• 员工信息表 实现增删改查操作



      select name,age from staff_table where age > 22
      select * from staff_table where dept = "IT"
      select * from staff_table where enroll_date like "2013%%"

    update staff_table set dept="Market"  where dept = "IT"

    1. 支持至少三种方法的select查询,并在最后显示查询到的条数。
    2. 创建新员工记录,以phone为唯一键,staff_id自增
    3. 输入员工id可删除指定员工信息记录
    4. 可以使用update命令修改指定员工信息。
      1 from sqlalchemy import create_engine
      2 from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
      3 from sqlalchemy import Column,Integer,CHAR,VARCHAR,DATE
      4 from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker
      6 #建立链接
      7 engine = create_engine("mysql+pymysql://root:761379545@", max_overflow=5)
      8 Session = sessionmaker(bind=engine)
      9 session = Session()
     10 Base = declarative_base()
     11 class Emp(Base):
     12     __tablename__ = 'staff_table'
     13     id = Column(Integer,primary_key=True,autoincrement=True)
     14     name = Column(VARCHAR(20),nullable=False)
     15     age = Column(Integer,nullable=True)
     16     phone = Column(CHAR(11),unique=True)
     17     dept = Column(VARCHAR(255))
     18     enroll_date = Column(CHAR(20))
     19 # #创建表格
     20 # Base.metadata.create_all(engine)
     22 def search_user():
     23     msg ='''
     24 可进行模糊查询,语法至少支持下面3种:
     25   select name,age from staff_table where age > 22
     26   select * from staff_table where dept = "IT"
     27   select * from staff_table where enroll_date like('2013%%')
     28     '''
     29     while 1:
     30         print(msg)
     31         cmd = input('请输入要进行操作的语句【返回B】:
     32         if not cmd:continue
     33         if cmd.lower() == 'b':
     34             break
     35         try:
     36             data = engine.execute(cmd)
     37             res= data.fetchall()
     38             if not res:
     39                 print('没有满足条件的员工!')
     40             else:
     41                 for row in res:
     42                     print(row)
     43         except Exception:
     44             print('请输入正确的查询语句!')
     45             continue
     47 def add_user():
     48     '''
     49     新增员工信息
     50     '''
     51     while 1:
     52         user_name = input('请输入员工名【返回B】:').strip()
     53         if user_name.lower() == 'b':
     54             break
     55         user_age = input('请输入年龄:').strip()
     56         user_age_int = int(user_age)
     57         user_phone = input('请写入手机号:').strip()
     58         user_dept = input('所属部门').strip()
     59         user_enroll_date = input('入职年月日【年-月-日】:').strip()
     60         try:
     61             session.add(Emp(name=user_name,age=user_age_int,phone=user_phone,dept=user_dept,enroll_date=user_enroll_date))
     62             session.commit()
     63             print('员工添加成功!')
     64         except Exception:
     65             print('员工添加失败!')
     66             continue
     68 def modify_user():
     69     msg = '''
     70 可修改员工信息,语法如下:
     71   update staff_table set dept="Market"  where dept = "IT"
     72     '''
     73     while 1:
     74         print(msg)
     75         cmd = input('请输入要进行操作的语句【返回B】:
     76         if not cmd: continue
     77         if cmd.lower() == 'b':
     78             break
     79         try:
     80             engine.execute(cmd)
     81             print('修改成功!')
     82         except Exception:
     83             print('请输入正确的查询语句!')
     84             continue
     86 def delete_user():
     87     '''
     88     删除员工信息
     89     '''
     90     while 1:
     91         del_id = input('请输入您要删除的员工ID【返回B】:').strip()
     92         if not del_id:continue
     93         if del_id.lower() == 'b':
     94             break
     95         if del_id.isdigit():
     96             del_id_int = int(del_id)
     97             try:
     98                 session.query(Emp).filter(Emp.id==del_id_int).delete()
     99                 session.commit()
    100                 print('删除成功!')
    101             except Exception:
    102                 print('删除失败!')
    103                 continue
    105 #主程序
    106 if __name__ == '__main__':
    107     print('欢迎进入员工信息操作界面!'.center(23,'*'))
    108     while 1:
    109         choice = input('请输入想要进行的操作代码:'
    110                        '
    111                        '
    112                        '
    113                        '
    114                        '
    115                        '
    116         if choice == '1':
    117             search_user()
    118         elif choice == '2':
    119             add_user()
    120         elif choice == '3':
    121             modify_user()
    122         elif choice == '4':
    123             delete_user()
    124         elif choice.lower() == 'q':
    125             print('退出成功,感谢您的使用!'.center(22,'*'))
    126             break
    127         else:
    128             print('您的操作有误,请重新选择!')
      1 import os
      2 def inquiry_system():
      3     welcome ='''
      4     -----------员工信息查询系统------------
      5     操作说明:
      6             增加ADD:1
      7             删除DELETE:2
      8             修改CHANGE:3
      9             查询SEARCH:4
     10             退出QUIT:5
     11     ---------------------------------------
