• Pyramid 使用总结1

    Here's something I made to help you understand Pyramid well.

    You may need to read very specific tutorials in details in those 5 steps:

    1. A Hello World! using Pyramid web framework http://docs.pylonsproject.org/projects/pyramid/en/latest/

    My knowledge and experience:

    Raju's blog is really helpful to help people understand the Pyramid web framework very well.


    3.Raju的pyramid 入门博客:http://fosshelp.blogspot.in 也可以直接看 http://fosshelp.blogspot.in/search/label/Pyramid 需要翻强。goAgent或者VPN都可以,这个如果连墙都越不了的话,就别看博客了。

    4.how to create a pyramid apphttp://docs.pylonsproject.org/projects/pyramid/en/latest/narr/project.html

    Many people on irc.freenode.com suggested me to follow that tutorial :http://docs.pylonsproject.org/projects/pyramid/en/master/tutorials/wiki2/index.html

    But I have read through 

    5.SQLAlchemy + URL Dispatch Wiki Tutorial (Make a Wiki site!)


    already. Anyway those two tutorials of different versions are almost the same. 

    We are good to go.

    Key Note:

    1. undertanding the three files that you created by 

    pcreate -s alchemy my_alchemy

    my_alchemy is the name of your project

    2. install your app

    ../bin/python setup.py develop

    Or you could use 

    ../bin/python setup.py test -q

    to check out the ingredients of your project

    Or you may need to use nose and 

    Basic Layouts! Pyramid 应用结构


    -------1. __init__.py    (To configure Database, Server, Route, Views )

    I didn't change it. Keep it by default. 

    Of course, if you need some functionalities, just do it.

    -------2. views.py   (   To declare a lot of view callables, note the decorator @view_config(route='/', renderer='templates/template.pt')      this decorator make the request easily be mapped to the route   ) 

    Note that:  To get time, we need to import time first. And only importing two class from time will not work as the codes committed above.

    I added another element of the dictionary above. 

    the @view_config decorator is really nice. it is like a bridge between route and Response

    Have a look at the template.pt which I changed:

    I added ${localtime} and some other fancy words around the ${localtime}

    Everytime we request the localhost:8080/ , we will get the page which is pre-generated by python interpreter via the special system of views.py , __init__.py, models. py . 

    Let's see what I got

    there are 2 "Change Me in views.py"

    it's because that in the views i did

    return {'one':one, 'project':'Change Me in views.py'*2, 'localtime':just_time}

    the string is multiplied by 2.

    -------3. models.py  ( To create objects of the those models which are mainly oriented to Databases, like PostgreSQL, MySQL, Sqlite, etc.. Have to say that SQLAlchemy is so great!!! )



    the class Page is like to initialize

                        what elements the table should have.

                        1. __tablename__ = "pages"

                        2. elements such as : name, data, height or etc..   NEED Column to assign!!!

                             That's the reason why we do this:

    from sqlalchemy import (
        #String,         # if you need to store in string !!!! And other data types

    Do as Romans Do

    Then Change the ./script/initializedb.py   ( in your project's folder)

    This will add some values to the table pages as above

    Note: import first !

    then go to do:

    ./bin/initialize_tutorial_db development.ini

    you will see:

    2011-11-27 01:22:45,277 INFO  [sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine][MainThread]
                                  PRAGMA table_info("pages")
    2011-11-27 01:22:45,277 INFO  [sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine][MainThread] ()
    2011-11-27 01:22:45,277 INFO  [sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine][MainThread]
    CREATE TABLE pages (
          id INTEGER NOT NULL,
          name TEXT,
          data TEXT,
          PRIMARY KEY (id),
          UNIQUE (name)
    2011-11-27 01:22:45,278 INFO  [sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine][MainThread] ()
    2011-11-27 01:22:45,397 INFO  [sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine][MainThread]
    2011-11-27 01:22:45,400 INFO  [sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine][MainThread]
                                  BEGIN (implicit)
    2011-11-27 01:22:45,401 INFO  [sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine][MainThread]
                                  INSERT INTO pages (name, data) VALUES (?, ?)
    2011-11-27 01:22:45,401 INFO  [sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine][MainThread]
                                  ('FrontPage', 'This is the front page')
    2011-11-27 01:22:45,402 INFO  [sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine][MainThread]

    for more information please visit : http://docs.pylonsproject.org/projects/pyramid/en/master/tutorials/wiki2/definingmodels.html


    Now there is another table which is storing in the db file tutorial.sqlite

    Here's how to check out the sqlite data:


    will give you a lot help of how to use sqlite

    ( But you need to install sqlite first on ubuntu and debian,   

    sudo apt-get install libsqlite3-dev

    or on archlinux,

    sudo pacman -S sqlite


  • 相关阅读:
    Redundant Paths
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/spaceship9/p/3019284.html
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