• gearman with postgresql as persistent Queuing

    gearman is a good thing

    gearman client --------------> gearman server <------------------------gearman worker

    clients are requesting to handler something, 

    gearman server is delivering jobs

    gearman workers get some jobs and finish.

    So different programming languages can work together.

    Now we need to plant gearman persistent queues on postgresql.



    Persistent Queue

    • Tools: gearman, postgresql, python, django model and other 3rd party libs
    • bash sudo pip install gearman && sudo apt-get install gearman -y
    • Database settings: [username] = gearman, [password] = 'gearman_password_123', [database] = 'chatservice', [port]=5432, [table_name] = queue123
    • sudo su - postgres
      # Then, 
      # Then
      CREATE DATABASE gearman;
      CREATE USER gearman with password gearman_password_123;
      GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE gearman to gearman;
      On a server:

    There are two ways to make gearman work with Postgresql server


    • Postgresql

    To get Postgresql working you need to use the -q Postgeres command line option.

    Below is a command line to get persistent queues working with Postgresql. This command line was run on Ubuntu 12.04 server, Postgresql version 9.1, and Gearman v 0.27.

    gearmand -L –libpq-conninfo 'hostaddr= port=5432 dbname=gearman user=gearman password=gearman_password_123' –libpq-table=gearmanqueue1 –verbose DEBUG -q Postgres
    • Also note: gearmand will create the table if it does not already exist. In the case above, it will create a table named gearmanqueue1
    • You can see /var/log/gearman-job-server/gearman.log for log if error or somehow.


    • Edit the file /etc/default/gearman_job_server and make sure it would look like this:
    export PGHOST=
    export PGPORT=5432
    export PGUSER=gearman
    export PGPASSWORD=gearman_password_123
    export PGDATABASE=gearman
    PARAMS="-q Postgres --libpq-table=gearmanqueue1 --verbose DEBUG"
    • Then try to start the service bash sudo service gearman-job-server start, gearman will auto-matically create a table 'gearmanqueue1' there.
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/spaceship9/p/4058204.html
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