     12     '''
     13     print(welcome)
     15 def add():
     16     # 添加语法: name,age,phone,dept,enroll-date
     17     add_staff =input('请输入要添加的员工信息:(添加格式: name,age,phone,dept(大写),enroll-date)
     18     list_data =add_staff.split(',')
     19     list_all =[]
     20     f = open('staff_table.txt','r+',encoding='utf8')
     21     for line in f:
     22         list_all.append(line.strip().split(',')[3])
     23     if list_data[2] in list_all:
     24         print('用户已存在!')
     25         f.close()
     26     else:
     27         for line in f:
     28             f.write(line)
     29         staff_id = str(len(list_all) + 1)
     30         list_data.insert(0, str(staff_id))
     31         f.write('
     32         f.write(','.join(list_data))
     33         f.close()
     34         print('添加成功')
     36 def delete():
     37     del_staff_id =input('请输入要删除的员工ID:')
     38     f = open('staff_table.txt','r',encoding='utf8')
     39     f1 = open('new_staff_table.txt','w',encoding='utf8')
     40     for line in f:
     41         each_line = line.split(',')
     42         if int(each_line[0]) != int(del_staff_id):
     43             f1.write(line)
     44         #若想实现删除后员工ID顺序排列使用下三行代码!
     45         # elif int(each_line[0]) > int(del_staff_id):
     46         #     each_line[0] =str(int(each_line[0])-1)
     47         #     f1.write(','.join(each_line))
     48         else:
     49             continue
     50     f.close()
     51     f1.close()
     52     os.remove('staff_table.txt') #删除指定目录
     53     os.rename('new_staff_table.txt', 'staff_table.txt') #重命名
     55 def change():
     56     # 修改请输入(注意空格和没有引号):UPDATE staff_table SET dept = IT where dept = MARKET
     57     data = input("请输入您要修改的信息:(修改格式:UPDATE staff_table SET dept = IT where dept = MARKET)
     58     old = data.split(' ')[5]
     59     new = data.split(' ')[9]
     60     f = open('staff_table.txt', 'r', encoding='utf-8')
     61     f1 = open('new_staff_table.txt', 'w', encoding="utf-8")
     62     for line in f:
     63         if old in line:
     64             line = line.replace(old, new)
     65         f1.write(line)
     66     f.close()
     67     f1.close()
     68     os.remove('staff_table.txt')
     69     os.rename('new_staff_table.txt', 'staff_table.txt')
     70     print('修改成功')
     72 def search():
     73     formation='''
     74     查询方式1:(按年龄查询)select * from staff_table where age >= 22
     75     查询方式2:(按职业查询)select * from staff_table where dept = "IT"
     76     查询方式3:(按年份查询)select * from staff_table where enroll_date like "2013"
     77     '''
     78     print(formation)
     80     while True:
     81         search_way = input('请输入您的查询方式(退出Q):')
     82         res = []
     83         count = 0
     84         if search_way.lower() =='q':
     85             exit()
     86         if search_way =='1':
     87             age_search = input('请输入要查询的最小年龄:')
     88             with open('staff_table.txt','r',encoding='utf8') as f:
     89                 for line in f:
     90                     each_line =line.split(',')
     91                     if int(each_line[2]) >=int(age_search):
     92                         res.append(line)
     93                         count += 1
     94             print("查询的结果为:")
     95             for per in res:
     96                 print(per)
     97             print('共有%s个员工满足查询信息条件!'%count)
     98             break
     99         if search_way =='2':
    100             dept_search = input('请输入要查询的职业:')
    101             with open('staff_table.txt', 'r', encoding='utf8') as f:
    102                 for line in f:
    103                     each_line = line.split(',')
    104                     res.append(each_line)
    105                 result =filter(lambda l:l[4]==dept_search.upper(),res)
    106                 for i in result:
    107                     count+=1
    108                     print(i)
    109                 print('共有%s个员工满足查询信息条件!'%count)
    110                 break
    111         if search_way =='3':
    112             enroll_date = input('请输入要查询的年份:')
    113             with open('staff_table.txt', 'r', encoding='utf8') as f:
    114                 for line in f:
    115                     each_line = line.split(',')
    116                     res.append(each_line)
    117                 result = filter(lambda l:enroll_date in l[5],res)
    118                 for i in result:
    119                     count += 1
    120                     print(i)
    121                 print('共有%s个员工满足查询信息条件!' %count)
    122                 break
    123         else:
    124             print('请重新输入!')
    126 my_choice = {
    127     '1':add,
    128     '2':delete,
    129     '3':change,
    130     '4':search,
    131     '5':'quit'
    132 }
    133 while True:
    134     inquiry_system()
    135     choice = input('请输入操作序号:')
    136     if choice not in my_choice:
    137         print("输入错误,请重新输入!")
    138         continue
    139     if int(choice) == 5:
    140         exit()
    141     else:
    142         my_choice[choice]()
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/sl-swift/p/7822493.html
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