• 【转】java jawin api 中文 invoke方法

    Class FuncPtr


    public final class FuncPtr
    extends java.lang.Object
    Class for working with a reference to a single Win32 function exposed in standard DLL's. The Jawin Userguide - Calling a DLL Entry Point
    document should be consulted about how to use this class.

    Contains several invoke_*-methods for some standard function signatures.
    These falls in three groups:

    invoke_I- 一些以INT做为标准返回的本地方法的调用函数
    methods for native methods with a standard int as [retval]

    methods for native methods with a last parameter being a [out] int
    methods for native methods returning a byte array (can be used for methods returning structs)
    Please notice that because of the TYPEDEF in C/C++ many method signatures are covered by the relatively few invoke_*-methods, as eg. HWND, HRESULT, LONG etc. all can be represented as Java int's.
    比图 HWND,HRRSULT LONG等等 这些都能被表示成为java的int
    If working with a function that does not match one of the standard signatures, use the generic invoke(String, int, NakedByteStream, Object[], ReturnFlags).

    版本 1.3
    $Revision: 1.3 $
    Stuart Halloway, http://www.relevancellc.com/halloway/weblog/
    Morten Andersen, arosii_moa (at) users.sourceforge.net
    See Also:
    The Jawin Userguide - Calling a DLL Entry Point


    Constructor Summary构造器描述
    FuncPtr(java.lang.String dll, java.lang.String name)
    ? Method Summary
    void close()
              Call to "free" the function pointer. 释放函数指针
    boolean equals(java.lang.Object o)
    protected void finalize()
              backup for releasing resources, by calling close().备份被释放的资源
    int getPeer()
    int hashCode()
    int invoke_I(byte[] arg0, ReturnFlags flags)
              for calling native methods taking one pointer to a byte array, and returning an int.
    int invoke_I(int arg0, int arg1, int arg2, int arg3, ReturnFlags flags)
    返回需要四个整形变量作为参数的本 地方法,返回一个整形变量
              for calling native methods taking four int args, and returning an int.
    int invoke_I(int arg0, int arg1, ReturnFlags flags)
              for calling native methods taking two int args, and returning an int.
    int invoke_I(int arg0, ReturnFlags flags)
              for calling native methods taking one int arg, and returning an int.
    int invoke_I(int arg0, java.lang.String arg1, ReturnFlags flags)
              for calling native methods taking one int and one String args, and returning an int.
    int invoke_I(int arg0, java.lang.String arg1, java.lang.String arg2, int arg3, ReturnFlags flags)

              for calling native methods taking one int, two String and one int args, and returning an int (used for MessageBoxW).

    int invoke_I(ReturnFlags flags)
              for calling native methods taking no args, and returning an int.
    int invoke_I(java.lang.String arg0, ReturnFlags flags)
              for calling native methods taking one String arg, and returning an int.
    int invoke_I(java.lang.String arg0, java.lang.String arg1, ReturnFlags flags)
              for calling native methods taking two String args, and returning an int.
    int invoke_OI(int arg0, int arg1, int arg2, int arg3, ReturnFlags flags)
              for calling native methods taking five int args, where the first four are standard [in] parameters and the last int is a [out] parameter.
    int invoke_OI(int arg0, ReturnFlags flags)
    调用以两个整形变量,其中最后个整形变量作为[OUT]变量 作为参数的本地方法,
              for calling native methods taking two int args, where the last int is a [out] parameter.
    int invoke_OI(int arg0, java.lang.String arg1, ReturnFlags flags)
              for calling native methods taking one [in] int, one [in] String and one [out] int arg.
    byte[] invoke_S(byte[] arg0, int arg1, int returnSize, ReturnFlags flags)
              for calling native methods taking one pointer to a byte array and one int args, and returning a byte array of a specified size.
    byte[] invoke_S(byte[] arg0, int returnSize, ReturnFlags flags)
              for calling native methods taking one pointer to a byte array, and returning a byte array of a specified size.
    byte[] invoke_S(int arg0, int returnSize, ReturnFlags flags)
              for calling native methods taking one int arg, and returning a byte array of a specified size (typically used when calling methods returning a struct with a known byte-size).
    byte[] invoke(java.lang.String instructions, int stackSize, int argStreamSize, byte[] argStream, java.lang.Object[] objectArgs, ReturnFlags flags)
              generic method for calling native methods that do not match any of the invoke_* methods.
    byte[] invoke(java.lang.String instructions, int stackSize, NakedByteStream argStream, java.lang.Object[] objectArgs, ReturnFlags flags)
    一种调用使用了NakedByteStream构造输入参数流的invoke(String, int, int, byte[], Object[], ReturnFlags) 的快捷方法
              shortcut method for calling invoke(String, int, int, byte[], Object[], ReturnFlags) when using a NakedByteStream for building the argStream-bytes.
    java.lang.String toString()

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object这些方法继承了ava.lang.Object
    clone, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

    Constructor Detail

    public FuncPtr(java.lang.String dll,
                  java.lang.String name)
            throws COMExceptionParameters:
    dll - DLL动态库的名称(可以是只有名字的DLL动态库或者是完全地址的名字DLL动态库,注释,文件的后缀不是一定需要的准确的参数语法可以再MSDN文档库里找到
    the name of a DLL (can be either just the name of the DLL or a full path - use backslashes ()). Note, that the name is not case sensitive and that the ".dll"-part is optional. The exact syntax for the parameter can be found in the MSDN documentation for LoadLibrary.
    name - DLL动态库中可被见的本地方法
    the function name exposed in the DLL.
    COMException - 当不能连接到DLL动态库或者找不到方法会发出错误
    if unable to load the DLL or find the function.
    java.lang.NullPointerException - 当DLL动态库的名字是空会发出的错误
    if either dll or name is null.

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/sparkbj/p/5807854.html
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