• 科学计算和数据可视


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    - 科学计算的基本概念
    - numpy库的使用
    - matplotlib库的使用

    `import numpy as np`
    | 函数| 描述|
    | np.array([x,y,z],dtype=int) |从Python列表和元组创造数组 |
    | np.arange(x,y,i)| 创建一个从x到y,步长为 i 的数组|
    | np.linspace(x,y,n)|创建一个从x到y,等分成 n 个元素的数组 |
    |np.indices((m,n))|创建一个 m 行 n 列的矩阵|
    |np.random.rand(m,n)|创建一个 m 行 n 列的随机数组|
    |np.ones((m,n),dtype)|创建一个 m 行 n 列全为 1 的数组,dtype是数据类型|
    |np.empty((m,n),dtype)|创建一个 m 行 n 列全为0的数组,dtype是数据类型|


     1 #e17.1HandDrawPic.py
     2 from PIL import Image
     3 import numpy as np
     4 vec_el = np.pi/2.2 # 光源的俯视角度,弧度值
     5 vec_az = np.pi/4. # 光源的方位角度,弧度值
     6 depth = 10. # (0-100)
     7 im = Image.open('fcity.jpg').convert('L')
     8 a = np.asarray(im).astype('float')
     9 grad = np.gradient(a) #取图像灰度的梯度值
    10 grad_x, grad_y = grad #分别取横纵图像梯度值
    11 grad_x = grad_x*depth/100.
    12 grad_y = grad_y*depth/100.
    13 dx = np.cos(vec_el)*np.cos(vec_az) #光源对x 轴的影响
    14 dy = np.cos(vec_el)*np.sin(vec_az) #光源对y 轴的影响
    15 dz = np.sin(vec_el) #光源对z 轴的影响
    16 A = np.sqrt(grad_x**2 + grad_y**2 + 1.)
    17 uni_x = grad_x/A
    18 uni_y = grad_y/A
    19 uni_z = 1./A
    20 a2 = 255*(dx*uni_x + dy*uni_y + dz*uni_z) #光源归一化
    21 a2 = a2.clip(0,255)
    22 im2 = Image.fromarray(a2.astype('uint8')) #重构图像
    23 im2.save('fcityHandDraw.jpg')



    1 import numpy as np  
    2 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    3 x = np.linspace(0, 6, 100)
    4 y = np.cos(2 * np.pi * x) * np.exp(-x)+0.8
    5 plt.plot(x, y, 'k', color='r', linewidth=3, linestyle="-")
    6 plt.show()


     1 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
     2 import matplotlib
     3 matplotlib.rcParams['font.family']='SimHei'
     4 matplotlib.rcParams['font.sans-serif'] = ['SimHei']
     5 plt.plot([1,2,4], [1,2,3])
     6 plt.title("坐标系标题")
     7 plt.xlabel('时间 (s)')
     8 plt.ylabel('范围 (m)')
     9 plt.xticks([1,2,3,4,5],[r'$pi/3$', r'$2pi/3$', r'$pi$',
    10                    r'$4pi/3$', r'$5pi/3$'])
    11 plt.show()


     1 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
     2 import numpy as np
     3 x = np.linspace(0, 10, 1000)
     4 y = np.cos(2*np.pi*x) * np.exp(-x)+0.8
     5 plt.plot(x,y,'k',color='r',label="$exp-decay$",linewidth=3)
     6 plt.axis([0,6,0,1.8])
     7 ix = (x>0.8) & (x<3)
     8 plt.fill_between(x, y ,0, where = ix, 
     9                          facecolor='grey', alpha=0.25)
    10 plt.text(0.5*(0.8+3), 0.2, r"$int_a^b f(x)mathrm{d}x$",
    11                 horizontalalignment='center')
    12 plt.legend()
    13 plt.show()


