10.1 Rename Method(函数改名)
- 10.2 Add Parameter(添加参数)
- 10.3 Remove Parameter(移除参数)
- 10.4 Separate Query from Modifier(将查询函数和修改函数分离)
- 10.5 Parameterize Method(令函数携带参数)
- 10.6 Replace Parameter with Explicit Methods(以明确函数取代参数)
- 10.7 Preserve Whole Object(保持对象完整)
- 10.8 Replace Parameter with Methods(以函数取代参数)
- 10.9 Introduce Parameter Object(引入参数对象)
- 10.10 Remove Setting Method(移除设值函数)
- 10.11 Hide Method(隐藏函数)
- 10.12 Replace Constructor with Factory Method(以工厂函数取代构造函数)
- 10.13 Encapsulate Downcast(封装向下转型)
- 10.14 Replace Error Code with Exception(以异常取代错误码)
- 10.15 Replace Exception with Test(以测试取代异常)
- 11.1 Pull Up Field(字段上移)
- 11.2 Pull Up Method(函数上移)
- 11.3 Pull Up Constructor Body(构造函数本体上移)
- 11.4 Push Down Method(函数下移)
- 11.5 Push Down Field(字段下移)
- 11.6 Extract Subclass(提炼子类)
- 11.7 Extract Superclass(提炼超类)
- 11.8 Extract Interface(提炼接口)
- 11.9 Collapse Hierarchy(折叠继承体系)
- 11.10 Form Tem Plate Method(塑造模板函数
- 11.11 Replace Inheritance with Delegation(以委托取代继承)
- 11.12 Replace Delegation with Inheritance(以继承取代委托)
10.1 Rename Method(函数改名)
10.2 Add Parameter(添加参数)
10.3 Remove Parameter(移除参数)
10.4 Separate Query from Modifier(将查询函数和修改函数分离)
10.5 Parameterize Method(令函数携带参数)
protected Dollars baseCharge() { double result = Math.min(lastUsage(), 100) * 0.03; if (lastUsage() > 100) { result += (Math.min(lastUsage(), 200) - 100) * 0.05; } if (lastUsage() > 200) { result += (lastUsage() - 200) * 0.07; } return new Dollars(result); } //替换为 protected Dollars baseCharge() { double result = usageInRange(0, 100) * 0.03; result += usageInRange(100, 200) * 0.05; result += usageInRange(200, Integer.MAX_VALUE) * 0.07; return new Dollars(result); } protected int usageInRange(int start, int end) { if (lastUsage() > start) return Math.min(lastUsage(), end) - start; else return 0; }
10.6 Replace Parameter with Explicit Methods(以明确函数取代参数)
static final int ENGINEER = 0; static final int SALESMAN = 1; static final int MANAGER = 2; static Employee create(int type) { switch (type) { case ENGINEER: return new Engineer(); case SALESMAN: return new Salesman(); case MANAGER: return new Manager(); default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Incorrect type code value"); } } //打散为独立函数: static Employee createEngineer() { return new Engineer(); } static Employee createSalesman() { return new Salesman(); } static Employee createManager() { return new Manager(); }
10.7 Preserve Whole Object(保持对象完整)
int low = daysTempRange().getLow(); int high = daysTempRange().getHigh(); withinPlan = plan.withinRange(low, high); //替换: withinPlan = plan.withinRange(daysTempRange());
10.8 Replace Parameter with Methods(以函数取代参数)
public double getPrice() { int basePrice = _quantity * _itemPrice; int discountLevel; if (_quantity > 100) discountLevel = 2; else discountLevel = 1; double finalPrice = discountedPrice(basePrice, discountLevel); return finalPrice; } private double discountedPrice(int basePrice, int discountLevel) { if (discountLevel == 2) return basePrice * 0.1; else return basePrice * 0.05; } //看出2个方法里的2个重复的discountLevel判断了吗?我们可以减少一个discountLevel参数,增加一个函数,让条理更清晰。 private double getPrice() { if (getDiscountLevel() == 2) return getBasePrice() * 0.1; else return getBasePrice() * 0.05; } private int getDiscountLevel() { if (_quantity > 100) return 2; else return 1; } private double getBasePrice() { return _quantity * _itemPrice; } //以上是原书的例子,我认为0.1和0.05这种数值出现的有点别扭,其实还是可以这么改: private double getPrice() { double finalPrice = getDiscountPrice(getBasePrice()); return finalPrice; } private double getDiscountPrice(double basePrice) { if (_quantity > 100) return getBasePrice() * 0.1; else return getBasePrice() * 0.05; } private double getBasePrice() { return _quantity * _itemPrice; } //是不是逻辑更清楚了?
