• gensim Load embeddings

    gensim package

    from gensim.models.keyedvectors import KeyedVectors
    twitter_embedding_path = 'twitter_embedding.emb'
    twitter_vocab_path = 'twitter_model.vocab'
    foursquare_embedding_path = 'foursquare_embedding.emb'
    foursquare_vocab_path = 'foursquare_model.vocab'
    # load the embedding vector using gensim
    x_vectors = KeyedVectors.load_word2vec_format(foursquare_embedding_path, binary=False, fvocab=foursquare_vocab_path)
    y_vectors = KeyedVectors.load_word2vec_format(twitter_embedding_path, binary=False, fvocab=twitter_vocab_path)
    print('type(x_vectors)', type(x_vectors))
    print('type(x_vectors.vocab)', type(x_vectors.vocab))
    print('type(x_vectors.vocab.keys())', type(x_vectors.vocab.keys()))

    Content in 'twitter_embedding.emb':

    5120 64
    BarackObama -0.079930 0.106491 -0.075812 -0.026447 ...
    mashable 0.046692 -0.038019 -0.055519 ...

    Content in 'twitter_model.vocab':

    BarackObama 3475971
    mashable 2668606
    JonahLupton 2515250
    instagram 2359886
    TheEllenShow 2292545
    cnnbrk 2157283
    nytimes 2141588
    foursquare 2021352


    Write the embeddings into file

    for writing the embeddings into file
    ref code patch:

    embedding_path = data_path + 'embedding/'
    # ....
    modelX = word2vec.Word2Vec(walkList_x, negative=10, sg=1, hs=0, size=100, window=4, min_count=0, workers=15, iter=30)
    # save the embedding results
    modelX.wv.save_word2vec_format(embedding_path + 'twitter.emb', fvocab=embedding_path + 'twitter.vocab')
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/sonictl/p/11220479.html
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