     1 ##e18.1PlotDamping.py
     2 import numpy as np
     3 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
     4 import matplotlib
     5 matplotlib.rcParams['font.family']='SimHei'
     6 matplotlib.rcParams['font.sans-serif'] = ['SimHei']
     7 def Draw(pcolor, nt_point, nt_text, nt_size):
     8     plt.plot(x, y, 'k', label="$exp_decay$", color=pcolor, linewidth=3, linestyle="-")
     9     plt.plot(x, z, "b--", label="$cos(x^2)$", linewidth=1)
    10     plt.xlabel('时间(s)')
    11     plt.ylabel('幅度(mV)')
    12     plt.title("阻尼衰减曲线绘制")
    13     plt.annotate('$cos(2 pi t) exp(-t)$', xy=nt_point, xytext=nt_text, fontsize=nt_size,
    14                arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle='->', connectionstyle="arc3,rad=.1"))
    15 def Shadow(a, b):
    16     ix = (x>a) & (x<b)
    17     plt.fill_between(x,y,0,where=ix,facecolor='grey', alpha=0.25)
    18     plt.text(0.5 * (a + b), 0.2, "$int_a^b f(x)mathrm{d}x$", 
    19              horizontalalignment='center')
    20 def XY_Axis(x_start, x_end, y_start, y_end):
    21     plt.xlim(x_start, x_end)
    22     plt.ylim(y_start, y_end)
    23     plt.xticks([np.pi/3, 2 * np.pi/3, 1 * np.pi, 4 * np.pi/3, 5 * np.pi/3], 
    24                ['$pi/3$', '$2pi/3$', '$pi$', '$4pi/3$', '$5pi/3$'])
    25 x = np.linspace(0.0, 6.0, 100)
    26 y = np.cos(2 * np.pi * x) * np.exp(-x)+0.8
    27 z = 0.5 * np.cos(x ** 2)+0.8
    28 note_point,note_text,note_size = (1, np.cos(2 * np.pi) * np.exp(-1)+0.8),(1, 1.4), 14
    29 fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 6), facecolor="white")
    30 plt.subplot(111)
    31 Draw("red", note_point, note_text, note_size)
    32 XY_Axis(0, 5, 0, 1.8)
    33 Shadow(0.8, 3)
    34 plt.legend()
    35 plt.savefig('sample.JPG')
    36 plt.show()


     1 #e19.1DrawRadar
     2 import numpy as np
     3 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
     4 import matplotlib
     5 matplotlib.rcParams['font.family']='SimHei'
     6 matplotlib.rcParams['font.sans-serif'] = ['SimHei']
     7 labels = np.array(['综合', 'KDA', '发育', '推进', '生存','输出'])
     8 nAttr = 6
     9 data = np.array([7, 5, 6, 9, 8, 7]) #数据值
    10 angles = np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, nAttr, endpoint=False)
    11 data = np.concatenate((data, [data[0]]))
    12 angles = np.concatenate((angles, [angles[0]]))
    13 fig = plt.figure(facecolor="white")
    14 plt.subplot(111, polar=True)
    15 plt.plot(angles,data,'bo-',color ='g',linewidth=2)
    16 plt.fill(angles,data,facecolor='g',alpha=0.25)
    17 plt.thetagrids(angles*180/np.pi, labels)
    18 plt.figtext(0.52, 0.95, 'DOTA能力值雷达图', ha='center')
    19 plt.grid(True)
    20 plt.show()


