• [CodeForces-585F]Digits of Number Pi



      1 #pragma GCC optimize("O3") 
      2 #include<queue>
      3 #include<cstdio>
      4 #include<vector>
      5 #include<cstring>
      6 const int mod=1e9+7;
      7 const int N=1001,D=51;
      8 char s[N],l[D],r[D];
      9 int n,d;
     10 class AhoCorasickAutomaton {
     11     private:
     12         static const int SIGMA_SIZE=10;
     13         struct Node {
     14             Node *ch[SIGMA_SIZE],*fail;
     15             bool isEnd;
     16             int id;
     17             Node(const int i) {
     18                 memset(ch,0,sizeof ch);
     19                 fail=NULL;
     20                 isEnd=false;
     21                 id=i;
     22             }
     23         };
     24         Node *root;
     25         std::vector<Node*> v; 
     26         int idx(const char ch) {
     27             return ch-'0';
     28         }
     29         int f[4][N*D>>1],g[4][N*D>>1];
     30         //第一维表示与l和r的关系
     31     public:
     32         AhoCorasickAutomaton() {
     33             root=new Node(v.size());
     34             v.push_back(root);
     35         }
     36         void insert(char s[],const int len) {
     37             Node *p=root;
     38             for(int i=0;i<len;i++) {
     39                 const int w=idx(s[i]);
     40                 if(!p->ch[w]) {
     41                     p->ch[w]=new Node(v.size());
     42                     v.push_back(p->ch[w]);
     43                 }
     44                 p=p->ch[w];
     45             }
     46             p->isEnd=true;
     47         }
     48         void getFail() {
     49             std::queue<Node*> q;
     50             root->fail=root;
     51             for(int i=0;i<SIGMA_SIZE;i++) {
     52                 if(root->ch[i]) {
     53                     root->ch[i]->fail=root;
     54                     q.push(root->ch[i]);
     55                 } else {
     56                     root->ch[i]=root;
     57                 }
     58             }
     59             while(!q.empty()) {
     60                 Node *p=q.front();
     61                 q.pop();
     62                 for(int i=0;i<SIGMA_SIZE;i++) {
     63                     if(p->ch[i]) {
     64                         p->ch[i]->fail=p->fail->ch[i];
     65                         q.push(p->ch[i]);
     66                     } else {
     67                         p->ch[i]=p->fail->ch[i];
     68                     }
     69                 }
     70             }
     71             Node *end=new Node(v.size());
     72             for(unsigned i=0;i<v.size();i++) {
     73                 Node *p=v[i];
     74                 for(int i=0;i<SIGMA_SIZE;i++) {
     75                     if(p->ch[i]->isEnd) {
     76                         p->ch[i]=end;
     77                     }
     78                 }
     79             }
     80             for(int i=0;i<SIGMA_SIZE;i++) {
     81                 end->ch[i]=end;
     82             }
     83             v.push_back(end);
     84         }
     85         int dp() {
     86             g[0][0]=1;
     87             int to[10];
     88             for(int i=0;i<d;i++) {
     89                 for(int i=0;i<4;i++) {
     90                     for(unsigned j=0;j<v.size();j++) {
     91                         f[i][j]=0;
     92                     }
     93                 }
     94                 for(int j=0;j<4;j++) {
     95                     int st=(j&1)?0:idx(l[i]),en=(j>1)?9:idx(r[i]);//确定当前数位数字的上下界 
     96                     for(int i=st;i<=en;i++) to[i]=0b11;//默认是在l和r之间 
     97                     if(~j&1) to[st]&=0b10;//如果比l小 
     98                     if(j<2) to[en]&=0b01;//如果比r大
     99                     //用&是因为有可能st=en 
    100                     for(unsigned k=0;k<v.size();k++) {
    101                         if(!g[j][k]) continue;
    102                         for(int o=st;o<=en;o++) {//在当前数位的范围寻找子结点 
    103                             (f[to[o]][v[k]->ch[o]->id]+=g[j][k])%=mod;
    104                         }
    105                     }
    106                 }
    107                 std::swap(f,g);
    108             }
    109             int ret=0;
    110             for(int i=0;i<4;i++) {
    111                 ret=(ret+g[i][v.size()-1])%mod;
    112             }
    113             return ret;
    114         }
    115 };
    116 AhoCorasickAutomaton acam;
    117 int main() {
    118     scanf("%s%s%s",s,l,r);
    119     n=strlen(s),d=strlen(l);
    120     for(int i=0;i<=n-d/2;i++) {
    121         acam.insert(&s[i],d/2);
    122     }
    123     acam.getFail();
    124     printf("%d
    125     return 0;
    126 }
  • 相关阅读:
    204. Count Primes (Integer)
    203. Remove Linked List Elements (List)
    202. Happy Number (INT)
    201. Bitwise AND of Numbers Range (Bit)
    200. Number of Islands (Graph)
    199. Binary Tree Right Side View (Tree, Stack)
    198. House Robber(Array; DP)
    191. Number of 1 Bits (Int; Bit)
    190. Reverse Bits (Int; Bit)
    189. Rotate Array(Array)
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/skylee03/p/7550291.html
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