if not exists (select * from sysobjects where id = object_id('{0}') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, 'IsUserTable') = 1) Create Table Test ( RowId VARCHAR(36) NOT NULL, Name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL , Type int NULL, PRIMARY KEY (RowId,Name), INDEX idxType(Type), INDEX idxName(Name) );
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS Test ( RowId VARCHAR(36) NOT NULL, Name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL , Type int NULL, PRIMARY KEY (RowId,Name), INDEX idxType(Type), INDEX idxName(Name) );
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS Test ( RowId VARCHAR(36) NOT NULL, Name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL , Type int NULL, PRIMARY KEY (RowId,Name) ); create index IF NOT EXISTS idx3 on Test(Type); create index IF NOT EXISTS idx2 on Test(Name);
Create Index idxType on Test (Type,Name) with (drop_existing = on); 或者 IF Not EXISTS(SELECT * FROM sys.indexes WHERE object_id = object_id('Test') AND NAME ='idxType1') CREATE INDEX [idxType1] ON Test(Type,Name);
create index IF NOT EXISTS idx3 on Test(Type); create index IF NOT EXISTS idx2 on Test(Name);
DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS schema_change; CREATE PROCEDURE schema_change() BEGIN IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM information_schema.statistics WHERE table_schema=database() AND table_name = 'Test' AND index_name = 'idxType') THEN ALTER TABLE `Test` ADD INDEX `idxType` ( `Type` ); END IF; END; CALL schema_change(); DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS schema_change;