     1 #HollandRadarDraw.py
     2 from numpy import array,shape,arange
     3 import numpy as np
     4 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
     5 import matplotlib
     6 matplotlib.rcParams['font.family']='SimHei'
     7 radar_labels = np.array(['研究型(I)','艺术型(A)','社会型(S)',
     8                          '企业型(E)','常规型(C)','现实型(R)']) #雷达标签
     9 nAttr = 6
    10 data = np.array([[0.40, 0.32, 0.35, 0.30, 0.30, 0.88],
    11                  [0.85, 0.35, 0.30, 0.40, 0.40, 0.30],
    12                  [0.43, 0.89, 0.30, 0.28, 0.22, 0.30],
    13                  [0.30, 0.25, 0.48, 0.85, 0.45, 0.40],
    14                  [0.20, 0.38, 0.87, 0.45, 0.32, 0.28],
    15                  [0.34, 0.31, 0.38, 0.40, 0.92, 0.28]]) #数据值
    16 data_labels = ('艺术家', '实验员', '工程师', '推销员', '社会工作者','记事员')
    17 angles = np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, nAttr, endpoint=False)
    18 data = np.concatenate((data, [data[0]]))
    19 angles = np.concatenate((angles, [angles[0]]))
    20 fig = plt.figure(facecolor="white")
    21 plt.subplot(111, polar=True)
    22 plt.plot(angles,data,'o-', linewidth=1, alpha=0.2)
    23 plt.fill(angles,data, alpha=0.25)
    24 plt.thetagrids(angles*180/np.pi, radar_labels)
    25 plt.figtext(0.52, 0.95, '霍兰德人格分析', ha='center', size=20)
    26 legend = plt.legend(data_labels, loc=(0.94, 0.80), labelspacing=0.1)
    27 plt.setp(legend.get_texts(), fontsize='large')
    28 plt.grid(True)
    29 plt.savefig('holland_radar.jpg')


     1 #e17.1HandDrawPic.py
     2 from PIL import Image
     3 import numpy as np
     4 vec_el = np.pi/2.2 # 光源的俯视角度,弧度值
     5 vec_az = np.pi/4. # 光源的方位角度,弧度值
     6 depth = 10. # (0-100)
     7 im = Image.open('D:\360安全浏览器下载xiaomanyao.jpg').convert('L')
     8 a = np.asarray(im).astype('float')
     9 grad = np.gradient(a) #取图像灰度的梯度值
    10 grad_x, grad_y = grad #分别取横纵图像梯度值
    11 grad_x = grad_x*depth/100.
    12 grad_y = grad_y*depth/100.
    13 dx = np.cos(vec_el)*np.cos(vec_az) #光源对x 轴的影响
    14 dy = np.cos(vec_el)*np.sin(vec_az) #光源对y 轴的影响
    15 dz = np.sin(vec_el) #光源对z 轴的影响
    16 A = np.sqrt(grad_x**2 + grad_y**2 + 1.)
    17 uni_x = grad_x/A
    18 uni_y = grad_y/A
    19 uni_z = 1./A
    20 a2 = 255*(dx*uni_x + dy*uni_y + dz*uni_z) #光源归一化
    21 a2 = a2.clip(0,255)
    22 im2 = Image.fromarray(a2.astype('uint8')) #重构图像
    23 im2.save('D:\360安全浏览器下载xaiomanyaoHandDraw.jpg')


     1 import numpy as np
     2 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
     3 import matplotlib
     4 matplotlib.rcParams['font.family']='SimHei'
     5 matplotlib.rcParams['font.sans-serif'] = ['SimHei']
     6 labels = np.array(['第一次', '第二次', '第三次', '第四次', '第五次'])
     7 nAttr = 5
     8 data = np.array([20,15,17,18,10]) #数据值
     9 angles = np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, nAttr, endpoint=False)
    10 data = np.concatenate((data, [data[0]]))
    11 angles = np.concatenate((angles, [angles[0]]))
    12 fig = plt.figure(facecolor="white")
    13 plt.subplot(111, polar=True)
    14 plt.plot(angles,data,'bo-',color ='g',linewidth=2)
    15 plt.fill(angles,data,facecolor='g',alpha=0.25)
    16 plt.thetagrids(angles*180/np.pi, labels)
    17 plt.figtext(0.52, 0.95, '舒新城的博客测试分析', ha='center')
    18 plt.grid(True)
    19 plt.show()



    1 import numpy as py 
    2 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    3 i=np.linspace(0,2*np.pi,100)
    4 x=a*np.sin(i)
    5 y=b*np.cos(i)
    6 plt.plot(x,y,'k',color='r',linewidth='10',linestyle="-")
    7 plt.show()


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