• Oracle常用SQL语句

    desc wx_monitor_excption;
    select * from wx_monitor_excption;
    select id "id1" from wx_monitor_excption;
    select sysdate from dual;
    select id,remark from wx_monitor_excption where remark is null;
    select id,plate_number,nvl(remark,'null') from wx_monitor_excption;
    select id||openid from wx_monitor_excption;
    select id||'nimei' from wx_monitor_excption;
    select distinct plate_number from wx_monitor_excption;
    --12.条件 between and (包含800和1500) 'or' and 'and'
    select * from wx_monitor_excption where (create_time between '26-12月-14' and '30-12月-14') or exception_category='堵车上报';
    select * from wx_monitor_excption where create_time>='26-12月-14' and create_time<='30-12月-14';
    --15. 模糊查询 %零个或多个,下横线_代表一个
    select * from wx_monitor_excption where position like '%上海%';
    --17.排序 order by 默认升序asc
    select * from wx_monitor_excption order by create_time asc;
    --18.函数 转化为小写lower()
    select lower(openid) from wx_monitor_excption;
    --19.函数 截子串substr(ename,2,3) 从字符串ename中第2个开始截,一个截3个字符
    select substr(openid,6,4) from wx_monitor_excption;
    --20.函数 把数字转化为相应的字母,相反 ascii('A')
    select chr(77) from dual;
    --21.函数 四舍五入
    select round(23.77) from dual;
    select round(23.456,2) from dual;
    select round(23.456,-1) from dual;
    --22.函数 把数字或字母或日期转化为特定的格式 to_char(sal,'$99,999.9999'), $换成L,显示¥
    select to_char(create_time,'yyyy-MM-dd hh24:mm:ss') from wx_monitor_excption;
    select * from wx_monitor_picstatus;
    select to_char(len,'$99,999.99') from wx_monitor_picstatus;
    select to_char(len,'$00,000.00') from wx_monitor_picstatus;
    --23.函数 把特定的字符转化为日期 to_date('', '')
    select to_char(sysdate,'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') from dual;
    --24.函数 把特定的字符转化为数字 to_number('$1,250.00', '$9,999.99')
    select * from wx_monitor_picstatus where len>to_number('2','99');
    --27.组函数 求出总共多少条数据 count(*),count(ename), 凡是不是空值的字段一共有几个
    select count(*) from wx_monitor_picstatus;
    --28.函数 分组查询 group by
    select openid,count(openid) from wx_monitor_excption group by openid;
    --45.创建视图 create view v$name as 重复使用的语句. 视图就是一个子查询,就是一张表
    create view nimei as select * from wx_monitor_excption where plate_number='沪A12312';
    insert into wx_monitor_excption(id,openid,carline,plate_number,phone_number) values('123','324','45','554','4545'); 
    select * from wx_monitor_excption where id='123';
    create table tab1 as select * from wx_monitor_excption;
    delete from tab1;
    select * from tabl;
    drop table TAB1;
    --48.伪字段 rownum 默认从第一行往后排列序号1,2,3等,必须< = 号;
    select * from wx_monitor_excption where rownum<10;
    --54.约束 自定义名字 非空约束
    create table TAB1(id number(5),name varchar(50) not null);
    select * from tab1;
    desc tab1;
    insert into tab1 values(123,'wooooo','1515');
    alter table tab1 drop(create_time);
    alter table tab1 add(create_time varchar2(50));
    alter table tab1 modify(create_time varchar(10));
    --64.索引 index
    create index syname on wx_monitor_excption(plate_number,openid);
    desc wx_monitor_excption;
    drop index syname;
    --66.序列 oracle独特的 自动递增
    create sequence sename;
    drop sequence sename;
    select sename.nextval from dual;
  • 相关阅读:
    java 读取excel 将数据插入到数据库
    java 读取excel 正常 xls
    java 读取excel(Map结构)xls
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/slu182/p/4251978.html
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