• 机器学习(Machine Learning)- 吴恩达(Andrew Ng) 学习笔记(四)

    Linear Regression with multiple variables 多变量线性回归

    Multiple Features

    Notation 符号说明

    1. (n) = number of features. 特征量的个数
    2. (x^{(i)}) = input (features) of (i^{th}) training example. 第(i)个训练样本
    3. (x_j{(i)}) = value of feature (j) in (i^{th}) training example. 第(i)个训练样本的第(j)个特征量


    1. Previously: (h_ heta(x) = heta_0 + heta_1x)
    2. Four features: (h_ heta(x) = heta_0 + heta_1x_1 + heta_2x_2 + heta_3x_3 + heta_4x_4)
    3. Multiple features: ( heta_0 + heta_1x_1 + heta_2x_2 + ldots + heta_nx_n)
      For convenience of notation, define (x_0 = 1(x_0^{(i)} = 1)),
      Then (h_ heta(x) = heta_0x_0 + heta_1x_1 + heta_2x_2 + ldots + heta_nx_n = heta^Tx).

    Gradient Descent for Multiple Variables


    (h_ heta(x) = heta^Tx = heta_0x_0 + heta_1x_1 + heta_2x_2 + ldots + heta_nx_n)

    Parameters 参数

    ( heta_0, heta_1, ldots, heta_n) --> (n + 1) - dimensional vector

    Cost function 代价函数

    (J( heta_0, heta_1, ldots, heta_n) = frac{1}{2m}sum^m_{i = 1}(h_ heta(x^{(i)}) - y^{(i)})^2) --> (n + 1) - dimensional vector function

    Gradient descent 梯度下降算法

    1. Repeat {

      ​ $ heta_j := heta_j - alphafrac{partial}{partial heta_j}J( heta_0,ldots, heta_n) $


    2. Previously (n = 1):

      Repeat {

      ( heta_0 := heta_0 - alphafrac{1}{m}sum_{i = 1}^m(h_ heta(x^{(i)}) - y^{(i)}))

      ( heta_1 := heta_1 - alphafrac{1}{m}sum_{i = 1}^m(h_ heta(x^{(i)}) - y^{(i)})x^{(i)})


    3. New algorithm ((n geq 1)):

      Repeat {

      ( heta_j := heta_j - alphafrac{1}{m}sum_{i = 1}^m(h_ heta(x^{(i)}) - y^{(i)})x_j^{(i)})


    Gradient Descent in Practice I: Feature Scaling 梯度下降运算中的实用技巧I:特征放缩

    Feature Scaling 特征放缩

    1. Idea: Make sure features are on a similiar scale. 确保特征值有近似的规模。

    2. E.g. (x_1) = size(0-2000({feet}^2)), (x_2) = number of bedrooms(1-5)

      ---> (x_1) = (frac{size({feet}^2)}{2000}), (x_2) = (frac{number of bedrooms}{5})

    3. Get every feature into approximately a (-1 leq x_i leq 1) range. Too small or too large is not acceptable. 让每个特征值在接近[-1,1]的范围内。

      (-100 leq x_i leq 100) or (-0.0001 leq x_i leq 0.0001) (×)

    Mean normalization 均一化

    1. Replace (x_i) with (x_i - mu_i) to make features have approxinately zero mean (Do not apply to (x_0 = 1)). 用(x_i - mu_i)代替(x_i)使得特征值有接近0的平均值。

    2. E.g. (x_1 = frac{size - 1000}{2000}), (x_2 = frac{bedrooms - 2}{5}). --> (-0.5 leq x_1 leq 0.5), (-0.5 leq x_2 leq 0.5).

    3. 更一般的规律:(x_1 = frac{x_1 - mu_1}{S1})

      (mu_i: x)的平均值,(S_1:)特征值的范围——最大值减去最小值(或者看做变量的标准差)。

    Gradient Descent in Practice II: Learning Rate 梯度下降运算中的实用技巧II:学习速率

    Making sure gradient descent is working correcrly

    1. (J( heta)) should decrease after every iteration. 通过观察(J( heta))的曲线随着迭代次数的增加的变化情况,当曲线几乎变为直线时说明梯度下降算法已收敛。


    2. Example automatic convergence test: 自动收敛测试

      Declare convergence if (J( heta)) decrease by less than (10^{-3}) in one iteration. 如果代价函数(J( heta))的下降小于一个很小的数(varepsilon),那么就认为已经收敛。


    Choose learning rate (alpha)

    1. Summary

      If (alpha) is too small: slow convergence. 如果(alpha)太小会导致收敛速度慢。

      If (alpha) is too large: (J( heta)) may not decrease on every iteration; may not converge. 如果(alpha)太大会导致(J( heta))并不是在每一步都减小或者不收敛。

    2. Choose (alpha)

      try …,0.001,0.003,0.01,0.03,0.1,0.3,1,…

    Features and Polynomial Regression 特征值和多项式回归

    Housing prices prediction

    (h_ heta(x) = heta_0 + heta_1 imes frontage + heta_2 imes depth)

    --> Land area: (x = frontage imes depth) --> $h_ heta(x) = heta_0 + heta_1x $


    Polynomial regression 多项式回归


    (h_ heta(x) = heta_0 + heta_1x_1 + heta_2x_2 + heta_3x_3 = heta_0 + heta_1(size) + heta_2(size)^2 + heta_3(size)^3)
    其中,(x_1 = (size), x_2 = (size)^2, x_3 = (size)^3)

