• Ruby学习笔记2 : 一个简单的Ruby网站,搭建ruby环境

    Ruby on Rails website 的基础是 请求-返回 循环。


    第二步,Second, in our Rails application, the route takes the request and finds the right Controller and method to handle the request.





    • Creat rails file package: rails new my-app
    • Install Ruby gems
    • Making a controller called pages
    • 在routes.rb文件中,Create a route
    • Create the View

    1. Creat rails file package

    操作 Rails 用的commands叫做Generator, 在Terminal里,使用如下命令可以新建一个rails app:

    rails new my-app
    然后我们在浏览器里输入:localhost:8000就能访问rails建立的第一个web 站点:

      Let's learn about the files that you generated.来看看我们建立了哪些文件:

      Rails is made up folders that hold our code:

       app - Where our Models, Views and Controllers are. It is where most of our Rails code will go.

       config - Where we find our routes. They handle requests from the browser.

       db - Where we change the state of our database.

       Gemfile - Where our gems are. Gems add special features to our Rails app.


    2. Install Gem

    To run Rails we also need to install Ruby gems. Gems are prepackaged code that make sure our application runs smoothly. They can also add new features.

    We add gems through a simple command called bundler. Bundler takes the gems in our Gemfile, an editable file, and stores them in Gemfile.lock, an uneditable file.

    To run bundler, we type the following in our terminal:

    bundle install


    3. Making a controller called pages

    In the Request-Response Cycle, we learned that when a user makes a request in the browser, the route handles that request and passes it to the right Controller.


    We’ll start building our app by making a Controller called Pages. Controllers decide what information our application needs through methods. Our Pages Controller will be in charge of decisions for the home page of the Etsy app.

    How do we generate a Controller?

    If we want to generate a Controller called Pages, we enter the following in the terminal:

    rails generate controller Pages

    Notice that Controller names are always plural.

    现在我们就有了pages controller(app/controllers/pages_controller.rb),控制器是通过methods来决策的,这些methods跟前面用的ruby methods是相似的,同时,它们是写在我们创建的Pages Controller里的。

    Controller methods主要作用于两方面:
    a -- 告诉我们的app,应该显示哪个view
    b -- 准备信息,让view可以轻易地显示它。

    如果是静态的app,methods就简单了,它只需要告诉Rails哪个view to show.例如:
        def home

    这就是告诉controller来render home view. 如果methods里有内容,就会执行它们。这里我们只需要def home 和 end ,Rails就知道是要call the home view.

    class PagesController < ApplicationController
       def home



    In your Pages Controller, pages_controller.rb, Define a method called def home. You do not need a method body. Hit Run.


    In your browser visit localhost:8000/pages/home to see what was created. You can expect to get a Routing Error.


    4. 在routes.rb文件中,Create a route

    上一步完成后,我们得到了一个Routing Error的错误,我们前面看到了,来自浏览器的request 是需要一个route进行分发的,分发给controller进行处理。所以我们现在要增加一个routes.rb的文件来补充这个route.

    在rails 中,Routes就像app的门一样,来保证正确的分发请求,从而让我们browser 拿到正确的view 返回。

    尽管Routes 是我们的第一站,但是我们还是要先拿到controller里的名字和method名字才能写routes。

    在routes.rb文件中,we create a route like this, under
    Rails.application.routes.draw do:

    get 'pages/home'

    这里,pages 指的就是controller pages.    home就是指的我们在Controller里定义的那个method的名字home。

    在这个事儿里,我们还要创建一个根路径。根路径就是设置一个home page的路径,作为一个app的首页请求。这里, pages/home是我们的首页,所以我们建立的根路径就是:root ’pages#home' (We will also create a root route in this unique case. A root route is a way to set a route as the home page of the application, or the 'root'. Since pages/home will be our home page, we'll create a root route like this:)

    root 'pages#home'

    然后在浏览器中再输入 localhost:8000  就能预览效果了。


    Rails.application.routes.draw do
       get 'pages/home'
       root 'pages#home'

    5. Create the View

    现在我们已经能够显示一个简单的主页了,不过这个页面只有一句话。我们建立了Controller & Routes, 下一步要Create View了:

    2.通过ERB - Embedded Ruby ,它是把ruby代码嵌入html页面的一种途径。We can use Ruby objects in our HTML files just as we do in plain Ruby.

    由于Views使用了html and ERB,所以View的files总是后缀为.html.erb

    在.html.erb文件中,主要有2个categories of ERB: 一个是只在我们代码里显示的code,一种是显示在app里的live code.

      <% "goodbye world" %>

      <%= "hello world" %>
        it will appear live in on our app.就一个=号的区别。

    1. 在pages_controller.rb文件中,加入一个method: erb_demo

    class PagesController < ApplicationController
       def home
       def erb_demo
    2. 在routes.rb文件中,加入一个route:pages/erb_demo
    Rails.application.routes.draw do
    get 'pages/home'
    root 'pages#home'
    get 'pages/erb_demo' #浏览器就可请求localhost:8000/pages/erb_demo,不过,代码里pages/erb_demo是:ControllerName/MethodsName
    3. 在erb_demo.html.erb文件中,加入两行categories of ERB, 一个不可见,一个可见。
      <%= "This is the erb demo template." %>
      <% "goodbye world" %>
      <%= "hello world" %>
    4. 最后在浏览器中请求: localhost:8000/pages/erb_demo    ,可以得到:

    至此,一个ruby环境的搭建,建立一个简单的ruby app来显示一个网页,就搞定了。

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/sonictl/p/6735564.html
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