3、节点中使用图片,要设置STYLE_SHAPE 为 SHAPE_LABEL 才可以,以下是一段节点使用图片的样式设置,label在图片下方:
4、在vue-cli3 中, 通过npm安装并使用 mxgraph
网上其他关于vue-cli3 使用 mxgraph的文章中都提到了报错,但是我并没有遇到,这里就贴一下我的整合方式吧:
vue页面或者组件中:引入mxgraph 并 定义 需要用到的类
<template> <div class="container" :class="boxClass"> <div id="pannel"></div> </div> </template> <style> .cirlce{ height: 60px; 60px; background-color: green; border-radius: 30px; font-size: 16px; color: #fff; line-height: 60px; text-align: center; } </style> <script> import mxgraph from '../../../plugins/mxgraph'; import utils from '../../base/utils'; import { popup } from '../popup/popup'; const {mxHierarchicalLayout,mxConstants,mxCell,mxClient,mxGraph,mxGraphModel,mxGeometry} = mxgraph; const colorMap = { '00': '#999', // 正常 '11': 'red' // 失败 } var graph; export default { name: 'workflow', props: { boxClass: String, oriData: Object }, data() { return { } }, mounted(){ this.init(); }, methods: { init(){ var container = document.getElementById('pannel'); // Checks if the browser is supported if(!mxClient.isBrowserSupported()){ // Displays an error message if the browser is not supported. popup.bubble('error','Browser is not supported!'); return; } //init容器 var model = new mxGraphModel(); graph = new mxGraph(container, model); //设置元素可被连接线连接 graph.setConnectable(false); //设置元素可编辑,不然无法自动布局 graph.setCellsLocked(false); //设置两个节点是否可以建立多个连接 graph.setMultigraph(true); //cell创建支持传入html graph.setHtmlLabels(true); //是否允许线单独存在 graph.setAllowDanglingEdges(false); //设置cell可选中 graph.setCellsSelectable(false); //设置面板可以扩大 graph.setPanning(false); /*设置连接线样式*/ var style = graph.getStylesheet().getDefaultEdgeStyle(); //圆角连线 style[mxConstants.STYLE_ROUNDED] = true; //labelsize style[mxConstants.STYLE_FONTSIZE] = 18; //label位置 style[mxConstants.STYLE_SPACING_BOTTOM] = 30; this.initProcessData(); }, initProcessData(){ const parent = graph.getDefaultParent(); const model = utils.copyObject(this.oriData); if(model.nodeList.length <= 0)return; var lines = model.lineList || []; var nodes = model.nodeList || []; nodes.map((item)=>{ var info = { key: item.key, name: item.name, state: item.state } this.addCell(info, item); }); lines.map((item)=>{ var sourceCell = this.getCellById(item.source); var targetCell = this.getCellById(item.target); if(!sourceCell || !targetCell)return; var line = graph.insertEdge(graph.getDefaultParent(), item.key, "", sourceCell, targetCell); this.setCellStyle('strokeColor', colorMap[item.state], [line]); }); // 自动布局 var layout = new mxHierarchicalLayout(graph,mxConstants.DIRECTION_WEST); layout.execute(graph.getDefaultParent()); this.adjustPos(); // 调整位置,让流程图剧中 }, adjustPos(){ var bounds = graph.getGraphBounds(); var margin = margin || 10; graph.container.style.overflow = "hidden"; graph.view.setTranslate( -bounds.x -(bounds.width - graph.container.clientWidth)/ 2, -bounds.y - (bounds.height - graph.container.clientHeight) / 2 ); while( (bounds.width + margin * 2) > graph.container.clientWidth || (bounds.height + margin * 2) > graph.container.clientHeight ){ graph.zoomOut(); bounds = graph.getGraphBounds(); } graph.container.style.overflow = "auto"; }, getCellById(id){ var cells = graph.getChildVertices(graph.getDefaultParent()); var nodes = cells.filter((item)=>{ return item.id == id; }); if(nodes.length > 0)return nodes[0]; }, addCell(info){ /*info{ key,//节点唯一标识 name, //节点label state: }*/ if(!info)return; // 清除默认样式 var style = 'text;strokeColor=none;fillColor=none;html=1;whiteSpace=wrap;verticalAlign=middle;overflow=hidden;'; // 节点html结构 var html = '<div class="cirlce">'+info.name+'</div>' // 创建节点 var cell = new mxCell(html, new mxGeometry(0, 0, 65, 85), style); // 设置cell为节点(在mxgraph中,链接线段也属于一种cell,所以这里新建了cell以后要设置它的类型) cell.setVertex(true); // 添加节点到画布 graph.addCell(cell); if(info.key){ cell.setId(info.key); } }, setCellStyle(key, value, cells){ if(!cells)return; graph.setCellStyles(key, value, cells); //graph.refresh(cell); } }, watch: { oriData(){ this.initProcessData(); } } } </script>