• (转) 使用vivado创建工程 4[完结]


    Connecting to ZedBoard

    Before we can run the application we have to connect to our ZedBoard. Here is a list of things to do:

    1. Connect the power cable to the ZedBoard
    2. Connect two micro-USB cables between the host computer and the ZedBoard connectors J17 (JTAG) and J14 (UART)
    3. Set jumpers to Cascaded JTAG Mode MIO[6:2] = GND
    4. Power on the ZedBoard
    5. Install JTAG cable drivers
    6. Setup a terminal emulator

    ZedBoard USB ports

    Programming port (JTAG)



    UART port



    ZedBoard jumpers



    ZedBoard connected



    USB plug and play

    We all know that connecting an USB device to our computer is "plug and play". When inserting a memory flash card it just pops up on our computer screen. Connecting a Xilinx development board is not always plug and play. Especially not if we are using Ubuntu Linux. Since I started playing with Xilinx boards I have had a hard time to get the USB functionality to work, both the JTAG programming and connecting a terminal through the UART USB port. Has anything changed with the new Vivado software? Let's power on the ZedBoard and find out.

    USB ports in Mac OS X

    After powering on the ZedBoard we should see the two USB ports called something like this:

    • Digilent USB Device (JTAG port)
    • 2012 Cypress Semiconductor Cypress-USB2UART (UART port)

    The system report shows us the following information about the connected USB ports.


    Enable USB ports in VirtualBox

    To enable the two USB ports in VirtualBox select Settings


    and then Ports and USB.



    Click the + button and add the two ports. If you don't see both ports try to unplug and plug in the USB cables with the ZedBoard still powered on. Now we can return to Ubuntu Linux.


    Using lsusb

    The Linux command lsusb will tell us which USB ports are available.

    Device 005 (USB to UART) and 006 (USB to JTAG) are the two USB ports we are using.


    Install Digilent Adept JTAG drivers

    Xilinx uses software from Digilent to configure Xilinx logic devices, initialize scan chains, program FPGAs, CLPDs and PROM. We will go to the Digilent web page and download all software from there. I know that some of this software is hidden somewhere in the SDK installation (/opt/Xilinx/SDK/2013.4/data/xicom/cable_drivers) but I prefer to do this installation from scratch and try to understand what is going on.

    Digilent Adept

    We will install the following 64bit applications:

    Adept 2.15.3 Runtime, X64 Linux

    Adept 2.1.1 Utilities, X64 Linux

    Digilent Plugins for Xilinx Tools

    We will install the following 64bit application:

    Digilent Plug-in, 64bit Linux


    The following files have been downloaded.


    After unzipping and unpacking the file structure looks like this.



    Installing Digilent Adept software

    To install the Digilent Adept software we will run the three install scripts and copy the plugins to the SDK installation directory.

    cd $HOME/Downloads/digilent.adept_runtime_2.15.3-x86_64

    sudo sh ./install.sh

    cd ftdi.drivers_1.0.4-x86_64

    sudo sh ./install.sh

    cd $HOME/Downloads/digilent.adept_utilities_2.1.1-x86_64

    sudo sh ./install.sh

    Let the installer put everything in default locations.

    When using the latest version of Digilent Adept the following files have been downloaded.

    Use the following commands to install the deb files:

    -> sudo dpkg -i digilent.adept_runtime_2.16.1-2_amd64.deb

    -> sudo dpkg -i digilent.adept_utilities_2.2.1-amd64.deb


    Copy Digilent plugins

    We will copy the plugins to the directory:



    When using Vivado 2015.1 the plugin files will be placed here.

    Here is the answer from Xilinx forum. I don't know if this is the right place. You can try both solutions.
     Put them in the following location: "<Xilinx_vivado_installed_directory>/Xilinx/Vivado/<version>/data/xicom/vcse_plugins/lnx64.g/Digilent/libCseDigilent" folder 

    The rules file 52-digilent-usb.rules has been installed in the directory /etc/udev/rules.d

    Finish the installation

    Before we can use the Digilent cable drivers we have to reboot Ubuntu Linux or run this command to initialize the new udev rules file:

    sudo udevadm control --reload-rules

    Digilent JTAG Config Utility program

    Included in the Digilent Adept installation is a command-line program called "djtgcfg" (who came up with this name). We can use this program to test if the JTAG connection to the ZedBoard works.

    Use this command to discover and list the board connected:

    djtgcfg enum

    Congratulations! We have established a connection with our ZedBoard.


    It wasn't exactly "plug and play". Without a working connection between our computer and the development board, Xilinx software and hardware is useless. Installing the JTAG cable drivers is a major stumbling block for many Linux users. I think it is high time to make it 100% "plug and play", once and forever.

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/shuqingstudy/p/7449132.html
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