• 第十篇 -- 学习C++宝典2005版




    #pragma once
    /*********************Function prototype************************/
    ///////////////////////// Caption 1 & 2 //////////////////////////
    void Variable_study();
    void Bool_study();
    void Char_study();
    void Wchar_t_study();
    void Int_study();
    void Float_study();
    void Variable_initial();
    void Constant_study();
    void Operator_study();
    void Assign_study();
    void assign_common_study();
    void assign_expression_study();
    void MoreVariable_assign();
    void Complex_assign();
    void DecrementAndIncreament_study();
    void Conditional_study();
    void Comma_study();
    //standard input and output
    void Cin_Cout_study();
    void Common_cin_cout_study();
    void Format_cin_cout_study();
    ///////////////////////// Caption 3 & 4 //////////////////////////
    //function overload
    void Overload_function();
    void Overload_copy();
    void string_copy(char *dest, const char *src);
    void string_copy(char *dest, const char *src, int len);
    void Overload_format();
    void display_time(const struct std::tm tim);
    void display_time(time_t *tim);
    //goto jumper
    void Goto_study();
    View Code


    /******************** Author: zihan **********************/
    /******************** Date: 2019/7/11 ********************/
    /******************** Version: *******************/
    /******************** Destination: For C++ study *********/
    /******************** FileName: CPlusPlusStudy.cpp *******/
    #include "pch.h"
    #include <iostream>
    #include "CPlusPlusStudy.h"
    #include <time.h>
    #include <Windows.h>
    //                    The main() function                      //
    int main()
        std::cout << "
    This is main() function
        //Caption 1 & 2
        //Caption 3 & 4
        std::cout << "
    ===================main() end===================
        return 0;
    //                        Caption 1 & 2                        //
    /******************************* variable **************************************/
    void Variable_study() {
        std::cout << "
    This is Variable_study() function
        std::cout << "
    ===================Variable_study() end===================
    //bool variable
    void Bool_study() {
        std::cout << "
    This is Bool_study() function
        bool senior;    //bool variable
        senior = true;  //set to true
        //Test the senior variable
        if (senior)
            std::cout << "variable senior's value is true
        else {
            std::cout << "aError";//"a" make computer product voice.
        std::cout << "
    ===================Bool_study() end===================
    //char variable
    void Char_study() {
        std::cout << "
    This is Char_study() function
        char c;            //char variable
        c = 'b';           //assign 'b'
        std::cout << c;    //display 'b'
        c = 'y';           //assign 'y'
        std::cout << c;    //dispaly 'y'
        c = 'e';           //assign 'e'
        std::cout << c;    //display 'e'
        std::cout << "
    ===================Char_study() end===================
    //wchar_t variable
    void Wchar_t_study() {
        std::cout << "
    This is Wchar_t_study() function
        wchar_t wc;          //wide char variable
        wc = 'b';            //assign 'b' to wc
        std::wcout << wc;    //display 'b'
        wc = 'y';            //assgin 'y' to wc
        std::wcout << wc;    //display 'y'
        wc = 'e';            //assign 'e' to wc
        std::cout << "
    ===================Wchar_t_study() end===================
    //int variable
    void Int_study() {
        std::cout << "
    This is Int_study() function
        int Amount;               //an int variable
        Amount = 123;             //assign a value
        std::cout << Amount;      //display the int
        std::cout << "
    ===================Int_study() end===================
    //float variable
    void Float_study() {
        std::cout << "
    This is Float_study() function
        float realValue;        //a float variable
        realValue = 1.2;       //assign a value //warning C4305: '=': truncation from 'double' to 'float'
        std::cout << realValue; //display the float
        std::cout << "
    ===================Float_study() end===================
    //initial variable
    void Variable_initial() {
        std::cout << "
    This is Variable_initial() function
        ////initialize variable support C++ & C
        //int Amount = 3;         //initialize an int
        //char ch = 'A';          //initialize a char
        //float Value = 1.23;     //initialize a float
        ////Display the initialized variables
        //std::cout << Amount;
        //std::cout << ' ';
        //std::cout << ch;
        //std::cout << ' ';
        //std::cout << Value;
        //initialize variable only support C++
        int Amount(3);            //initialize an int
        char ch('A');             //initialize a char
        float Value(1.23);        //initialize a float
        //Display the initialized variables
        std::cout << Amount;
        std::cout << ' ';
        std::cout << ch;
        std::cout << ' ';
        std::cout << Value;
        std::cout << "
    ===================Variable_initial() end===================
    /********************************* constant **************************************/
    void Constant_study() {
        std::cout << "
    This is Constant_study() function
        std::cout <<
            "This is the beginning of a very long message 
            "that spans severral lines of code. 
