• TF-IDF 实践


    1. 用python写一个爬虫爬取网易新闻

    2. 用分词工具对爬下来的文字进行处理, 形成语料库

    3. 根据TF-IDF, 自动找出新闻的关键词

    4. 根据TF-IDF, 实现相似新闻推荐

    step 1a

    今天一天都在弄python爬虫, 花了好大力气才写出一个勉强可用的版本

     1 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*
     3 import re, urllib, sys
     4 import pyodbc
     6 newsLink = set()##获取的所有新闻
     7 processLink = set()##正在处理的新闻
     8 newLink = set()##新读取的新闻
     9 viewedLink = set()##已经读取过的新闻
    11 ##打开输入的链接, 用正则表达式找出新页面中其他的链接, 并添加到全局set中
    12 def getNewsLink(link):
    13     ##print link
    14     if(link in viewedLink):
    15         return
    16     viewedLink.add(link)
    17     content = ""
    18     try:##这一步可能会抛出异常
    19         content = urllib.urlopen(link).read().decode('gbk').encode('utf-8')
    20     except:
    21         info=sys.exc_info()
    22         print info[0],":",info[1]
    23         print "caused by link : ",  link
    24     m = re.findall(r"news.163.com/d{2}/d{4}/d{2}/w+.html",content,re.M)##网易新闻链接格式为http://news.163.com/14/0621/12/9V8V9AL60001124J.html
    25     for i in m:
    26         url = "http://" + i
    27         newLink.add(url)
    28         newsLink.add(url)
    29     print "crawled %d page, get %d link"%(len(viewedLink),  len(newsLink))
    31 ##将读取到的新闻ID存入数据库中
    32 def saveNewsIDtoDB():
    33     newsID = dict()
    34     for link in newsLink:
    35         ID = link[31:47]
    36         newsID[ID] = link##截取其中新闻ID
    37     conn = pyodbc.connect('DRIVER={SQL Server};SERVER=STEVEN-PC\MSSQLSERVER_R2;DATABASE=TF-IDF;UID=sa;PWD=123456')
    38     cursor = conn.cursor()
    39     for (ID, url) in newsID.items():
    40         sql = "INSERT INTO News(NewsID, Url) VALUES ('%s','%s')"%(ID, url)
    41         try:
    42             cursor.execute(sql)
    43         except:
    44             info=sys.exc_info()
    45             print info[0],":",info[1]
    46             print "caused by sql : ",  sql
    47     conn.commit()
    48     conn.close()
    49     print "total get %d news ID"%(len(newsID))
    51 ##读取指定数量的新闻
    52 def readNews(count):
    53     processLink = set()
    54     processLink.add("http://news.163.com/")
    55     while(len(newsLink) < count):
    56         for link in processLink:
    57             getNewsLink(link)
    58         processLink = newLink.copy()
    59         newLink.clear()
    61 readNews(10000)
    62 saveNewsIDtoDB()
    View Code


    网易新闻没有公开其API, 但是新闻链接的格式都是固定的

    如同http://news.163.com/14/0621/12/9V8V9AL60001124J.html, 14代表年份, 0621代表日期, 12不知道什么意思, 但是一定是两位数字, 后面的16位字符串就是新闻ID

    跑了几十分钟, 抓了10360个新闻链接

    step 1b

    用BeautifulSoup解析链接, 得到新闻的标题, 正文, 和发布时间

    跑了接近一个小时吧, 得到9714条新闻记录,  中间折损了接近一千条,  有的是新闻已经被删除了, 也有的是因为新闻正文格式不对, 抓了一堆JS代码进来, 存到数据库的时候就报错了



