Problem Description
Given a sequence a[1],a[2],a[3]......a[n], your job is to calculate the max sum of a sub-sequence. For example, given (6,-1,5,4,-7), the max sum in this sequence is 6 + (-1) + 5 + 4 = 14.
The first line of the input contains an integer T(1<=T<=20) which means the number of test cases. Then T lines follow, each line starts with a number N(1<=N<=100000), then N integers followed(all the integers are between -1000 and
For each test case, you should output two lines. The first line is "Case #:", # means the number of the test case. The second line contains three integers, the Max Sum in the sequence, the start position of the sub-sequence, the end
position of the sub-sequence. If there are more than one result, output the first one. Output a blank line between two cases.
Sample Input
2 5 6 -1 5 4 -7 7 0 6 -1 1 -6 7 -5
Sample Output
Case 1: 14 1 4 Case 2: 7 1 6
#include <iostream> using namespace std; int a[100002];//用来存放数字 int main() { int T,N,i,j; cin>>T; for(i=1;i<=T;i++) { cin>>N; for(j=0;j<N;j++) cin>>a[j]; int start=0,end=0,sum=0,s=0,e,max;//start起始位置,end结尾位置,sum为连续数字的和,s为起始位置变量,和start有关,e为结尾位置变量,max为所求的最大值 max=a[0]; for(j=0;j<N;j++) { e=j;//记录运算到得位置,也是末位置 sum=sum+a[j]; if(sum>max) { max=sum; start=s; end=e; } if(sum<0)//这里写成sum+a[j]<a[j]比较好理解,sum为负数,舍去前边的,从下一位开始从头运算 { s=j+1;//记录新运算的起始位置 sum=0; } } cout<<"Case "<<i<<":"<<endl; cout<<max<<" "<<start+1<<" "<<end+1<<endl; if(i<=T-1) cout<<endl;//注意格式 } return 0; }