            "This format allows a program to build long 
            "string constants without going past the 
            "program editor's right margin. 
        std::cout << "
    ===================Constant_study() end===================
    /************************************** operator *********************************/
    void Operator_study() {
        std::cout << "
    This is Operator_study() function
        std::cout << "
    ===================Operator_study() end===================
    /////////////////assignment statement operator
    void Assign_study() {
        std::cout << "
    This is Assign_study() function
        std::cout << "
    ===================Assign_study() end===================
    void assign_common_study() {
        std::cout << "
    This is assign_common_study() function
        //Declare three integers
        int HourlyRate;
        int HoursWorked;
        int GrossPay;
        //Assign values to the integers
        HourlyRate = 15;
        HoursWorked = 40;
        GrossPay = HourlyRate * HoursWorked;
        //Display the variables on the screen.
        std::cout << HourlyRate;
        std::cout << ' ';
        std::cout << HoursWorked;
        std::cout << ' ';
        std::cout << GrossPay;
        std::cout << "
    ===================assign_common_study() end===================
    void assign_expression_study() {
        std::cout << "
    This is assign_expression_study() function
        int Celsius, Fahrenheit;
        //Prompt for Fahrenheit temperature
        std::cout << "
    Enter temperature as degrees Fahrenheit: ";
        //Read Fahrenheit tempersture from keyboard
        std::cin >> Fahrenheit;
        //Compute Celsius
        Celsius = 5 * (Fahrenheit - 32) / 9;
        //Display the result
        std::cout << "Temperature is ";
        std::cout << Celsius;
        std::cout << " degrees Celsius";
        std::cout << "
    ===================assign_expression_study() end===================
    void MoreVariable_assign() {
        std::cout << "
    This is MoreVariable_assign() function
        unsigned int This, That, Those;
        //Assign the same value to three variables
        This = That = Those = 66000;
        //Dispaly three ubsigned ints
        std::cout << This;
        std::cout << ' ';
        std::cout << That;
        std::cout << ' ';
        std::cout << Those;
        std::cout << "
    ===================MoreVariable_assign() end===================
    void Complex_assign() {
        std::cout << "
    This is Complex_assign() function
        long Total, SubTotal, Detail;
        //Initial values
        Total = 10000;
        SubTotal = 90;
        Detail = 5;
        SubTotal *= Detail;        //compute SubTotal
        Total += SubTotal;         //compute Total
        //Dispaly all three
        std::cout << Total;
        std::cout << ' ';
        std::cout << SubTotal;
        std::cout << ' ';
        std::cout << Detail;
        std::cout << "
    ===================Complex_assign() end===================
    //////////////////decrement and increment
    void DecrementAndIncreament_study() {
        std::cout << "
    This is DecrementAndIncreament_study() function
        int Ctr, OldCtr, NewCtr;
        //Make the assignments
        OldCtr = 123;           //OldCtr is 123
        NewCtr = ++OldCtr;      //NewCtr is 124, OldCtr is 124
        Ctr = NewCtr--;         //Ctr is 124, NewCtr is 123
        //Display the results
        std::cout << OldCtr;
        std::cout << ' ';
        std::cout << NewCtr;
        std::cout << ' ';
        std::cout << Ctr;
        std::cout << "
    ===================DecrementAndIncreament_study() end===================
    //////////////////conditional operator
    void Conditional_study() {
        std::cout << "
    This is Conditional_study() function
        float Dues;        //dues amount
        //Read the dues
        std::cout << "Enter dues amount: ";
        std::cin >> Dues;
        //Are the dues paid on time?