     1 # encoding: utf-8
     2 import re, urllib, sys
     3 import pyodbc, json
     4 import socket
     5 from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
     6 socket.setdefaulttimeout(10.0) 
     8 def readNews():
     9     conn = pyodbc.connect('DRIVER={SQL Server};SERVER=STEVEN-PC\MSSQLSERVER_R2;DATABASE=TF-IDF;UID=sa;PWD=123456')
    10     cursor = conn.cursor()
    11     sql = "SELECT * FROM News"
    12     cursor.execute(sql)
    13     rows = cursor.fetchall()
    15     updateCount = 0;
    17     for row in rows:#从数据库中读取链接
    18         print row.NewsID, row.Url
    19         content = ""
    20         ptime = ""
    21         title = ""
    22         body = ""
    23         newsID = row.NewsID.strip()
    24         try:##这一步可能会抛出异常
    25             content = urllib.urlopen(row.Url).read()#读取网页内容
    26             ptime = "20" + row.Url[20:22] + "-" + row.Url[23:25] + "-" + row.Url[25:27]#新闻发布日期
    27             title, body = analyzeNews(content)#解析网页内容, 获取新闻标题与正文
    28         except:
    29             info=sys.exc_info()
    30             print info[0],":",info[1]
    31             print "caused by link : ",  row.Url
    32             continue
    34         sql = "UPDATE News SET Title = '%s', Body = '%s',ptime = '%s' WHERE NewsID = '%s'"%(title,  body,  ptime,  newsID)#生成sql语句
    35         try:##这一步可能会抛出异常
    36             cursor.execute(sql)
    37         except:
    38             info=sys.exc_info()
    39             print info[0],":",info[1]
    40             print "caused by sql : ",  sql
    41             continue
    42         updateCount += 1
    43         if(updateCount % 100 == 0):
    44             conn.commit()
    45             print "已经更新了%s条数据!"%(updateCount)
    46     conn.commit()
    47     conn.close()
    48     print "数据处理完毕, 一共更新了%s条数据!"%(updateCount)
    50 def analyzeNews(content):
    51     soup = BeautifulSoup(content, from_encoding="gb18030")
    52     title = soup.title.get_text()[:-7]
    53     bodyHtml = soup.find(id = "endtext")
    54     if(bodyHtml == None):
    55         bodyHtml = soup.find(id = "text")
    56     if(bodyHtml == None):
    57         bodyHtml = soup.find(id = "endText")
    58     body = bodyHtml.get_text()
    59     body = re.sub("
    +", "
    ", body)#去除连续的换行符
    60     print title
    61     return title, body
    63 readNews()
    View Code

    step 2

    用结巴分词对新闻做分词并存入数据库中, 标题的权重设为正文的五倍

    没想到数据库的效率这么高, 每秒钟居然能执行近万条插入语句


     1 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*
     3 import re, urllib, sys
     4 import pyodbc
     5 import jieba
     7 stop = [line.strip().decode('utf-8') for line in open('chinese_stopword.txt').readlines() ]
     9 def readNewsContent():
    10     conn = pyodbc.connect('DRIVER={SQL Server};SERVER=STEVEN-PC\MSSQLSERVER_R2;DATABASE=TF-IDF;UID=sa;PWD=123456')
    11     cursor = conn.cursor()
    12     sql = "SELECT * FROM News"
    13     cursor.execute(sql)
    14     rows = cursor.fetchall()
    16     word_dict = dict()#所有词的频数
    18     insert_count = 0;
    19     for row in rows:#从数据库中读取新闻
    20         content = row.Body
    21         title = row.Title
    22         newsID = row.NewsID.strip()
    23         seg_dict = sliceNews(title, content)#切词
    25         newsWordCount = 0
    26         for(word, count) in seg_dict.items():
    27             newsWordCount += count
    28             sql = "INSERT INTO ContentWord(Word, Count, NewsID) VALUES ('%s',%d, '%s')"%(word, count, newsID)#将每篇新闻的词频存入数据库中
    29             cursor.execute(sql)
    30             insert_count += 1
    31             if(insert_count % 10000 == 0):
    32                 print "插入%d条新闻词频记录!"%(insert_count)
    33             if(word in word_dict):#维护word_dict
    34                 word_dict[word] += 1
    35             else:
    36                 word_dict[word] = 1
    37         sql = "UPDATE News SET WordCount = '%d' WHERE NewsID = '%s'"%(newsWordCount,  newsID)
    38         cursor.execute(sql)
    39         conn.commit()
    40     print "一共插入%d条新闻词频记录!"%(insert_count)
    42     #将word_dict存入数据库中
    43     for(word, count) in word_dict.items():
    44         sql = "INSERT INTO TotalWord(Word, Count) VALUES ('%s',%d)"%(word, count)
    45         cursor.execute(sql)
    46     print "插入%d条总词频记录!"%(len(word_dict.items()))
    47     conn.commit()
    48     conn.close()
    50 #对输入文字切词,  并返回去除停用词后的词频
    51 def sliceNews(title, content):
    52     title_segs = list(jieba.cut(title))
    53     segs = list(jieba.cut(content))
    54     for i in range(5):#标题权重算正文权重的五倍
    55         segs += title_segs
    57     seg_set = set(segs)
    58     seg_dict = dict()
    59     for seg in seg_set:#去除停用词, 并得到这篇新闻里的词频
    60         if(seg not in stop and re.match(ur"[u4e00-u9fa5]+", seg)):#只匹配中文
    61             seg_dict[seg] = segs.count(seg)
    63     return seg_dict
    65 readNewsContent()
    View Code

