• asp.net ajax 客户端事件浏览器,ASP.NET AJAX: Clientside event viewer



    Often times when an ASP.NET developer is first learning about the page lifecycle, he puts together a simple application that displays the raised events on the page. This widespread technique helps him understand the order in which the events occur, the arguments that are passed along, and ultimately what can and cannot be accomplished during each event.

    在asp.net 开发者第一次研究页面的生命周期的时候,他们会把这些事件放在一起来显示页面中的触发的事件。这种广泛的技术帮助他去理解事件发生的顺序,最终可以了解在每个事件中知道什么可以做到,什么不可以做到。
    In ASP.NET AJAX, a page lifecyle, similar to the one that occurs on the server; takes place on the client as well. By leveraging the client-side events raised by the Application class and the PageRequestManager, we can take more control of the application during partial-page updates. The figure below illustrates the events that occur within the browser when a successful partial postback is applied.
    在asp.net ajax页面的生命周期中的事件与服务器羰的很相似,通过平衡的使用Application ,RegeRequestManager类,在页面的局部刷新期间,我们可以更多的控制应用程序,下面的图示展示了,页面成功的回传后发后的事件。
    Client-Side Event Viewer

    To gain a deeper understanding of the client-side event model in ASP.NET AJAX, I've put together an application that exposes the client-side steps that occur during partial postbacks. In addition, the example demonstrates:

    • Canceling a postback request
    • Aborting a postback request
    • Client-side error handling
    • Visual feedback for long postbacks (similar to the UpdateProgress control)

    Here is a snapshot of a portion of the application after a typical postback:
    Client event viewer

    Click here to download the source code and let me know what you think.

    Published Sunday, March 25, 2007 11:57 PM by davidbarkol
    Filed under: Atlas, ASP.NET, AJAX

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