• 关于存储过程设置默认值

    如果要在程序中调用存储过程而又没法给参数传值的话,而sqlserver 存储过程参数没有设置默认值的话,则会抛出异常,可以采用给sqlserver 存储过程设置默认值,如果程序没传入参数值,则使用默认缺省值,这样就不会抛出异常了
    3. GO 
    4. ALTER PROC [dbo].[P_Message_user_view] 
    5. --exec P_Message_user_view120904 '20111001','20121002','',null,null,-1,null,12,1,null 
    6. @i_begintime VARCHAR(100) =null , 
    7. @i_endtime VARCHAR(100) =null , 
    8. @i_title VARCHAR(100) =null, 
    9. @i_mtid INT =null,--类型id 
    10. @i_levelid INT =null, --等级id 
    11. @i_depid INT =null, 
    12. @i_userid INT =null, 
    13. @i_pagecount INT =null, 
    14. @i_currentpage INT =null ,     //这些
    15. @i_messageid INT = NULL, 
    16. @i_isclient int = NULL 
    17. AS 
    18. BEGIN 
    19. IF @i_userid IS NULL 
    20. BEGIN 
    21. SET @i_userid=10089 
    22. END 
    23. IF @i_pagecount IS NULL 
    24. BEGIN 
    25. SET @i_pagecount=10000 
    26. END 
    27. IF @i_currentpage IS NULL 
    28. BEGIN 
    29. SET @i_currentpage=10000 
    30. END 
    31. IF @i_begintime IS NULL 
    32. BEGIN 
    33. SET @i_begintime='19000101' 
    34. END 
    35. IF @i_endtime IS NULL 
    36. BEGIN 
    37. SET @i_endtime='20200101' 
    38. END 
    39. IF @i_title IS NULL 
    40. BEGIN 
    41. SET @i_title='' 
    42. END 
    43. DECLARE @v_beginmtid INT,@v_endmtid INT ,@v_begindepid INT ,@v_enddepid INT ,@v_beginlevelid INT, @v_endlevelid INT 
    44. IF @i_mtid IS NULL 
    45. BEGIN 
    46. SET @v_beginmtid=0 
    47. SET @v_endmtid=10000 
    48. END 
    49. ELSE 
    50. BEGIN 
    51. SELECT @v_beginmtid=@i_mtid,@v_endmtid=@i_mtid+1 
    52. END 
    53. IF @i_levelid IS NULL 
    54. BEGIN 
    55. SET @v_beginlevelid=0 
    56. SET @v_endlevelid=10000 
    57. END 
    58. ELSE 
    59. BEGIN 
    60. SELECT @v_beginlevelid=@i_levelid,@v_endlevelid=@i_levelid+1 
    61. END 
    62. CREATE table #dep (depid INT) 
    63. DECLARE @v_sqlstr VARCHAR(8000),@v_sqlstrx VARCHAR(8000),@v_ishot VARCHAR(100) 
    64. set @v_ishot='' 
    65. IF @i_depid IS NULL 
    66. BEGIN 
    67. INSERT INTO #dep 
    68. SELECT id FROM Department d WHERE d.DeletedFlag=0 
    69. END 
    70. IF @i_depid=0 
    71. BEGIN 
    72. INSERT INTO #dep 
    73. SELECT id FROM Department d WHERE d.DeletedFlag=0 
    74. END 
    75. IF @i_depid=-1 
    76. BEGIN 
    77. INSERT INTO #dep 
    78. SELECT id FROM Department d WHERE d.DeletedFlag=0 
    79. SET @v_ishot=' and M.ishot=1' 
    80. END 
    81. IF @i_depid>0 
    82. BEGIN 
    83. DECLARE @v_depcode VARCHAR(100) 
    84. SELECT @v_depcode=depcode 
    85. FROM Department d WHERE id=@i_depid 
    86. INSERT INTO #dep 
    87. SELECT id 
    88. FROM Department
    89. WHERE LEFT(d.depcode,LEN(@v_depcode))=@v_depcode 
    90. END 
    91. CREATE TABLE #count( COUNTs INT) 
    92. SELECT @v_sqlstr=' 
    93. insert into #count 
    94. select count(M.id) from ' 
    95. +tablename +' UT ,Message M,#dep dep 
    96. where UT.userid=' 
    97. +convert(varchar(10),@i_USERID) 
    98. +' 
    99. and UT.messageid=M.id 
    100. and M.deletedflag=0 
    101. and UT.deletedflag=0 
    102. and m.departmentid=dep.depid' 
    103. +@v_ishot+' 
    104. and m.mtid>='+CONVERT(VARCHAR(100),@v_beginmtid)+' 
    105. and m.mtid<'+CONVERT(VARCHAR(100),@v_endmtid)+' 
    106. and m.levelid>='+CONVERT(VARCHAR(100),@v_beginlevelid)+' 
    107. and m.levelid<'+CONVERT(VARCHAR(100),@v_endlevelid)+' 
    108. and m.modifydate>='+''''+@i_begintime+''' 
    109. and m.modifydate<'+''''+@i_endtime+''' 
    110. and m.title like ''%'+@i_title+'%'' 
    111. ',@v_sqlstrx=' 
    112. insert into #showall 
    113. (messageID,MTID,Title,isAttachment,DepartmentID,LevelID,IsRead,ModifyDate,IsHot) 
    114. select top '+CONVERT(varchar(100),@i_pagecount*@i_currentpage)+' 