        std::cout << "On time?(y/n)";
        char yn;
        std::cin >> yn;
        bool Overdue;                 //true if overdue, false if on time
        Overdue = yn != 'y';
        float AmountDue;              //amount to be computed
        //Use conditional operator to compute
        AmountDue = Overdue ? Dues * 1.10 : Dues;
        //Display the dues amount
        std::cout << "Amount due: ";
        std::cout << AmountDue;
        std::cout << "
    ===================Conditional_study() end===================
    //////////////////comma operator
    void Comma_study() {
        std::cout << "
    This is Comma_study() function
        int Val, Amt, Tot, Cnt;
        Amt = 30;
        Tot = 12;
        Cnt = 46;
        //Compute Val = rightmost expression
        //Val = (Amt++, --Tot, Cnt + 3);
        //Compute Val = leftmost expression
        Val = Amt++, --Tot, Cnt + 3;
        //Display the result
        std::cout << Val;
        std::cout << "
    ===================Comma_study() end===================
    /************************************** standard input & output *********************************/
    //cin and cout
    void Cin_Cout_study() {
        std::cout << "
    This is Cin_Cout_study() function
        std::cout << "
    ===================Cin_Cout_study() end===================
    //common usage
    void Common_cin_cout_study() {
        std::cout << "
    This is common_cin_cout_study() function
        int Amount = 3;       //initialize an int
        char ch = 'A';        //initialize a char
        float Value = 1.23;   //initialize a float
        //Display the initialized variables
        std::cout << Amount << ' ' << ch << ' ' << Value << std::endl;
        std::cout << "
    ===================common_cin_cout_study() end===================
    //format cin and cout
    void Format_cin_cout_study() {
        std::cout << "
    This is Format_cin_cout_study() function
        int amount = 123;
        std::cout << std::dec << amount << ' '
            << std::oct << amount << ' '
            << std::hex << amount;
        std::cout << "
    ===================Format_cin_cout_study() end===================
    /************************************** Function overload  *********************************/
    //function overload
    void Overload_function() {
        std::cout << "
    This is Overload_function() function
        std::cout << "
    ===================Overload_function() end===================
    //copy overload
    void Overload_copy() {
        std::cout << "
    This is Overload_copy() function
        char misspiggy[20], kerrnit[20];
        string_copy(misspiggy, "Miss Piggy");
        string_copy(kerrnit,"Kerrnit, the file transfer protocol", 30);
        std::cout << kerrnit << " and " << misspiggy;
        //std::cout << kerrnit;
        std::cout << "
    ===================Overload_copy() end===================
    //The first version of string_copy
    void string_copy(char *dest, const char *src) {
        std::cout << "
    This is string_copy2 function
        while ((*dest++ = *src++) != '')
        std::cout << "
    ===================string_copy2 end===================
    //The sencond version of string_copy
    void string_copy(char *dest, const char *src, int len) {
        std::cout << "
    This is string_copy3 function
        //char buffer[100];
        //int bufsize = sizeof(buffer) / sizeof(buffer[0]);
        //std::cout << bufsize;
        while (len-- >= 20)
        while (len && (*dest++ = *src++) != '')
        if (len == 0)
            *dest++ = '';
        std::cout << "
    ===================string_copy3 end===================
    //format overload
    void Overload_format() {
        std::cout << "
    This is Overload_format() function
        time_t tim;
        struct tm t;
        localtime_s(&t, &tim);
        std::cout << "
    ===================Overload_format() end===================
    //The first version of display_time()
    void display_time(const struct tm tim){
        std::cout << "
    This is display_time1 function
        char stTmp[32];
        asctime_s(stTmp, &tim);
        std::cout << "1. It is now " << stTmp;
        std::cout << "
    ===================display_time1 end===================
    //The second version of display_time()
    void display_time(time_t *tim) {
        std::cout << "
    This is display_time2 function
        char stTmp[32];
        ctime_s(stTmp, 32, tim);
        std::cout << "2. It is now " << stTmp;
        std::cout << "
    ===================display_time2 end===================
    /************************************** goto jumper  *********************************/
    //goto test
    void Goto_study() {
        std::cout << "
    This is Goto_study() function
        for (int dept = 1; dept < 10; dept++) {
            std::cout << "Department " << dept << std::endl;
            int empl;
            do {
                std::cout << "Enter Empl # "
                    "(0 to quit, 99 for next dept)";
                std::cin >> empl;
                if (empl == 0)
                    goto done;
                if (empl != 99) {
                    std::cout << "Dept: " << dept << ", "
                        << "Empl: " << empl << std::endl;
            } while (empl != 99);
            std::cout << "Entry complete" << std::endl;
        std::cout << "
    ===================Goto_study() end===================
    /******************************* key words **************************************/
    //C++ key words
    //asm                do                inline                short                typeid
    //auto                double            int                    signed                typename
    //bool                dynamic_cast    long                sizeof                union
    //break                else            mutable                static                unsigned
    //case                enum            namespace            static_cast            using
    //catch                explicit        new                    struct                virtual
    //char                extern            operator            weitch                void
    //class                false            private                template            volatile
    //const                float            protected            this                wchar_t
    //const_cast        for                public                throw                while
    //continue            friend            register            true
    //default            goto            reinterpret_cast    try
    //delete            if                return                typedef
    //C++ international key words
    //and                bitor            or                    xor_e
    //and_eq            compl            or_eq                not_eq
    //bitand            not                xor
    View Code


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    Volume 1. Big Number(uva)
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/smart-zihan/p/11180678.html
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