• GCT系统阶段后三十题的解析(转)


    71. Some old people don’t like pop songs because they can’t ____ so much noise. 

       A. resist                  B. sustain                     C. tolerate              D. undergo

    Endure  //Tolerate   //Bear   // Withstand// Put up with bad temper/harsh weather 忍受

    She cliams that she can not endure my bad temper and threatens to divorce to me.

    resist disease/wind/temptation//impulse                                              抵制,抵抗

    insist on V-ing                                                          坚持做.

    ~ that …                                                     .          认为                                             

    persist in V-ing                                                            坚持做

    consist of four sections                                                   组成

    undergo reform==experience                                        经历

    72. He’s watching TV? He’s ____ to be cleaning his room.

       A. known                B. supposed          C. regarded            D. considered

    Be supposed to do sth   理应做某事

    Be known for

    Be considered as

    73. The government is trying to do something to ____ better understanding between the two countries. 政府正在努力推动促进两个国家的更好理解.

       A. raise                   B. promote            C. heighten            D. increase

    raise flower/fish/child /head/                                                   ,

    ~ question                                                         提问

    ~ money                                                          募集

    Raise your voice                                             抬高嗓音

    Promote production/sleep/understanding 促进,提高

    Promote sb to manager    提某人为经理

    74. The soldier was ____ of running away when the enemy attacked.

       A. scolded               B. charged             C. accused            D. punished

    意思讲通,肯定在讲用法   双宾语动词

    charge sb. with sth. (doing sth.)

    accuse sb. of sth. (doing sth.)

    blame sb. for sth. (doing sth.)

    scold sb for sth (doing sth)  因某事而指责某人,控告某人

    75. As a result of careless washing, the jacket ____ to a child’s size.

       A. compressed               B. shrank                    C. dropped            D. decreased

    shrink (clothe/lake) shrank                     (收缩,缩水)stretch

    compress     (压缩)压小compress the lips  把棉花压小一下。

    decrease/decline/go down/fall off                       下降

    rocket/soar 快速上升

    76. He hoped the firm would ____ him to the Paris branch.

       A. exchange            B. transmit             C. transfer    D. remove

    remove one’s hat                                                        脱掉

    ~ the dishes from the table/the stain                                  去掉

    Eliminate the misunderstanding/ poverty

    Delete the surplus words/my name form the list

    Exchange gifts//ideas/partner 交换礼物exchange rate 汇率

    77. She was complaining that the doctor was ____ too much for the treatment he was giving her.

       A. expending           B. offering             C. costing              D. charging

    offer to help us/a few ideas                                           提供,提出

    ~ $2000 for the house                                                出价

    provide food for the hungry children                                   供给,提供

              It is ~d in the contract ….                                           规定

    Charge   freight charge/charge for repairing the TV set    费用,收费

    Charge   be in charge of project//class

             V    charge sb with sth

             Charge sb for sth    pay sb for sth

    Expend 花费----expense 花消----expenditure 开支 office expenditure 办公室开销

    78. Those gifts of rare books that were given to us were deeply ____.

       A. appreciated          B. approved           C. appealed            D. applied


    Rare animal 珍稀动物  稀有的

    appreciate your timely help                                                感激

    ~ English poem                                                 鉴赏

    Appreciate doing sth                                                感激做过某事

    approve of the decision                                                    同意

               ~ the budget                                                     批准

    Appeal to the public   呼吁

    Appeal to the supreme court  申诉

    Appeal to the readers    吸引

    Apply to 适合于 apply to the particular situation

    Apply for a job 申请

    Apply theory into practice 应用

    79. Although I liked the appearance of the house what really made me decide to buy it was the beautiful ____ through the window.

       A. vision                 B. look                  C. picture                     D. view

    Vision 视野,视力 visible invisible

    Solve-solution      revolve-revolution    evolve-evolutionary theory

    Sight  in sight    out of sight   at the sight of //at the thought of

    Lose sight of 无视        catch the sight of 看见

    Fall in love with sb at the first sight

    80. It has been revealed that some government leaders ____ their authority and position to get illegal profits for themselves.

       A. employ               B. take                  C. abuse                D. overlook

    Overlook minor offences    不计较小过

    Abuse power/the child

    Over---.……    overestimate overdraw overcharge overvalue overflow 溢出 overpass过街天桥

    81. I caught a ____ of the taxi before it disappeared around the comer of the street.

       A. vision                 B. glimpse             C. look                  D. scene


    82. The manager spoke highly of such ____ as loyalty, courage and truthfulness shown by his employee. 优点,美德

       A. virtues                B. features             C. properties          D. characteristics


    83. The lost car was found _____ in the woods near highway.

    A. abandoned            B. yielded              C. generated          D. discharged


    generate heat/electricity/an interest                                    产生

    yield fruits of many sorts                                            出产,生产

    ~ to the customer’s demand                                  让步,屈服

    the annual ~ of the coal mine                                  产量

    abandon one’s idea/ his attempt//his fame==give up 放弃

    ~ career/ wife and children/ weapons=discard     抛弃

    Discharge the waste 排放

    84. In previous times, when fresh meat was in short ____, pigeons were kept by many household as a source of food.

       A. store                   B. provision           C. reserve              D. supply

    reserve a table for two                                                     预定

    double room/ single room with a bath===========reservation n

    confirm your reservation      确认你的预定。

    The reserve of natural resources 储备

    Reverse the decline of the morality        扭转道德下降的局面。中国出口受到重创

    85. As a ____ president, his views are treated with respect when he is interviewed. 

      A. former                B. previous            C. advanced           D. prior

    previous   a day ~ to Christmas/ ~ experience/attempt                        先前的

    former times/president                                          以前的,前任的

              the former of swimming and football                                  前者

    the former。。the latter

    advanced technology //mathematic                     高等数学

    prior    优先的preparation for the exam is prior to anything.

