example 1 2 1 3 1 4 2 5 2 6 3 7 3 8 4 9 4 8 0 下面是算法运行过程 from 1 enter to the adj ares 2 from 2 enter to the adj ares 5 end 5 return 2 is a cut node ,find subnet 1 from 2 enter to the adj ares 6 end 6 return 2 is a cut node ,find subnet 2 end 2 from 1 enter to the adj ares 3 from 3 enter to the adj ares 7 end 7 return 3 is a cut node ,find subnet 1 from 3 enter to the adj ares 8 from 8 enter to the adj ares 4 from 4 enter to the adj ares 9 end 9 return 4 is a cut node ,find subnet 1 end 4 end 8 end 3 return 1 is a cut node ,find subnet 1 end 1 运行结果: Network #1 SPF node 1 leaves 2 subnets SPF node 2 leaves 3 subnets SPF node 3 leaves 2 subnets SPF node 4 leaves 2 subnets 最后subnet数目要加一,因为cut[k]是孤立subnet,还要加上大后方 #include<stdio.h> #include<iostream> #include<algorithm> #include<cstring> #include<vector> using namespace std; int cut[1001],c[1001],ancestor[1001],d[1001],part[1001]; vector <int> adj[1001]; int ans; int MAX,n,m; void input(int n) { if(n==0)return; scanf("%d",&m); adj[n].push_back(m); adj[m].push_back(n); MAX=max(MAX,max(m,n)); } void DFS(int k,int fa,int deep) { int tot; c[k]=-1; d[k]=deep; ancestor[k]=deep,tot=0; for(int i=0;i<adj[k].size();i++) { int w=adj[k][i]; if(w!=fa&&c[w]==-1)ancestor[k]=min( ancestor[k], d[w] ); else if(c[w]==0) { //cout<<"from "<<k<<" enter to the adj ares "<<w<<endl; DFS(w,k,deep+1); tot++,ancestor[k]=min(ancestor[k],ancestor[w]); if(fa==-1&&tot>1||fa!=-1&&ancestor[w]>=d[k]) { cut[k]++;//用来标记是否为割点及能分成几块连通区域(+1) //cout<<"return "<<k<<" is a cut node ,find subnet "<<cut[k]<<endl; } } } c[k]=1; //cout<<"end "<<k<<endl; } int main() { int cas=0; while(scanf("%d",&n)==1) { if(n==0)break; for(int i=1;i<1001;i++) adj[i].clear(); MAX=-1;; input(n); while(scanf("%d",&n)) { if(n==0)break; input(n); } memset(d,0,sizeof(d)); memset(c,0,sizeof(c)); memset(cut,0,sizeof(cut)); memset(ancestor,0,sizeof(ancestor)); DFS(1,-1,0); if(cas++)printf("\n"); int ex=0; printf("Network #%d\n",cas); for(int i=1;i<=MAX;i++) { if(cut[i]){printf(" SPF node %d leaves %d subnets\n",i,cut[i]+1);ex=1;} } if(!ex)printf(" No SPF nodes\n"); } }