• (Making up the Mind试译2)Prologue: Real Scientists Don’t Study the Mind

    Prologue: Real Scientists Don’t Study the Mind


    The Psychologist’s Fear of the Party

        Just like any other tribe, scientists have a hierarchy. Psychologists are
    somewhere near the bottom. I discovered this in my first year at university,
    where I was studying natural sciences. It was announced that, for the first time, students would be able to study psychology in part 1 of the natural sciences tripos. I went eagerly to my college tutor to ask him if he knew anything about this new possibility. “Yes,” he replied. “But I didn’t think any of my students would be crass enough to want to study psychology.” He was a physicist.



        Possibly because I was not entirely sure what “crass” meant, I was
    undeterred by this remark. I switched from physics to psychology. I have
    continued to study psychology ever since, but I have never forgotten about my place in the hierarchy. Inevitably the question will come up at academic parties, “so what do you do?” and I think twice about replying,“ I’m a psychologist.”





        Of course, much has changed in psychology over the last 30 years.

    We have borrowed many skills and concepts from other disciplines. We

    study the brain as well as behavior. We use computers extensively to

    analyze our data and to provide metaphors for how the mind works.

    My university identity badge doesn’t say “Psychologist,” but “Cognitive


        “So what do you do?” someone asks. I think she’s the new Head of

    Physics. Unfortunately the reply, “I’m a cognitive neuroscientist” to the

    question simply delays matters. After I have tried to explain what I

    actually do, she says, “Ah, you’re a psychologist!” with that characteristic

    look which I translate to mean, “Wouldn’t you rather be doing real


        The Professor of English joins the conversation and starts talking
    about psychoanalysis. One of her new girls is “having difficulty accepting
    Freud.” I don’t want to spoil my drinking time by proposing that Freud
    was a story-teller whose speculations about the human mind were largely
        A few years ago the editor of the British Journal of Psychiatry, no
    doubt in error, asked me to assess a Freudian paper. I was immediately
    struck by a subtle difference from the papers I usually assess. As in any
    scientific paper, there were lots of “references.” “References” refer to
    papers already published on the same topic. We make these references
    partly to acknowledge the work of our predecessors, but mainly to support
    the claims we make in our own paper. “Don’t just take my word
    for it. You will find my methods fully justified in Box & Cox (1964).”
    But no attempt was made to support the evidence in the Freudian paper.
    The references were not about the evidence. They were about the ideas.
    Using these references you could trace the development of these ideas
    through the various followers of Freud back to the original words of the
    master himself. No evidence was presented as to whether the ideas of
    the master were right。
        无独有偶,几年前,伦敦精神学杂志的编辑让我评价弗洛伊德的书。我立刻意识到一个和平时评论的报告细微的差别。在任何科学报告里都有很多参考文献。“参考文献”涉及的内容是在与之相关课题已经发表的。我们引用这些文献通常一方面表示对前辈们的致谢,另一方面主要是支持我们自己报告里的观点。“不必仅凭我的一面之辞,你可以在Box & Cox (1964)找到已经被证明的我的这个论证”。但是弗洛伊德的书里找不到任何支持他的观点的参考文献迹象。都是一些臆想。通过弗洛伊德的追随者到弗原始的话我们可以追溯到这些观点的发展,没有证据证明他的观点的正确性。

        “Freud may have had a big influence on literary criticism,” I say to the

    Professor of English, “but he was no scientist. He wasn’t interested in

    evidence. I study psychology scientifically.”

        “So,” she replies, “you use the monster of mechanical reason to kill off

    our humanity.”

        From both sides of the cultural divide I get the same response,

    “Scientists can’t study the mind.” So what’s the problem?



    1 prologue

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