    Normal Equation 标准方程法


    Method to solve for ( heta) analytically 一种求( heta)的解析解法。

    与梯度下降法不同的是,此方法可直接一次性求解( heta)的最优值。


    1. If 1D(( heta in R)) 如果( heta)是个实数

      (frac{d}{d heta}J( heta) = 0) ( ightarrow) ( heta)

    2. ( heta in R^{n+1}), (J( heta_0, heta_1,ldots, heta_m) = frac{1}{2m}sum_{i=1}^m(h_ heta(x^{(i)}) - y^{(i)})^2)

      (frac{partial}{partial heta_j}J( heta) = 0) (for every (j)) ( ightarrow) ( heta_0, heta_1,ldots, heta_n)

    3. 写成向量组的形式后,可通过下面的公式直接计算,证明略。(X heta = y), (X^TX heta = X^Ty), ( ightarrow) ( heta = (X^TX)^{-1}X^Ty).


    Advantages and disadvantages

    m training examples, n features.

    1. Gradient Descent
      • Need to choose (alpha). 需要选择学习速率(alpha)
      • Needs many iterations. 需要多次迭代
      • (O(kn^2))
      • Works well even (n) is large. 即使有很多特征变量也能运行的很好
    2. Normal Equation
      • No need to choose (alpha). 不需要选择学习速率(alpha)
      • Don't need to iterate. 不需要迭代
      • Need to compute ((X^TX)^{-1}). 需要计算这一项(接近(n^3)
      • Slow if (n) is very large. 如果n很大则会很慢

    Normal Equation and Noninvertibility 正规方程及它们的不可逆性

    What if (X^TX) is non-invertible(singular/degenerate)?


    1. Redundant features, where two features are very closely related (i.e. they are linearly dependent) 有冗余(十分相近)的特征值时删掉冗余部分(如两个线性相关的特征值)

      E.g. (x_1) = size in (feet^2), (x_2) = size in (m^2)

    2. Too many features(e.g. (m leq n)). 太多特征值

      Delete some features, or use regularization. 删除某些特征值或者对其进行正则化



    1. Suppose (m = 4) students have taken some class, and the class had a midterm exam and a final exam. You have collected a dataset of their scores on the two exams, which is as follows:

      midterm (()midterm exam()^2) final exam
      89 7921 96
      72 5184 74
      94 8836 87
      69 4761 78

      You'd like to use polynomial regression to predict a student's final exam score from their midterm exam score. Concretely, suppose you want to fit a model of the form (h_ heta(x) = heta_0 + heta_1 x_1 + heta_2 x_2), where (x_1) is the midterm score and (x_2) is (()midterm score()^2). Further, you plan to use both feature scaling (dividing by the "max-min", or range, of a feature) and mean normalization.

      What is the normalized feature (x_1^{(1)})? (Hint: midterm = 89, final = 96 is training example 1.) Please round off your answer to two decimal places and enter in the text box below.


    2. You run gradient descent for 15 iterations with (alpha = 0.3) and compute (J( heta)) after each iteration. You find that the value of (J( heta)) decreases quickly then levels off. Based on this, which of the following conclusions seems most plausible?

      • [ ] Rather than use the current value of (alpha), it'd be more promising to try a larger value of (alpha) (say (alpha) = 1.0).
      • [ ] Rather than use the current value of (alpha), it'd be more promising to try a smaller value of (alpha) (say (alpha) = 0.1).
      • [x] (alpha) = 0.3 is an effective choice of learning rate. 因为(J( heta))可以快速降到最小值,所以此时(alpha)是个合适的值
    3. Suppose you have (m = 28) training examples with (n = 4) features (excluding the additional all-ones feature for the intercept term, which you should add). The normal equation is ( heta = (X^TX)^{-1}X^Ty). For the given values of (m) and (n), what are the dimensions of ( heta), (X), and (y) in this equation?

      • [ ] (X) is (28 imes4), (y) is (28 imes1), ( heta) is (4 imes4)
      • [ ] (X) is (28 imes4), (y) is (28 imes1), ( heta) is (4 imes1)
      • [x] (X) is (28 imes5), (y) is (28 imes1), ( heta) is (5 imes1) (y)是一列,(X)(n + 1)
      • [ ] (X) is (28 imes5), (y) is (28 imes5), ( heta) is (5 imes5)
    4. Suppose you have a dataset with (m = 50) examples and (n = 15) features for each example. You want to use multivariate linear regression to fit the parameters ( heta) to our data. Should you prefer gradient descent or the normal equation?

      • [x] The normal equation, since it provides an efficient way to directly find the solution.
      • [ ] Gradient descent, since it will always converge to the optimal ( heta).
      • [ ] Gradient descent, since ((X^TX)^{-1}) will be very slow to compute in the normal equation. (n geq 10^4)时才体现出
      • [ ] The normal equation, since gradient descent might be unable to find the optimal ( heta).
    5. Which of the following are reasons for using feature scaling?

      • [ ] It is necessary to prevent gradient descent from getting stuck in local optima. 线性回归无局部最优
      • [ ] It speeds up solving for ( heta) using the normal equation. 正规方程不需要特征放缩
      • [x] It speeds up gradient descent by making it require fewer iterations to get to a good solution. 减少迭代次数从而加速程序
      • [ ] It prevents the matrix (X^TX) (used in the normal equation) from being non-invertable (singular/degenerate). 正规方程不需要特征放缩
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/songjy11611/p/12191297.html
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