    几分钟就跑完了, 一共插入1475330条新闻词频记录和135961条总词频记录

    step 3

    然后对分词结果做计算, 求其TF-IDF值, 得到每篇新闻的TF-IDF值最高的头20个词语, 作为关键词, 并保存到数据库中


     1 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*
     3 import re, urllib, sys
     4 import pyodbc
     5 import math
     8 conn = pyodbc.connect('DRIVER={SQL Server};SERVER=STEVEN-PC\MSSQLSERVER_R2;DATABASE=TF-IDF;UID=sa;PWD=123456')
     9 cursor = conn.cursor()
    10 newsCount = 0;
    11 totalWordDict = dict()
    13 def init():
    14     #读取所有新闻数
    15     sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM News"
    16     cursor.execute(sql)
    17     row = cursor.fetchone()
    18     global newsCount 
    19     newsCount = int(row[0])
    20     #读取总词频并构造字典
    21     sql = "SELECT * FROM TotalWord"
    22     cursor.execute(sql)
    23     rows = cursor.fetchall()
    24     for row in rows:
    25         totalWordDict[row.Word.strip()] = int(row.Count)
    27 def clean():
    28     conn.commit()
    29     conn.close()
    31 #计算所有新闻的关键词的tf-idf值
    32 def cacluTFIDF():
    33     sql = "SELECT * FROM NEWS"#遍历新闻
    34     cursor.execute(sql)
    35     rows = cursor.fetchall()
    36     insertCount = 0
    37     for row in rows:#对每一条新闻计算其关键词的TFIDF值
    38         newsID = row.NewsID.strip()
    39         keyWordList = calcuKeyWords(newsID)
    40         for keyWord in keyWordList:#将计算出的TFIDF值存入数据库中
    41             word = keyWord[0]
    42             value = keyWord[1]
    43             sql = "INSERT INTO TFIDF(Word, Value, NewsID) VALUES ('%s',%f, '%s')"%(word, value,  newsID)
    44             cursor.execute(sql)
    45             insertCount += 1
    46             if(insertCount % 10000 == 0):
    47                 print "插入%d条TFIDF记录!"%(insertCount)
    48         conn.commit()
    49     print "一共插入%d条TFIDF记录!"%(insertCount)
    51 #计算指定新闻的关键词
    52 def calcuKeyWords(newsID):
    53     newsID = newsID.strip()
    54     sql = "SELECT * FROM NEWS WHERE NewsID = '%s'"%(newsID)
    55     cursor.execute(sql)
    56     newsWordCount = cursor.fetchone().WordCount#新闻的总词数
    58     sql = "SELECT * FROM ContentWord WHERE NewsID = '%s'"%(newsID)
    59     cursor.execute(sql)
    60     rows = cursor.fetchall()
    61     tfidf_dict = dict()
    62     global newsCount
    63     #构建这篇新闻的tf-idf字典
    64     for row in rows:
    65         word = row.Word.strip()
    66         count = row.Count
    67         tf = float(count) / newsWordCount
    68         idf = math.log(float(newsCount) / (totalWordDict[word] + 1))
    69         tfidf = tf * idf
    70         tfidf_dict[word] = tfidf
    71     #取前20个关键词
    72     keyWordList = sorted(tfidf_dict.items(), key=lambda d: d[1])[-20:]
    73     return keyWordList
    76 init()
    77 cacluTFIDF()
    78 clean()
    View Code

