• Bash Scripting Best Practices


    Bash Scripting - Best Practices

    September 4, 2011

    A list of best practices for writing bash scripts:

    Use a portable shebangPermalink

    In computing, a shebang is the character sequence consisting of the characters number sign and exclamation mark (#!) at the beginning of a script. (source wikipedia)


    #!/usr/bin/env bash

    instead of


    bash can have various locations Eg.: /sbin/bash , /usr/local/bin/bash/usr/bin/bash

    Note: This is not only to be applied to bash, but to other shells or scripting languages.

    Perform “Sanity Checks”Permalink

    Sanity checks are run-time tests that protect the script from running in unsuitable environments .

    Before running the actual code of your script, do some checks to assure that nothing unexpected will happen .

    Don’t forget to include meaningful error messages if one of the sanity checks fails.

    Examples of common checks performed in bash scripts:

    Test if the script is being run by the correct userPermalink

    #!/usr/bin/env bash
    # Sanity Check: Test if the script runs as root
    if [ "$(whoami)" != root ] ; then
        echo -e "\nPlease run this script as root!\n" >&2
        exit 1
    echo -e "\nYou are root!"

    Test if you have read / write access in certain locationsPermalink

    #!/usr/bin/env bash
    #!/usr/bin/env bash
    #Global declaration area
    declare -r T_PATH1="/etc/passwd"
    #Sanity check: Test if /etc/passwd file exists and has read access .
    if [ ! -r "$T_PATH1" ] ; then
        echo -e "$T_PATH1 is not accesible!"  >&2
        exit 1
        echo -e "$T_PATH1 is accesible!"
        exit 0
    # ...

    Test if everything needed is in $PATHPermalink

    If you are planning to use a “non-standard command”, don’t forget to test its existence first (in this way you can safely rely on it):

    #!/usr/bin/env bash
    #Global declaration area
    declare -r T_CMDS="xmlstarlet wget curl someprogram"
    #Sanity check: Test if commands are in $PATH
    for t_cmd in $T_CMDS
        type -P $t_cmd >> /dev/null && : || {
            echo -e "$t_cmd not found in PATH ." >&2
            exit 1
    #Do something with xmlstarlet, wget, curl and "someprogram"
    # ...
    # ...

    Clean up after yourselfPermalink

    It’s a very common for bash scripts to write data in temporary files . Sometimes those temporary files can become rather large (or numerous).

    #!/usr/bin/env bash
    #Global declaration area
    declare -r T_FILE1="/tmp/bigfile"
    # Sanity Checks
    # (perform sanity checks)
    #Cleanup mechanism
    function clean_up {
        rm -rf $T_FILE1
    #Will trigger clean_up on EXIT or when receiving SIGQUIT, SIGKILL or SIGTERM
    #Create temporary files (This file will be deleted by the cleaning function
    #when the script finishes or receives a "killing signal")
    echo -e "Big Data" > $T_FILE1

    By using trap we will be able to trigger our cleanup function when certain conditions are met .

    Make good use of stdout and stderr .Permalink

    It’s always a sign of good taste, to echo informational messages to stdout and errors to stderr .

    #!/usr/bin/env bash
    echo -e "INFO: Life's godd ." >&1
    echo -e "ERROR: Life's too short ." >&2

    Use "$var" (double quotes) when working with file variables .Permalink

    In bash file names are dangerous strings that contain all kinds of “dangerous characters” like spaces, newlines or tabs .


    Let’s create a file called: “a file with spaces”:

     $ touch "a file with spaces"

    Now let’s keep this filename in a bash variable called $var1:

    $ var1="a file with spaces"

    If we use the variable name without quotes, and we try to test the file existence, we will encounter errors:

    $ [ -e $var1 ]
    > bash: [: too many arguments

    So the right approach to avoid these kind of issues if tho use the double quotes:

    $ [ -e "$var1" ]

    Updated: September 4, 2011

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