• Pool多进程示例


      1 #!/usr/bin/python
      2 # -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
      3 # Author:       standby
      4 # Time:         2017-03-02
      5 # Description:  Achieve the Multiple Processes(High Concurrent) to execute single or multiple commands functions by pool class of Python Lang.
      7 import time
      8 import commands, subprocess
      9 import os, re, sys
     10 import paramiko
     11 from  multiprocessing import Pool
     13 # print color
     14 COLOR_PINK    = '33[95m'
     15 COLOR_BLUE    = '33[94m'
     16 COLOR_GREEN   = '33[92m'
     17 COLOR_YELLOW  = '33[93m'
     18 COLOR_RED     = '33[91m'
     19 COLOR_DEFAULT = '33[0m'
     21 def Check_IP(ip):
     22     ip_str = r'^((25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?).){3}(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)$'
     23     if re.match(ip_str, ip):
     24         return True
     25     else:
     26         return False
     28 def Get_IPS(ipfile):
     29     '''Generate ip list.'''
     30     ips = []
     31     with open(ipfile) as iplist:
     32         content = iplist.readlines()
     33         for line in content:
     34             if line.startswith('#'):
     35                 continue
     36             elif Check_IP(line.strip('
     37                 ips.append(line.strip('
     38             else:
     39                 print '%s is invalid ip address!' % line.strip('
     40                 continue
     41     return ips
     43 def concurrentFunc(ip, cmd):
     44     '''single cmd to exec...'''
     45     #RET = subprocess.check_output("ssh root@%s 2> /dev/null cmd" % ip, shell = True)
     46     #status, output = commands.getstatusoutput("ssh root@%s 2> /dev/null cmd" % ip)
     47     #status, output = commands.getstatusoutput("ssh root@%s 2> /dev/null cmd
    " % ip)
    48 #return ip+": "+output+", status: "+bytes(status) 49 #return ip+": "+RET 50 '''multiple cmd to exec...''' 51 PORT = 22 52 USER = "root" 53 KEY = "/path/known_hosts" 54 ssh = paramiko.SSHClient() 55 try: 56 ssh.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) 57 ssh.connect(ip, PORT, USER, KEY, timeout=10) 58 except paramiko.AuthenticationException: 59 print ip+" ssh timeout, continue..." 60 return "SSH ERROR, exit..." 61 output = [] 62 output.append(ip) 63 for m in cmd: 64 stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh.exec_command(m) 65 output.append(stdout.readlines()) 66 return output 67 68 def callBackFunc(ret): 69 print "This is callback func of %s" % ret[0] 70 71 def output(res_list): 72 print "%s=================RESULT====================%s" % (COLOR_GREEN, COLOR_DEFAULT) 73 for res in res_list: 74 try: 75 print res.get()[0] + " -> " + ''.join(res.get()[1]) 76 except Exception, e: 77 print "%sOUTPUT ERROR: %s %s" % (COLOR_YELLOW, e, COLOR_DEFAULT) 78 continue 79 80 if __name__ == '__main__': 81 ipfile = sys.argv[1] 82 if os.path.isfile(ipfile): 83 ips = Get_IPS(ipfile) 84 elif Check_IP(ipfile): 85 ips = [sys.argv[1]] 86 else: 87 print '%s is invalid ip address!' % ipfile 88 sys.exit(1) 89 90 res_list = [] 91 #cmd = ['cmd1', 'cmd2'] 92 cmd = ['cmd'] 93 t_start=time.time() 94 #pool = Pool(32) 95 pool = Pool(10) 96 for ip in ips: 97 #维持执行的进程总数为processes,当一个进程执行完毕后会添加新的进程进去 98 res = pool.apply_async(func=concurrentFunc, args=(ip, cmd,), callback=callBackFunc) 99 res_list.append(res) 100 pool.close() 101 pool.join() 102 pool.terminate() 103 output(res_list) 104 t_end=time.time() 105 t=t_end-t_start 106 print '%sDealt %d, used time is :%s.%s' % (COLOR_BLUE, len(res_list), t, COLOR_DEFAULT)


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/standby/p/6791731.html
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