    比方说对于 重庆东胜煤矿5名遇难者遗体全部找到 这条新闻

    程序计算出来的关键词, 按权重从低到高排列分别为:


    step 4





      1 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*
      3 import re, urllib, sys
      4 import pyodbc
      5 import math
      7 conn = pyodbc.connect('DRIVER={SQL Server};SERVER=STEVEN-PC\MSSQLSERVER_R2;DATABASE=TF-IDF;UID=sa;PWD=123456')
      8 cursor = conn.cursor()
     10 def clean():
     11     conn.commit()
     12     conn.close()
     14 #计算两条新闻的相似度,  返回结果为这两条新闻的关键词之间的余弦距离
     15 def similar(newsID1, newsID2):
     16     newsID1 = newsID1.strip()
     17     newsID2 = newsID2.strip()
     18     #取得待对比的两个新闻的关键词集合
     19     sql = "SELECT * FROM TFIDF WHERE NewsID = '%s' OR NewsID = '%s'"%(newsID1, newsID2)
     20     cursor.execute(sql)
     21     rows = cursor.fetchall()
     22     wordSet = set()
     23     for row in rows:
     24         wordSet.add(row.Word)
     25     #计算两条新闻中关键词的各自出现次数, 用向量表示
     26     vector1 = []
     27     vector2 = []
     28     for word in wordSet:
     29         sql = "SELECT * FROM ContentWord WHERE NewsID = '%s' AND Word = '%s'"%(newsID1, word)
     30         cursor.execute(sql)
     31         rows = cursor.fetchall()
     32         if len(rows) == 0:
     33             vector1.append(0)
     34         else:
     35             vector1.append(int(rows[0].Count))
     36         sql = "SELECT * FROM ContentWord WHERE NewsID = '%s' AND Word = '%s'"%(newsID2, word)
     37         cursor.execute(sql)
     38         rows = cursor.fetchall()
     39         if len(rows) == 0:
     40             vector2.append(0)
     41         else:
     42             vector2.append(int(rows[0].Count))
     43     return calcuCosDistance(vector1, vector2)
     45 #计算两个输入向量之间的余弦距离
     46 def calcuCosDistance(a, b):
     47     if len(a) != len(b):
     48         return None
     49     part_up = 0.0
     50     a_sq = 0.0
     51     b_sq = 0.0
     52     for a1, b1 in zip(a,b):
     53         part_up += a1*b1
     54         a_sq += a1**2
     55         b_sq += b1**2
     56     part_down = math.sqrt(a_sq*b_sq)
     57     if part_down == 0.0:
     58         return None
     59     else:
     60         return part_up / part_down
     62 #输入一个新闻ID, 输出与其最相似的头几条新闻
     63 def recommand(newsID):
     64     limit = 5
     65     result = dict()
     66     sql = "SELECT * FROM NEWS"#遍历新闻
     67     cursor.execute(sql)
     68     rows = cursor.fetchall()
     70     newsID = newsID.strip()
     71     calcuCount = 0
     72     for row in rows:
     73         calcuCount += 1
     74         if calcuCount % 200 == 0:
     75             print "已经计算了%d对新闻的相似度"%(calcuCount)
     76         if row.NewsID.strip() != newsID:#去掉本身
     77             distance = similar(newsID, row.NewsID)#计算两个新闻的相似度
     78             if len(result) < limit:
     79                 result[distance] = row.NewsID
