• ORA-4025错误

    $ oerr ora 4025
    04025, 00000, "maximum allowed library object lock allocated for %s%s%s%s%s"
    // *Cause: Too many active locks for the object has been allocated. This error
    //         can be a result of too many cursors kept open per session.
    // *Action: Close cursors, reduce session_cached_cursors value.

    根据上面的描述,我们知道ORA-4025错误,通常可能由于打开的游标太多,导致某个库缓存对象上,加载的active locks 太多,因为library object lock的分配数量达到了上限时发生错误。 
    一般可以通过关闭游标或者 减少session_cached_cursors的值缓解这个问题。

    1.open_cursors 指一个session最多打开的游标数。用一下sql来确定这个值的大小

    SQL> select max(count(*)) max_cacheable_cursors
    from (select p.kglobt18 schema# -- parsing schema number
    from sys.x$kglcursor p
    where p.kglobt12 > 2 -- enough parse_calls
    union all
    select s.kglntsnm schema# -- authorized schema number
    from sys.x$kglcursor c, sys.x$kglsn s
    where c.kglobt12 > 2
    and s.kglhdadr = c.kglhdadr)
    group by schema#;



    session_cached_cursors:SESSION_CACHED_CURSORS, 就是说的是一个session可以缓存多少个cursor,让后续相同的SQL语句不再打开游标,从而避免软解析的过程来提高性能。(绑定变量是解决硬解 析的问题),软解析同硬解析一样,比较消耗资源.所以这个参数非常重要。在Oracle10.版本中默认为20。


    SQL> Select 'session_cached_cursors' Parameter,
        Lpad(Value, 5) Value,
        Decode(Value, 0, ' n/a', To_Char(100 * Used / Value, '990') || '%') Usage
    From (Select Max(s.Value) Used
          From V$statname n, V$sesstat s
         Where n.Name = 'session cursor cache count'
          And s.Statistic# = n.Statistic#),
        (Select Value From V$parameter Where Name = 'session_cached_cursors')
    Union All
    Select 'open_cursors',
        Lpad(Value, 5),
        To_Char(100 * Used / Value, '990') || '%'
    From (Select Max(Sum(s.Value)) Used
          From V$statname n, V$sesstat s
         Where n.Name In
            ('opened cursors current', 'session cursor cache count')
          And s.Statistic# = n.Statistic#
         Group By s.Sid),
        (Select Value From V$parameter Where Name = 'open_cursors'); 
    PARAMETER              VALUE                USAGE
    ---------------------- -------------------- -----
    session_cached_cursors    50                 100%
    open_cursors            5000                 100%

    3.查看hit cache的次数

    SQL> select name,value as "hit" from v$sysstat where name='session cursor cache hits';
    NAME                                                                    hit
    ---------------------------------------------------------------- ----------
    session cursor cache hits                                            596295


    SQL> select name,value from v$sysstat where name='parse count (total)';
    NAME                                                                  VALUE
    ---------------------------------------------------------------- ----------
    parse count (total)                                                  612690

    5.如果这两个值越接近,那就越好,因为每次parse的时候都是从cache 中hit的,所以就省去了cpu的parse的时间如果前者的值比后者的值小的多,内存够大,就可以考虑增加session_cached_cursors的值了


    SQL> show parameter cursors;
    NAME                                 TYPE        VALUE
    ------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------
    open_cursors                         integer     5000
    session_cached_cursors               integer     50

    6.由于是初始化参数所以得加上scope=spfile修改如下,注意:session_cached_cursors < open_cursors

    SQL> alter system set open_cursors=10000 scope=both;
    System altered.
    SQL> alter system set session_cached_cursors=1400 scope=spfile;
    System altered.


    SQL> show parameter cursors;
    NAME                                 TYPE        VALUE
    ------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------
    open_cursors                         integer     10000
    session_cached_cursors               integer     50

    8.oracle scope=both和scope=spfile区别;Oracle spfile就是动态参数文件,里面设置了Oracle 的各种参数。所谓的动态,就是说你可以在不关闭数据库的情况下,更改数据库参数,记录在spfile里面。更改参数的时候,有4种scope选项,scope就是范围。scope=spfile 仅仅更改spfile里面的记载,不更改内存,也就是不立即生效,而是等下次数据库启动生效。有一些参数只允许用这种方法更改,scope=memory 仅仅更改内存,不改spfile。也就是下次启动就失效了scope=both 内存和spfile都更改,不指定scope参数,等同于scope=both


    SQL> shutdown immediate;
    Database closed.
    Database dismounted.
    ORACLE instance shut down.


    SQL> startup;
    ORA-32004: obsolete or deprecated parameter(s) specified for RDBMS instance
    ORACLE instance started.
    Total System Global Area 1.2827E+10 bytes
    Fixed Size                  2265224 bytes
    Variable Size            2382368632 bytes
    Database Buffers         1.0402E+10 bytes
    Redo Buffers               40861696 bytes
    Database mounted.
    Database opened.


    SQL> show parameter cursors;
    NAME                                 TYPE        VALUE
    ------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------
    open_cursors                         integer     10000
    session_cached_cursors               integer     1400
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/sily-boy/p/14041309.html
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