    115. M.ID,M.MTID,M.Title,M.isAttachment,M.DepartmentID,M.LevelID,UT.IsRead,M.ModifyDate,M.IsHot 
    116. from ' 
    117. +tablename +' UT ,Message M,#dep dep 
    118. where UT.userid=' 
    119. +convert(varchar(10),@i_USERID) 
    120. +' 
    121. and UT.messageid=M.id 
    122. and M.deletedflag=0 
    123. and UT.deletedflag=0' 
    124. +@v_ishot+' 
    125. and m.departmentid=dep.depid 
    126. and m.mtid>='+CONVERT(VARCHAR(100),@v_beginmtid)+' 
    127. and m.mtid<'+CONVERT(VARCHAR(100),@v_endmtid)+' 
    128. and m.levelid>='+CONVERT(VARCHAR(100),@v_beginlevelid)+' 
    129. and m.levelid<'+CONVERT(VARCHAR(100),@v_endlevelid)+' 
    130. and m.modifydate>='+''''+@i_begintime+''' 
    131. and m.modifydate<'+''''+@i_endtime+''' 
    132. and m.title like ''%'+@i_title+'%'''+ 
    133. ' ORDER BY M.ModifyDate DESC 
    134. ' 
    136. --print @v_sqlstr 
    137. --print @v_sqlstr 
    138. EXEC (@v_sqlstr) 
    139. --SELECT * FROM #count 
    140. CREATE TABLE #showall 
    141. ( 
    142. ids INT IDENTITY, 
    143. messageID INT,-- 
    144. MTID INT,-- 
    145. Title VARCHAR(1000), 
    146. isAttachment INT, 
    147. DepartmentID INT, 
    148. LevelID INT, 
    149. IsRead INT, 
    150. ModifyDate DATETIME, 
    151. IsHot int 
    152. ) 
    153. --print @v_sqlstrx 
    154. EXEC (@v_sqlstrx) 
    155. -- SELECT * FROM #showall 
    156. IF @i_messageid IS NULL 
    157. BEGIN 
    158. IF @i_isclient IS NOT NULL 
    159. BEGIN 
    160. SELECT distinct ISNULL(@i_depid,0) AS rootdeptid,c.counts as msgcount, 
    161. --a.ids, 
    162. a.messageID as messageid,a.MTID as mtid, 
    163. CASE WHEN m.needprove = '1' THEN '证' end 
    164. a.Title as title, 
    165. a.isAttachment as isattachment,a.DepartmentID as deptid, 
    166. a.LevelID as levelid,a.IsRead as isread, 
    167. a.ModifyDate as modifydate,a.IsHot as ishot,m.needprove 
    168. FROM #showall a,#count c ,dbo.Message
    169. WHERE m.ID = a.messageID AND a.ids>=(@i_currentpage-1)*@i_pagecount+1 
    170. AND a.ids< (@i_currentpage+1)*@i_pagecount 
    171. order by a.ModifyDate desc 
    172. END 
    173. ELSE 
    174. SELECT distinct ISNULL(@i_depid,0) AS rootdeptid,c.counts as msgcount, 
    175. --a.ids, 
    176. a.messageID as messageid,a.MTID as mtid,a.Title as title, 
    177. a.isAttachment as isattachment,a.DepartmentID as deptid, 
    178. a.LevelID as levelid,a.IsRead as isread, 
    179. a.ModifyDate as modifydate,a.IsHot as ishot,m.needprove 
    180. FROM #showall a,#count c ,dbo.Message
    181. WHERE m.ID = a.messageID AND a.ids>=(@i_currentpage-1)*@i_pagecount+1 
    182. AND a.ids< (@i_currentpage+1)*@i_pagecount 
    183. order by a.ModifyDate desc 
    184. END 
    185. END 
    186. ELSE 
    187. BEGIN 
    188. DECLARE @v_currentids INT,@v_prevmsgid INT,@v_nextmsgid INT 
    189. select @v_currentids=ids FROM #showall WHERE messageID=@i_messageid 
    190. SELECT @v_prevmsgid=messageid FROM #showall WHERE ids=@v_currentids-1 
    191. SELECT @v_nextmsgid=messageid FROM #showall WHERE ids=@v_currentids+1 
    192. SELECT distinct M.*,@v_prevmsgid AS prevmsgid, 
    193. @v_nextmsgid AS nextmsgid, 
    194. shall.IsRead as isread INTO #shw 
    195. FROM MESSAGE M,#showall shall 
    196. WHERE M.id=@i_messageid 
    197. AND m.ID=shall.messageID 
    198. IF EXISTS( SELECT 1 FROM #shw WHERE isread=0) 
    199. BEGIN 
    200. exec [P_Message_User_Update_for_view] @i_userid,@i_messageid 
    201. UPDATE [Message] 
    202. SET Hits =ISNULL(hits,0)+1 
    203. WHERE id=@i_messageid 
    204. END 
    205. SELECT * FROM #shw 
    206. END 
    207. END 
    208. GO 

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/signheart/p/6595433.html
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