• 任意长度整数加法

       1: #include <stdio.h>
       2: #include <math.h>
       3: #include <stdlib.h>
       5: #define STACK_INIT_SIZE 20
       6: #define STACKINCREMENT 10
       7: /*定义堆栈*/
       8: typedef  char ElemType;
       9: typedef struct{
      10:     ElemType *base;
      11:     ElemType *top;
      12:     int stacksize;
      13: }sqStack;
      14: /*初始化栈*/
      15: void initStack(sqStack *s)
      16: {
      17:     /*内存中开辟一段连续空间作为栈空间,首地址赋值给s->base*/
      18:     s->base = (ElemType *)malloc(STACK_INIT_SIZE * sizeof(ElemType));
      19:     if(!s->base) exit(0);                    /*分配空间失败*/
      20:     s->top = s->base;                    /*最开始,栈顶就是栈底*/
      21:     s->stacksize = STACK_INIT_SIZE;        /*最大容量为STACK_INIT_SIZE */
      22: }
      23: /*入栈操作,将e压入栈中*/
      24: void Push(sqStack *s, ElemType e){
      25:     if(s->top - s->base >= s->stacksize){
      26:     /*栈满,追加空间*/
      27:     s->base = (ElemType *)realloc(s->base, (s->stacksize +
      28:     STACKINCREMENT)*sizeof(ElemType));
      29:     if(!s->base) exit(0);                                /*存储分配失败*/
      30:     s->top = s->base + s->stacksize;
      31:     s->stacksize = s->stacksize + STACKINCREMENT;        /*设置栈的最大容量*/
      32:     }
      33:     *(s->top) = e;                                    /*放入数据*/
      34:         s->top++;
      35: }
      36: /*出栈操作,用e将栈顶元素返回*/
      37: void Pop(sqStack *s , ElemType *e){
      38:     if(s->top == s->base) return;
      39:     *e = *--(s->top);
      40: }
      42: /*计算堆栈s当前的长度*/
      43: int StackLen(sqStack s){
      44:     return (s.top - s.base) ;
      45: }
      47: void ADD(sqStack *s1,sqStack *s2,sqStack *s3)
      48: {
      49: char a1,a2,a3,c=0;                 /*a1,a2分别存放从堆栈s1,s2中取出的(数据)元素,
      50: a3=a1+a2,c中存放进位*/
      51:     while(StackLen(*s1)!=0 && StackLen(*s2)!=0)
      52:     {
      53:          Pop(s1,&a1);                    /*取出s1栈的栈顶元素给a1*/
      54:          Pop(s2,&a2);                    /*取出s2栈的栈顶元素给a2*/
      55:          a3 = (a1-48) + (a2-48) + c + 48;        /*相加*/
      56:          if(a3>'9')
      57:          {
      58:                a3 = a3 - '9' + 47;            /*产生进位的情况*/
      59:                c = 1;
      60:           }
      61:           else
      62:               c = 0;                    /*不产生进位*/
      63:          Push(s3,a3);                    /*将结果入栈s3*/
      64:      }
      65:      if(StackLen(*s1)!=0)                    /*栈s1不为空的情况*/
      66:      {
      67:         while(StackLen(*s1)!=0)
      68:         {
      69:            Pop(s1,&a1);                    /*取出s1栈的栈顶元素给a1*/
      70:            a3 = a1 + c ;                    /*与进位标志c相加*/
      71:            if(a3>'9')
      72:            {
      73:                a3 = a3 - '9' + 47;            /*产生进位的情况*/
      74:                c = 1;
      75:            }
      76:           else
      77:               c = 0;                    /*不产生进位*/
      78:            Push(s3,a3);                    /*将结果入栈s3*/
      79:         }
      80:      }
      81:      else if(StackLen(*s2)!=0)                /*栈s1不为空的情况*/
      82:      {
      83:         while(StackLen(*s2)!=0)
      84:         {
      85:            Pop(s2,&a2);                    /*取出s1栈的栈顶元素给a1*/
      86:            a3 = a2 + c;                    /*与进位标志c相加*/
      87:            if(a3>'9')
      88:            {
      89:                a3 = a3 - '9' + 47;            /*产生进位的情况*/
      90:                c = 1;
      91:            }
      92:           else
      93:               c = 0;                    /*不产生进位*/
      94:            Push(s3,a3);                    /*栈s1不为空的情况*/
      95:         }
      96:      }
      97:      if(c==1)
      98:         Push(s3,'1');                    /*如果最后有进位,将字符’1’入栈s3*/
      99: }
     101: int main()
     102: {
     103:     char e;
     104:     sqStack s1,s2,s3;
     105:     initStack(&s1);                            /*初始化堆栈s1,存放加数*/
     106:     initStack(&s2);                            /*初始化堆栈s2,存放加数*/
     107:     initStack(&s3);                            /*初始化堆栈s3,存放结果*/
     108:     printf("Please input the first integer\n");        /*输入第一个任意长整数,按”#”结尾*/
     109:     scanf("%c",&e);
     110:     while(e!='#')
     111:     {
     112:        Push(&s1,e);                            /*将加数(字符串)入栈s1*/
     113:        scanf("%c",&e);
     114:     }
     115:     getchar();                                /*接收回车符*/
     116:     printf("Please input the second integer\n");        /*输入第二个任意长整数,按”#”结尾*/
     117:     scanf("%c",&e);
     118:     while(e!='#')
     119:     {
     120:        Push(&s2,e);                            /*将加数(字符串)入栈s2*/
     121:        scanf("%c",&e);
     122:     }
     123:     ADD(&s1,&s2,&s3);                        /*加法运算,将结果存放在s3中*/
     124:     printf("The result is\n");
     125:     while(StackLen(s3)!=0)                    /*输出结果,打印在屏幕上*/
     126:     {
     127:         Pop(&s3,&e);
     128:         printf("%c",e);
     129:     }
     130:     return 0;
     131: }
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/steven_oyj/p/1746963.html
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