;!function(win,$,AC,undefined){ var DDcharts = function(o){ this.o = $.extend(true,{},this.default_o,o); if(this.o.type == 'serial'){ this.chart = this.AmSerialChart(); this.setCateGoryAxis().setValueAxis().setChartCursor().setAmLegend(); } }; DDcharts.prototype = { default_o:{ type:'serial', // 类型:折线、饼图等 dataProvider:{}, // 数据对象 categoryField:'date', autoMargins:true, marginTop:0, marginRight:0, marginBottom:0, marginLeft:0, startDuration:1, // 动画时间 write2where:'ddchart', // 横轴 categoryAxis:{ parseDates:true, minPeriod:'DD', // 最小时间:fff - milliseconds, ss - seconds, mm - minutes, hh - hours, DD - days, MM - months, YYYY - years. inside:false, fillAlpha:0.1, // 间隔区域透不明度 fillColor:'#cccccc', // 间隔区域填充颜色 labelRotation:0, // 刻度旋转角度 startOnAxis:0 }, // 纵轴 valueAxis:{ title:'', // 轴名称 axisAlpha:0, dashLength:5 }, line:{ type:'line', // Possible values are: "line", "column", "step", "smoothedLine", "candlestick", "ohlc". XY and Radar charts can only display "line" type graphs. valueField:'value', hideBulletsCount:50 } }, AmSerialChart:function(){ var chart = new AC.AmSerialChart(); chart.dataProvider = this.o.dataProvider; chart.categoryField = this.o.categoryField; chart.autoMargins = this.o.autoMargins; chart.startDuration = this.o.startDuration; if(this.o.autoMargins == false){ chart.marginTop= this.o.marginTop; chart.marginRight= this.o.marginRight; chart.marginBottom= this.o.marginBottom; chart.marginLeft= this.o.marginLeft; } return chart; }, // 设置横轴 setCateGoryAxis:function(){ var categoryAxis = this.chart.categoryAxis; categoryAxis.parseDates = this.o.categoryAxis.parseDates; // as our data is date-based, we set parseDates to true categoryAxis.minPeriod = this.o.categoryAxis.minPeriod; // our data is daily, so we set minPeriod to DD categoryAxis.inside = this.o.categoryAxis.inside; categoryAxis.gridAlpha = 0; // 格子线不透明度 0 - 透明,1 - 不透明 categoryAxis.axisAlpha = 0; // 轴不透明度 0 - 透明,1 - 不透明 categoryAxis.fillAlpha = this.o.categoryAxis.fillAlpha; categoryAxis.fillColor = this.o.categoryAxis.fillColor; categoryAxis.labelRotation = this.o.categoryAxis.labelRotation; categoryAxis.startOnAxis = this.o.categoryAxis.startOnAxis; return this; }, // 设置纵轴 setValueAxis:function(){ var valueAxis = new AC.ValueAxis(); valueAxis.axisAlpha = this.o.valueAxis.axisAlpha; valueAxis.dashLength = this.o.valueAxis.dashLength; valueAxis.title = this.o.valueAxis.title; this.chart.addValueAxis(valueAxis); return this; }, // 添加鼠标滑过时的效果 setChartCursor:function(){ var chartCursor = new AC.ChartCursor(); this.chart.addChartCursor(chartCursor); return this; }, // LEGEND setAmLegend:function(){ var legend = new AC.AmLegend(); legend.markerType = "square"; // Possible values are: "square", "circle", "line", "dashedLine", "triangleUp", "triangleDown", "bubble", "none". this.chart.addLegend(legend); }, // 增加折线 addLine:function(valueField,type,title){ var graph = new AC.AmGraph(); graph.type = type || this.o.line.type; if(graph.type == 'column'){ graph.fillAlphas = 0.8; }else{ graph.bullet = "round"; } graph.valueField = valueField || this.o.line.valueField; graph.title = title || graph.valueField; graph.balloonText = "[[title]]: [[value]]"; graph.hideBulletsCount = this.o.line.hideBulletsCount; // this makes the chart to hide bullets when there are more than 50 series in selection this.chart.addGraph(graph); return this; }, // 输出 write:function(write2where){ this.chart.write(write2where || this.o.write2where); } } win.DDcharts = DDcharts; }(this,jQuery,AmCharts);
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