SELECT * FROM ( SELECT sf.SerialFlowsId ,sf.GoodsSerialId ,d.FormTypeId , d.GoodsId ,ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY d.GoodsId, sf.GoodsSerialId ORDER BY sf.Date DESC)row FROM sam.SerialFlows sf INNER JOIN sam.Detail d ON d.DetailId = sf.DetailId )z WHERE z.row =1 AND z.FormTypeId=7 AND z.GoodsId=51532
首先按 PARTITION BY 子句中的内容对它们进行分组,按日期对每个组进行排序。然后投影每个组以包含每个条目及其索引。然后 SelectMany 将所有组展平,然后应用过滤器,最后投影您想要的结果。
var goodsSerials = context.SerialFlows .Where(e => e.Detail.GoodsID == ‘51532’&& e.Detail.FormTypeID == 7) .GroupBy(x => x.GoodsSerialId) .Select(g => g.OrderByDescending(e => e.Date).Take(1)) .SelectMany(e => e).ToList();
SELECT ListingId, NewFlagValueId AS ValueId FROM (SELECT ListingFlagValues.ListingId, NewFlagValueId, [Timestamp], MAX([Timestamp]) OVER (PARTITION BY ListingFlagValues.ListingId) AS MaxTimestamp FROM ListingFlagValues WHERE FlagId = 1) as FlagValues WHERE [Timestamp] = [MaxTimestamp]
.GroupBy(x => x.Listing) .Select(x => new { Group = x, MaxTimestamp = x.Max(y => y.Timestamp) }) .SelectMany(x => x.Group.Select(y => new { y.ListingId, ValueId = y.NewFlagValueId, y.Timestamp, x.MaxTimestamp })) .Where(x => x.Timestamp == x.MaxTimestamp);
必须使用 Distinct 手动进行分组键的查询和值的相关子查询。
from listingId in db.ListingFlagValues.Select(x => x.ListingId).Distinct() from lfv in db.ListingFlagValues .Where(x => x.ListingId == listingId) .OrderByDescending(e => e.Timestamp) .Take(1) select lfv
void Main() { //sql语句 //select t.id, t.Lineid, t.Createtime, t.ErrorCode, t.name //from(select a.*, b.name, row_number() over(partition by a.Lineid order by a.Createtime desc) rid // from dbo.zhusuMachineStatus a // left // join zsEroorConfig b on a.ErrorCode = b.Code // // where convert(varchar(20), a.Createtime, 102) > convert(varchar(20), getdate() - 10, 102)) as t //where t.rid <= 3; //1、用子查询,先查询出所有的lineID from listingId in ZhusuMachineStatuses.Select(x => x.Lineid).Distinct() from lfv in ZhusuMachineStatuses .Where(x => x.Lineid == listingId && x.Createtime.Value.Date > DateTime.Today.AddDays(-10)) .OrderByDescending(e => e.Createtime) .Take(3) select lfv //表达式 ZhusuMachineStatuses .Select(x => x.Lineid) .Distinct() .SelectMany( listingId => ZhusuMachineStatuses .Where(x => ((x.Lineid == listingId) && (x.Createtime.Value.Date > DateTime.Today.AddDays(-10)))) .OrderByDescending(e => e.Createtime) .Take(3), (listingId, lfv) => lfv ) //2、使用GroupBy ZhusuMachineStatuses .Where(x => x.Createtime.Value.Date > DateTime.Today.AddDays(-10)) .AsEnumerable()//可以取消此句 .GroupBy(x => x.Lineid) .Select(g => g.OrderByDescending(e => e.Createtime).Take(3))//选择每组中的前三行 .SelectMany(e => e.Select(t => t)) //3、选择每组中的最大日期 ZhusuMachineStatuses .Where(x => x.Createtime.Value.Date > DateTime.Today.AddDays(-10)) .AsEnumerable()//可以取消此句 .GroupBy(x => x.Lineid) .Select(x => new { Group = x, MaxTimestamp = x.Max(y => y.Createtime) }) .SelectMany(x => x.Group.Select(y => new { y.Createtime, ValueId = y.ErrorCode, y.Lineid, x.MaxTimestamp })) .Where(x => x.Createtime == x.MaxTimestamp) }