     80             else:
     81                 minDis = min(result.keys())
     82                 if(minDis < distance):
     83                     del result[minDis]
     84                     result[distance] = row.NewsID
     86     print "输入的新闻编号为%s"%(newsID)
     87     sql = "SELECT * FROM NEWS WHERE NewsID = '%s'"%(newsID)
     88     cursor.execute(sql)
     89     row = cursor.fetchone()
     90     print "输入的新闻链接为:   %s"%(row.Url.encode('utf-8'))
     91     print "输入的新闻标题为:   %s"%(row.Title.decode('gb2312').encode('utf-8'))
     92     print "--------------------------------------"
     93     for sim, newsID in result.items():
     94         sql = "SELECT * FROM NEWS WHERE NewsID = '%s'"%(newsID)
     95         cursor.execute(sql)
     96         row = cursor.fetchone()
     97         print "推荐新闻的相似度为: %f"%(sim)
     98         print "推荐新闻的编号为:   %s"%(row.NewsID.encode('utf-8'))
     99         print "推荐新闻的链接为:   %s"%(row.Url.encode('utf-8'))
    100         print "推荐新闻的标题为:   %s"%(row.Title.decode('gb2312').encode('utf-8'))
    101         print ""
    103 #print similar("2IK789GB0001121M", "2IKJ8KRJ0001121M")
    104 recommand("A4AVPKLA00014JB5")
    105 clean()
    View Code
    输入刚才的新闻ID, 得到的结果为
     1 输入的新闻编号为:   A4AVPKLA00014JB5
     2 输入的新闻链接为:   http://news.163.com/14/0823/10/A4AVPKLA00014JB5.html
     3 输入的新闻标题为:   重庆东胜煤矿5名遇难者遗体全部找到
     4 --------------------------------------
     5 推荐新闻的相似度为: 0.346214
     6 推荐新闻的编号为:   A4BHA5OO0001124J    
     7 推荐新闻的链接为:   http://news.163.com/14/0823/15/A4BHA5OO0001124J.html
     8 推荐新闻的标题为:   安徽淮南煤矿爆炸事故救援再次发现遇难者遗体
    10 推荐新闻的相似度为: 0.356118
    11 推荐新闻的编号为:   8H0Q439K00011229    
    12 推荐新闻的链接为:   http://news.163.com/12/1123/16/8H0Q439K00011229.html
    13 推荐新闻的标题为:   安徽淮北首富被曝用500万元买通矿难遇难者家属
    15 推荐新闻的相似度为: 0.320387
    16 推荐新闻的编号为:   A3MBB7CF00014JB6    
    17 推荐新闻的链接为:   http://news.163.com/14/0815/10/A3MBB7CF00014JB6.html
    18 推荐新闻的标题为:   黑龙江鸡西煤矿透水事故9人升井 仍有16名矿工被困
    20 推荐新闻的相似度为: 0.324280
    21 推荐新闻的编号为:   5Q92I93D000120GU    
    22 推荐新闻的链接为:   http://news.163.com/09/1211/16/5Q92I93D000120GU.html
    23 推荐新闻的标题为:   土耳其煤矿发生瓦斯爆炸 19名矿工全部遇难
    25 推荐新闻的相似度为: 0.361950
    26 推荐新闻的编号为:   6D7J4VLR00014AED    
    27 推荐新闻的链接为:   http://news.163.com/10/0804/05/6D7J4VLR00014AED.html
    28 推荐新闻的标题为:   贵州一煤矿发生煤与瓦斯突出事故


    不过, 由于推荐操作需要对数据库进行遍历, 时间复杂度非常高, 对单个新闻做关联推荐耗时大约在10分钟左右, 实际使用肯定是无法接受的

    但是, 毕竟只是个很粗糙的测试, 我个人还是非常满意的

    我的感受是: 算法挺神奇, 在上面的代码中, 完全不需要知道具体的新闻内容, 程序就能自动做出相当准确的判断, 非常方便而且有趣


    比如爬取新闻的时候可以删除部分无用信息(来源, 记者姓名之类)

    根据词语出现的位置, 对TF-IDF值进行修正, 比方说第一段和每一段的第一句话的TF-IDF值应当更高一点

    对新闻进行粗略分类, 在对一篇新闻做关联推荐的时候, 不需要遍历整个新闻库


    参考资料: 阮一峰的博客  http://www.ruanyifeng.com/blog/2013/03/tf-idf.html

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/stevenczp/p/3931354.html
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