10.9 Introduce Parameter Object(引入参数对象)
10.10 Remove Setting Method(移除设值函数)
class Account { private String _id; Account(String id) { setId(id); } void setId(String arg) { _id = arg; } } //可以这么改,禁止设置ID class Account { private final String _id; Account(String id) { _id = id; } } //设置ID class Account { private String id; Account(String id) { setId(id); } private void setId(String arg) { id = "aaa" + arg; } }
10.11 Hide Method(隐藏函数)
10.12 Replace Constructor with Factory Method(以工厂函数取代构造函数)
class Person... static Person createMale(){ return new Male(); } static Person createFemale() { return new Female(); } Person kent = new Male(); //替换 Person kent = Person.createMale();
10.13 Encapsulate Downcast(封装向下转型)
10.14 Replace Error Code with Exception(以异常取代错误码)
10.15 Replace Exception with Test(以测试取代异常)
11.1 Pull Up Field(字段上移)
11.2 Pull Up Method(函数上移)
11.3 Pull Up Constructor Body(构造函数本体上移)
class Manager extends Employee... public Manager (String name, String id, int grade) { _name = name; _id = id; _grade = grade; } //替换为 public Manager (String name, String id, int grade) { super (name, id); _grade = grade; } //由Employee完成部分构造
11.4 Push Down Method(函数下移)
11.5 Push Down Field(字段下移)
11.6 Extract Subclass(提炼子类)
class JobItem { private int _unitPrice; private int _quantity; private Employee _employee; private boolean _isLabor; public JobItem(int unitPrice, int quantity, boolean isLabor, Employee employee) { _unitPrice = unitPrice; _quantity = quantity; _isLabor = isLabor; _employee = employee; } public int getTotalPrice() { return getUnitPrice() * _quantity; } public int getUnitPrice() { return (_isLabor) ? _employee.getRate() : _unitPrice; } public int getQuantity() { return _quantity; } public Employee getEmployee() { return _employee; } } class Employee { public Employee(int rate) { _rate = rate; } public int getRate() { return _rate; } private int _rate; } //使用JobItem来对雇员结算报酬,如果是计时体力活(_isLabor),那么单价(getUnitPrice())就在Employee中设置价格,否则就用_unitPrice。 //其实以上代码比较短,看起来没问题 //目前是只有一个类型参数true: JobItem j1 = new JobItem (0, 5, true, kent); //如果条件逻辑再多七八个,那就容易乱了。 //我们增加JobItem一个构造函数 public JobItem (int unitPrice, int quantity) { this (unitPrice, quantity, false, null) } //这样就可以直接调用 JobItem j2 = new JobItem (10, 15); //注意,这个j2实例不是计时体力活 //增加一个子类 class LaborItem public LaborItem (int quantity, Employee employee) { super (0, quantity, true, employee); }
11.7 Extract Superclass(提炼超类)
11.8 Extract Interface(提炼接口)
11.9 Collapse Hierarchy(折叠继承体系)
11.10 Form Tem Plate Method(塑造模板函数)
11.11 Replace Inheritance with Delegation(以委托取代继承)
11.12 Replace Delegation with Inheritance(以继承取代委托)