void Main() { //sql语句 //select t.id, t.Lineid, t.Createtime, t.ErrorCode, t.name //from(select a.*, b.name, row_number() over(partition by a.Lineid order by a.Createtime desc) rid // from dbo.zhusuMachineStatus a // left // join zsEroorConfig b on a.ErrorCode = b.Code // // where convert(varchar(20), a.Createtime, 102) > convert(varchar(20), getdate() - 10, 102)) as t //where t.rid <= 3; //1、用子查询 from listingId in ZhusuMachineStatuses.Select(x => x.Lineid).Distinct() from lfv in (from lfv1 in ZhusuMachineStatuses join b in ZsEroorConfigs on lfv1.ErrorCode.ToString() equals b.Code into rt from b in rt.DefaultIfEmpty() select new { Createtime = lfv1.Createtime, ErrorCode = lfv1.ErrorCode, Lineid = lfv1.Lineid, Id = b.Id, Name = b.Name }) .Where(x => x.Lineid == listingId && x.Createtime.Value.Date > DateTime.Today.AddDays(-10)) .OrderByDescending(e => e.Createtime) .Take(3) select lfv //表达式 ZhusuMachineStatuses .Select(x => x.Lineid) .Distinct() .SelectMany( listingId => ZhusuMachineStatuses .GroupJoin( ZsEroorConfigs, lfv1 => lfv1.ErrorCode.ToString(), b => b.Code, (lfv1, rt) => new { lfv1 = lfv1, rt = rt } ) .SelectMany( temp0 => temp0.rt.DefaultIfEmpty(), (temp0, b) => new { Createtime = temp0.lfv1.Createtime, ErrorCode = temp0.lfv1.ErrorCode, Lineid = temp0.lfv1.Lineid, Id = b.Id, Name = b.Name } ) .Where(x => ((x.Lineid == listingId) && (x.Createtime.Value.Date > DateTime.Today.AddDays(-10)))) .OrderByDescending(e => e.Createtime) .Take(3), (listingId, lfv) => lfv ) //2、使用GroupBy ZhusuMachineStatuses .Join( ZsEroorConfigs, lfv1 => lfv1.ErrorCode.ToString(), b => b.Code, (lfv1, b) => new { Createtime = lfv1.Createtime, ErrorCode = lfv1.ErrorCode, Lineid = lfv1.Lineid, Id = lfv1.Id, Name = b.Name } ) .Where(x => x.Createtime.Value.Date > DateTime.Today.AddDays(-10)) .AsEnumerable()//可以取消此句 .GroupBy(x => x.Lineid) .Select(g => g.OrderByDescending(e => e.Createtime).Take(3))//选择每组中的前三行 .SelectMany(e => e.Select(t => t)) //3、选择每组中的最大日期 ZhusuMachineStatuses .Join( ZsEroorConfigs, lfv1 => lfv1.ErrorCode.ToString(), b => b.Code, (lfv1, b) => new { Createtime = lfv1.Createtime, ErrorCode = lfv1.ErrorCode, Lineid = lfv1.Lineid, Id = lfv1.Id, Name = b.Name } ) .Where(x => x.Createtime.Value.Date > DateTime.Today.AddDays(-10)) .AsEnumerable()//可以取消此句 .GroupBy(x => x.Lineid) .Select(x => new { Group = x, MaxTimestamp = x.Max(y => y.Createtime) })//选择每组中的最大日期 .SelectMany(x => x.Group.Select(y => new { y.Createtime, ValueId = y.ErrorCode, y.Lineid, x.MaxTimestamp })) .Where(x => x.Createtime == x.MaxTimestamp) }