    Prior to my departure 在我离开之前。

    86. It is said that the car is quite ____ of petrol and are sold very well.

      A. economic              B. economical        C. saving               D. sparing

    economic policy/ problem/ crisis     经济上的 economic

    economical be ~ of fuel/ an ~ housewife                           节约的,节俭的

    87. They have put some ____ flowers on the table as a decoration.

      A. artificial                     B. unnatural           C. false                 D. unreal下班就回

    artificial intelligence/satellite/flower/hair/rain/lake                       人造的


    false teeth/impression                                           虚假的,错误的

    manual work                                              手工的,用手操纵的

    fake art works                                                 仿制的,赝品的

    faulty goods/design                                           劣质的,不完善的

    counterfeit banknotes/ coins                                        伪造的,假的

    88. Although they plant trees in this area every year, the tops of some hills are still ____.

       A. blank                  B. hollow               C. vacant               D. bare

    empty bottle                                                             空的

    ~ promise/ lectures                                                空洞的

    bare mountain/ head/wall/     光秃的 bare feet 赤脚

    blank application forms/ paper/ mind /brain                                 空白的

            ~ look                                                         茫然的

    vacant position /seat                                                        空缺的

             ~ lot                                                            空闲的

    Vacancy 空缺

    hollow water pipe                                                       中空的

    margin notes written in the margin                                     页边的空白

    89. The hopes, goals, fears and desires ______ widely between men and women, between the rich and the poor.

      A. alter                                   B. shift                         C. transfer                    D. vary

    modify a law/terms of the contract/a product                                   修改

    alter clothes                                                             改样

    revise the composition/a book                                         修订,校正

    transform our daily life                                                   改变

    ~ heat into power                                               转化

    90. Studies show that some diseases are ______ by certain water animals.

      A. transplanted                 B. transformed                     C. transported              D. transmitted

    transfer sb. to another position                                               调动

    ~ the luggage to another car                                            转移

    transmit disease/signal                                                       传播,传送

    transact business over phone                                                交易

    91. The words of his old teacher left a ______ impression on his mind. He is still influenced by them.

       A. long                           B. lively                        C. lasting                           D. liberal


    Liberal 大方的 a liberal attitude toward divorce and marriage

    Liberty and democracy         自由与民主

    92. The two countries achieved some progress in the sphere of trade relations, traditionally a source of ______ irritation. Mutual understanding//support

    A. mutual                     B. optional                  C. neutral                   D parallel

    Option—choice I have no option

    Optional class// elective class//slected class

    Compulsory class/required class

    A Neutral judge//country

    Be parelled to A B平行

    93. In Britain people ______ four million tons of potatoes every year.

       A. swallow                     B. dispose                     C. consume                 D. exhaust

    94. The computer revolution may well change society as ______ as did the Industrial Revolution.

       A. certainly                     B. insignificantly            C. fundamentally        D. comparatively

    95. As we can no longer wait for the delivery of our order, we have to ______ it.

       A. postpone                    B. refuse                      C. delay                       D. cancel

    prolong my stay in Beijing                                                  延长

    postpone/put off holding the match                                     人们推迟

    delay/hold back the train                                         延误, 阻止 客观

    cancel/call off appointment/the order                                         取消

    96. Young people are not ______ to stand and look at works of art; they want art they can participate in.

       A. conservative               B. content                   C. confident                  D. generous

    The content of the book

    Be content with 对。。。满意

    Be confident of myself

    Make generous contribution

    97. The clothes a person wears may express his ______ or social position.

       A. curiosity                    B. status                      C. determination           D. significance

    Status//identity    社会地位  阶层

    The significance of the conference is to establish the relationship between the two companies

    98. Since the matter was extremely ____, we dealt with it immediately.

      A. tough                          B. tense                        C. urgent                     D. instant

    Urgent need 迫切需要

    dense population/traffic                                                          稠密的

    tense muscles/expression                                                        紧张的

    a tight knot/joint                                                 紧紧的

    tough job                                                             费力的

    ~policy                                                         强硬的

    rough estimate/ guess                                                   粗略的

    ~ road                                                         粗糙的

    An urgent matter

    Instant coffee/noodles/hot water                        即可的,立即的

    99. As the years passed, his memories the university life ______ away.
    A. faded                         B. disappeared              C. vanished                   D. weakened

    Fade 慢慢消退      disappear=vanish  消失不见   weaken 削弱

    100. Exposed to air, iron may _____ with oxygen and then rusts.

      A. respond                       B. react                       C. interact                   D. cooperate

    Respond to the news and report 

    Iron reacts with water and air to produce rust.铁和水空气反应生成锈。

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