecimal price) {
            if (db.containsKey(productId)) {
                ProductPriceEntity param = new ProductPriceEntity(productId, product, price);
                db.put(productId, param);
                // [UPDATE] send to kafka
                return String.format("Update %s completed.", param);
            } else {
                return String.format("[WARN] No product which productId = %s in DB.", productId.toString());
        public String delete(Long productId) {
            if (db.containsKey(productId)) {
                ProductPriceEntity result = db.remove(productId);
                // [DELETE] send to kafka
                return String.format("Delete %s completed.", result.toString());
            } else {
                return String.format("[WARN] No product which productId = %s in DB.", productId.toString());

    [注] 这里使用一个Map来模拟DB。并且当有商品-价格信息被更新或删除时,才调用ProductPriceMessageSender发送消息。ProductPriceEntity的代码如下:

    public class ProductPriceEntity implements Serializable {
        private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
        private Long productId;
        private String product;
        private BigDecimal price;
        public ProductPriceEntity() {
        public ProductPriceEntity(Long productId, String product, BigDecimal price) {
            this.productId = productId;
            this.product = product;
            this.price = price;
        public Long getProductId() {
            return productId;
        public void setProductId(Long productId) {
            this.productId = productId;
        public String getProduct() {
            return product;
        public void setProduct(String product) {
            this.product = product;
        public BigDecimal getPrice() {
            return price;
        public void setPrice(BigDecimal price) {
            this.price = price;
        public String toString() {
            return "ProductPriceEntity [productId=" + productId + ", product=" + product + ", price=" + price + "]";

    Input and Output to a broker,

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