• unity3d中实现聊天功能

    using UnityEngine;
    using System.Collections;
    public class Chat : MonoBehaviour {
            bool usingChat = false;
        bool showChat = false;
        string inputField = "";
        Vector2 scrollposition;
        int width = 500;
        int height = 200;
        string playerName;
        float lastUnfocusTime = 0;
        Rect window;
        ArrayList playerList = new ArrayList();
        class PlayerNode
            public string playerName;
            public NetworkPlayer player;//NetworkPlayer是一个数据结构,保存着你可以从网络定位的另一位玩家的信息。比如,基于NetworkPlayer你可以向另外一个玩家发送消息。
        ArrayList chatEntries=new ArrayList();
        class ChatEntry
            public string name="";
            public string text="";
            // Use this for initialization
            void Start () {
            window = new Rect(Screen.width / 2-width/2,Screen.height-height+5,width,height);
        void OnConnectedToServer()
                    playerName = PlayerPrefs.GetString("playerName","");
                playerName = "RandomName"+Random.Range(1,999);
            addGameChatMessage(playerName+" hase just joined the chat!");
        void OnServerInitialized()
                    playerName = PlayerPrefs.GetString("playerName","");
                playerName = "RandomName"+Random.Range(1,999);
            PlayerNode newEntry =new  PlayerNode();
            newEntry.playerName = playerName;
            newEntry.player = Network.player;
            addGameChatMessage(playerName+" hase just joined the chat!");
        PlayerNode GetPlayerNode(NetworkPlayer netPlay)
            foreach(PlayerNode entry in playerList)
                    return entry;
            Debug.LogError("GetPlayNode:Requested a playernode of non-existing player!");
            return null;
        void OnPlayerDisconnected(NetworkPlayer netPlayer)//当一个玩家从服务器上断开时在服务器端调用。
            addGameChatMessage("A Player has discinnected");
        void OnDisconnectedFromServer()
        void TellServerOurName(string name,NetworkMessageInfo info)//NetworkMessageInfo 网络数据信息,刚从网络接收的数据的相关信息会被保存到这个结构中。它揭示了从哪里来(数据源),什么时间发送和什么网络视图发送;其中包括:数据源、发送时间、网络视图。http://3d.ceeger.com/Script/Netw ... orkMessageInfo.html
            PlayerNode newEntry = new PlayerNode();
            newEntry.playerName = playerName;
            newEntry.player = Network.player;
            addGameChatMessage(playerName+" has just joined the chat!");
            void CloseChatWindow()
            showChat = false;
            inputField = "";
            chatEntries = new ArrayList();
            void ShowChatWindow()
            showChat = true;
            inputField = "";
            chatEntries = new ArrayList();
            void OnGUI () {
            if (!showChat) return;
            if(Event.current.type==EventType.keyDown && Event.current.character=='\n' & inputField.Length<=0)
                if(lastUnfocusTime + .25f < Time.time)
                    usingChat = true;
                    GUI.FocusControl("Chat input field");
            window = GUI.Window(5,window,GlobalChatWindow,"");
        void GlobalChatWindow(int id)
            scrollposition = GUILayout.BeginScrollView(scrollposition);
            foreach(ChatEntry entry in chatEntries)
                if (entry.name == " - ")
                    GUILayout.Label(entry.name + entry.text);
                    GUILayout.Label(entry.name+": "+entry.text);
            if(Event.current.type==EventType.keyDown && Event.current.character=='\n' & inputField.Length>0)
            GUI.SetNextControlName("Chat input field");
            inputField = GUILayout.TextField(inputField);
            if(Input.GetKeyDown("mouse 0"))
                    usingChat = false;
                    lastUnfocusTime = Time.time;
            void HitEnter(string msg)
                msg = msg.Replace('\n',' ');
        void ApplyGlobalChatText(string name,string msg)
            ChatEntry entry=new ChatEntry();
        void addGameChatMessage(string str)
            ApplyGlobalChatText(" - ",str);
                networkView.RPC("ApplyGlobalChatText",RPCMode.Others," - ",str);

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/softimagewht/p/2961987.html
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